Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 753

"Jielina said she would come to the city of bright moon next month?" During the dinner, Locke was surprised.

"Well, she told me through the crystal ball today." Ashar nodded.

Locke\'s Knight Medal also has communication function, but the communication time and distance are far inferior to the magicians\' crystal ball.

With the distance between the cybernetic Empire where jelina is located and the city of the moon, even the crystal ball is determined not to maintain such a long-distance communication. Since she can communicate with Ashar, it shows that jelina has at least reached the territory of the abbalut empire.

"She has also come to the abbalut Empire?" Locke asked. If you remember correctly, Jenna\'s assignment as a teaching assistant is not over.

"Well, she said she came with the big army of Yunluo Santa tower." Ashar nodded.

At present, there is a cloud of war in the country of abbalut.

Even the city of the moon, the city of mages, can not avoid being affected by it.

The advance troops of the magic Empire left the wizard plane in the Space Fortress more than a year ago, and it is said that the cross plane space transmission array was built two months ago.

Now, the specific situation of the front-line war has not been spread to the city of the moon.

During this period, Locke once ran to Huiyue college to find Nina to inquire about the situation. I don\'t know whether Nina received a password or really didn\'t know the situation. Locke gained very little.

Jekolo, the two forces of the United Kingdom calling on the holy tower, located in Morton the great, realized the expected second echelon combat force. If nothing unexpected, they were put into the heterotopic battlefield three months later.

At that time, the Knights and magicians who have fought in the Saiya star domain for less than half a year must have a firm foothold.

The main task of the second echelon combat forces is to supplement the front-line forces, increase the chips for the victory of the abbalut Empire, and attack fortified positions and the enemy, which is not their main goal.

Therefore, compared with the people and horses invested in the first echelon, the casualties will be much smaller.

"Master, do we want to participate in this ectopic war?" Locke couldn\'t help asking again.

He asked the purpose of this sentence, 70% of which was forced by Nina.

In the city of the moon, Locke and Ashar were taken care of by Nina. During this period, when Locke went to the moon college, Nina always turned the corner and wanted Locke to participate in the plane war.

Later, Locke learned that Nina was also required by the mandatory task of Huiyue Santa tower to plunder and invade this low-level plane.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the holy tower rarely forces magicians to participate in ectopic wars, especially magicians who are on mission. Although Nina is a fire element division, she is not good at fighting, which is no different from a research magician.

Even she was asked to go to the battlefield. I don\'t know whether it was because the Huiyue holy tower was short of people or because the front battlefield was extremely fierce and tense.

Not only to return Nina\'s favor, but also for his own experience, Locke was very excited to participate in the ectopic invasion war of the abbalut empire.

Now, in a few months, his blood crystal and soul crystal have been consumed. Without external stimulation, he has grown to the limit of his growth in peacetime.

Although he felt closer and closer to the level 3 sky knight, Locke knew that it was difficult to break through without a difficult war.

Wind attribute energy spar rock is not lacking. What he lacks now is to collide with the strong at the same level.

"Jielina listened to her. This time, along with the summoners of Yunluo Santa tower, we attack and invade this low plane. We can negotiate with her at that time." Ashar said that it also marked that Ashar agreed to the plane war trip.

Assar\'s nuclear explosion Nova has completed the final stage of debugging, and Locke\'s fighting strength has reached his current highest level. Even the parties are curious about what opportunities this ectopic war will bring to them.

A month later, Locke and Ashar went out to meet jelina in the city of bright moon.

With Ashar\'s dull character, she will greet others. It can only be said that Ashar is in a good mood in the city of bright moon.

Whether it is the large amount of knowledge reserve obtained from the Olympic Mathematics light in the library of Huiyue college, or several experimental difficulties that she has overcome in succession, assar feels that her harvest in Huiyue city in more than one year has almost caught up with that in the previous ten years.

"Yo, this is not our handsome Locke! Cluck!" Far away, Locke heard Jenna\'s charming laughter full of mature charm.

This woman is hundreds of years old, and her speech is still so frivolous that the Knights and magicians outside the city of Huiyue can\'t help looking at her.

In addition, jelina\'s terrible bust and devil like figure have attracted the attention of many male animals outside the city.

Magicians and knights are also human beings. No matter how old they live and how much they experience, they can\'t hide their human nature. Appreciating beauty is a very edifying activity. Locke usually does this kind of thing.

Old Locke\'s face burned with jearina\'s teasing.

He\'s in his sixties. He\'s talking about handsome guys. Just because of jelina\'s character, he can make such jokes.

"Let\'s go. I\'m old. What\'s handsome?" Rock speechless make complaints about Tao.

Although his appearance is still 20 years old, the soul of this guy is already a 60 year old.

What makes Locke feel wonderful is that when jelina first said he was handsome, Locke turned into a blood vessel.

Locke can\'t imagine how a person with heavy taste will see his dignified face and say handsome after his transformation.

Like most knights, Locke is also dissatisfied with the appearance of his blood after transformation. In daily life, Locke can hardly open his transformation state.

What Locke didn\'t hear was that meimila, who also went out to meet her, whispered, "how do I think the master is very handsome."

"This is not meimila. Let me see if you grow up." As soon as the voice fell, jerina attacked meimila, who was hiding behind Locke.

Meimila screamed with fear.

Several people in the party were noisy and walked to the city of the moon.

"Eh? Locke, you have obtained the status of first-class arcane master." Jelina was surprised. She saw the arcane nameplate on Locke\'s chest.

"I also have two brushes, OK?" Locke gave a white look.

Jielina did not come to the city of the moon alone, but a large force of the summoner of Yunluo Santa tower.

The arrival of nearly 1000 summoners has made the small city of the moon city more heated and noisy.


As for the power level of Saiya star domain, in order to ensure the stability of the overall framework system of this novel, 90% of it is built by myself, so please don\'t substitute the animation background. Knight\'s journey book group: 678816703, welcome readers who like this book to join the group discussion.