Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 749

Level 4 Saiya people are the realm that can be reached only by truly understanding the power contained in the blood of Saiya people.

Throughout the ages, there are only a handful of Saiya people above level 4 born on Saiya planet. Each of them is a strong person who stands out from the countless prestige of Saiya people at the bottom and the fear of garbage aborigines on foreign planets.

If you want to understand the power of the Saiyan blood, you must go through endless fighting and training.

Almost every birth of a fourth level Saiyan marks the sacrifice of the blood of millions of exotic creatures.

In addition to the way of understanding the power of Saiya\'s blood through combat, it is said that Saiya with royal blood can more easily understand the true meaning of Saiya\'s blood.

Moreover, Saiya scientists have also found through research that Saiya who do have royal blood have higher potential and better response ability.

Basically, Saiya people with royal blood, even if they have a mediocre life, can at least mix up to the level of ordinary senior Saiya people.

Therefore, nearly 80% of the more than ten Saiya people above level 4 in the Saiya star domain belong to the royal family or have some royal blood.

Baluta, a level-4 Saiya stationed on biological planet 7, is an exception. He has no royal blood. He can promote level-4 Saiya and understand the blood power of Saiya completely by his own fist and foot.

It may also be because he did not have royal blood, he was excluded to biological planet 7, the lowest livable planet farthest from Saiya.

Taking the individual spaceship invented by the Saiyan scientists, baluta arrived with only his own team of senior Saiyan Pro guards α Extraterrestrial.

In the hundreds of thousands of years around their own star regions, the Saiya people have gained great prestige. Under the boundless power of the Saiya people, all other creatures in the surrounding star regions tremble and pray that they will not become the next target of the Saiya people.

There are no fools who come to trouble the Saia.

If it were not for his low birth, which led to baluta\'s cautious character beyond the general level 4 Saiya, he would not even carry this team of senior Saiya.

The saiyas with infinite potential and terrorist combat effectiveness, their biggest enemy is not the exotic creatures hiding in the dark and trying to attack them, but themselves.

"One day, the greed, arrogance and tyranny of the Saia people will pull them into an endless abyss!" This is the last sentence left by the hedney sacrifice of a race called hedney before being exterminated by the Saia.

Today\'s hedeni is the fifth livable planet under the rule of the Saiya region. Among the four Saiya who led the Saiya invasion army to destroy the hedeni, baluta participated.

The high priest hedney was also the last blow caused by Baruta and personally dug out his heart.

According to the words of high priest hedney, baluta would despise it in the past, but somehow, distance α The closer the planet was, the more irritable Baruta felt, and he couldn\'t help thinking of the words of high priest hedney before he died.

"What is the reason for this α The planet lost contact with the Saiya domain? " Look out of the spaceship, earthy yellow α The mineral planet is getting closer and closer, Baruta couldn\'t help whispering.

Although he looks big and thick, he is actually a strong man who can restrain his violent temper.

α There is no difference between the mineral planet and the past. From outside the planet, Baruta can see the sweeping across the world all year round with the eyesight of his fourth level Saiya people α Dust storms on the planet.

Under this degree of sand storm, even the Isaiah\'s ability to adapt to the environment, it is difficult for the lower level Isaiah to live daily in it.

So, α Planets are labeled mineral planets, not habitable planets.

"Lord baluta, do you want to move on?" Inside the spaceship, a senior Saiyan inquired.

"Keep moving!" There was no hesitation, Baruta said in a deep voice.

This is an order from the king of the Saiyan people. Even if he feels a trace of abnormality, he should harden his head and explore. The majesty of the king of the Saiyan people is inviolable!

In entry α At the moment of the planet\'s atmosphere, baluta\'s hair exploded. The level 4 Saiya people\'s prediction of danger had long been tested by time and countless battles. In less than a second, baluta turned into a remnant shadow and quickly separated from the spaceship.

And the moment baluta left the spaceship.

"Boom!" A huge explosion occurred at the location of the spaceship.

Fragmented, the new individual spaceship developed by Saiyan scientists turned into a burning skeleton falling from the sky.

Baluta, a level 4 Saiya who inspires all his strength, is shining with golden energy. This is the power that can be mastered only by understanding the true meaning of the fighting blood of Saiya.

In the face of unknown attacks, baluta did not hold up, and opened his heyday at the first time.

"Ah ah, it\'s really interesting. It can escape my lightning ball." The smoke gradually dispersed, and the scene changed around baluta, the fourth level Saia.

Just outside the atmosphere, it was clearly an uninhabited scene of sandstorm, but at this time, around baluta, there were a large number of troops filled with strong malice.

"Damn, how did these scum hide here?" Baluta\'s voice gradually sank, and the number and intensity of the enemies around him were far beyond his ability to cope.

"It\'s the power of magic, humble indigenous creatures. It seems that you haven\'t developed a very strong element energy system." in front of tens of thousands of troops behind the smoke of gunpowder, there are three top strong people who are not much worse than baluta.

The mixed Legion composed of knights and magicians at or above the level of a few thousand is nothing. What suffocates baluta is the three powerful terrorists who lock the Lord in front of him.

Especially the strong man in the middle, baluta, clearly had not begun to fight with him, so he gave birth to a sense of weakness that was invincible, which was a sign given to him by the blood of Saiya.

However, when you are strong, you will be strong. This is a special talent of the Saiya family. In the case of one-on-one, baluta will not be afraid of war.

The combat effectiveness detector index in the left eye soared. In just a few seconds, the combat effectiveness index of the three people opposite appeared in front of baluta.

The combat effectiveness of the man in the middle has exceeded 100000 points, reaching an appalling 115322 points. This is the realm that can be reached only after second understanding the blood of the Saia people.

There are only four strong people in the whole Saia group, including the king of Saia, who understand the blood of Saia for the second time.