Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 752

In fact, at this time α In addition to the 200000 Saiyan legions in the star domain, there are a considerable number of Saiyan legions guarding all regions in the star domain.

because α The barrenness of the planet and the environmental background of the nearby inanimate planet have made it impossible for the main Cylon of the Saia to patrol there.

And the main object of the Saiya people\'s guarding and prevention is α Nemex and crocodile phobia in the opposite star domain.

These two life planets, the namiks and amphibians, have restrained most of the energy of the Saia people in ten thousand years.

Facing the brutal rule and boundless power of the Saia people, the nemex people and the amphibians of crocodile phobia spontaneously organized an offensive and defensive alliance to jointly resist the invasion tide of the Saia people.

Now, in addition to the king of Saiya, the level 5 Saiya who ranks second in strength is on standby on the front against nemex and crocodile phobia.

It is not that the life planets near the Saiya region have formed an offensive and defensive alliance. The kazir star ravaged by Prince burta of the Saiya people is a lonely ghost.

Under the iron heel of the Saiya people, they are in danger and are on the verge of extinction.

Burta, the prince of the Saiyan people\'s Congress, was several times more cruel than his father. As the first battle after he was promoted to the fourth Saiyan, burta vowed to wash the kazir before launching the attack.

Such a bloody pre war declaration not only did not arouse the disgust of the common invading Saiyan legion, but stimulated the tyrannical genes in their blood. Today\'s kazir star may have become a human purgatory.

Not to mention what happened in Saiya, go back to the wizard world.

After silver dragon general Nelson successfully killed a level 4 Saiya, α The planet has completely served as a springboard for the advance of the abbalut empire.

This half plane with imperfect rules is constantly transmitting the strong soldiers of the abalute Empire to the Saiya region at a transmission frequency of 50000 people a day.

Before the Saia people react, α The planet has gathered a considerable number of powerful armies of the wizard world.

I\'m afraid we don\'t need the blood sacrifice of the slave biological legion of the advance force. Just transmitting the accumulated powerful cavalry and magician Legion at that time will be enough to meet the 200000 Saiyan Legion head-on.

In the palace of emperor abalute, Emperor Morton still played chess in the courtyard with cold heart volpoche.

Emperor Morton\'s chess style is fierce, while walborch shows a feminine turn. These two people play chess with opposite chess style. Under normal circumstances, they are bound to fight between dragons and tigers.

However, at this time, both parties did not devote themselves to the chess game.

"How\'s Nelson doing?" When he finished his work, Morton the great asked.

With a bland reply, volpoche replied, "the wound has been controlled and has not spread any more. However, general Nelson should not be able to cast spells normally within half a year due to the problems caused by the mental power counteraction."

Ignoring the chess game on the table, Emperor Morton sighed and said, "I really underestimate the race of Saiya. I didn\'t expect that Nelson would be seriously injured in the case of comprehensive siege."

"The level 4 Saiya does have his way. I have observed the replay of general Nelson\'s battle with him. After the super transformation that inspired the blood of Saiya, it should be difficult to have an enemy among the same level." Volpoche replied.

Luckily I was there α The planet is dominated by level 5 elemental master Nelson. If you just rely on the two level 4 knights and magicians of Dale and Leicester, you can subdue the level 4 Saiya, but it\'s not so easy to kill him.

If it\'s not good, the level 4 Saiya people will finally break out of the layers of siege of knights and magicians.

To say that Nelson was seriously injured, he asked for it. A magician has nothing to compete with a warrior Saiya.

I haven\'t seen the Panamanian master of the three western islands. People never compete with the strong at the same level. They always go to fight together with several level 4 Knight partners.

That\'s how the clown emperor died.

Here we have to emphasize the strong fighting talent of the Saiya people. Obviously, their life level is a whole level weaker than Nelson, but they can seriously injure him in desperate circumstances, resulting in the temporary loss of a strong general by the advance force of the magic empire.

Before the battle started, a level-5 magician took the lead in seriously injuring himself. The news was tightly sealed within a certain range and did not spread out.

If it is said that among the three generals of the Empire, the strongest Silver Dragon general is still seriously injured, I am afraid it will have a great impact on the Imperial Army and momentum.

"This time the Empire sent millions of troops and countless slave biological legions. For the attack on the plane of Saiya, you can only win, not lose!" Emperor Morton knocked heavily on the chess board.

The city of the moon, in the courtyard where Locke and Ashar live.

Meimila is still wearing her soon to be scrapped armor and is practicing with three low-level grey dwarfs.

It has reached the peak of low-level attendants and has been trained under this high-intensity battle every day. The power of the three low-level grey dwarfs is not enough to pose a threat to meimila.

The fight of "Pingling Pinglang" continues. Meimila is not in a hurry to kill the three grey dwarfs, but explores and hones her fighting skills in the battle, which is also the special ability Locke hopes she can master most.

Meimila\'s talent for foresight makes her often get the first chance when fighting against others. When she doesn\'t understand meimila\'s talent at the same level, she will suffer a big loss if she doesn\'t pay attention.

To deepen her fighting skills is to give meimila a greater advantage when fighting against others.

Beside meimila fighting with three low-level grey dwarves, Xiao Qi stood quietly with meimila\'s scabbard.

His eyes were dull and dull, like the living dead, as if the three who fought with meimila in the field were not his relatives.

Twenty minutes later, the sword light flashed, and three blood stains appeared on the ground of the courtyard. At this time, when meimila fought with Asian slaves, there was little chaos with her intestines and internal organs scattered all over the ground.

Almost every time, there will not be too much dirt on the ground, which also reduces a lot of difficulty for Xiaoqi\'s cleaning work.

"Xiao Qi, clean the ground!" The long sword returned to its scabbard, and meimila, dressed in full armor, walked to the bedroom. She needed to change her equipment and then cook for the master and Ashar.

"Ho, Ho" answered twice, and Xiao Qi said he knew.
