Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 748

If it hadn\'t been for the sincere advice from Lord may of the Empire, Emperor Morton would never have thought of calling on all spell casters and knights on the standard to participate in the invasion war.

Nor will they pull forces such as the United Kingdom of jekolo, the southern Erie Knights alliance, the commercial alliance kapech and the Oriental astrological land onto their chariots.

Lord Mei, whose full name is Mei weiruisi, is the only level 6 magician in the abbalut empire. It exists as an ancient ancestor of the Empire.

At ordinary times, Lord Mei is not concerned about the world, but focuses on studying magic at the top of water rhyme. He doesn\'t know what news he has received this time, so he will pay so much attention to the invasion of the abbalut empire.

For the instructions of Lord Mei, Emperor Morton obeyed 100%. The life of the level 6 strong man almost witnessed the strength of the magic empire from the beginning to the present.

The astrologers in the Oriental astrological land were also in place soon. Emperor Morton finally knew which astrological holy tower master had intervened in the situation and predicted the direction of the plane war.

Let the Oriental astrological place pay so much attention to it. It turns out that it is the level 5 astrologer who claims to have the most accurate prophecy ability, Lord Luo Bo.

The high level of astrologer does not mean that his prophecy is accurate.

Douglas, the strongest man in the existing standard, has the strength of level 6 astrologers, but he is not as famous as Lord rob in predicting the future.

It is said that Douglas once competed with Rob in astrology. After several games, he won less and lost more, which is one of the few stains in Douglas\'s life.

When it comes to rob and Douglas, I have to talk about Lord may, the sixth level strongman of the abbalut empire.

As far as Morton the great knows, it seems that Douglas and rob were competing for astrology in order to win a smile from the beauty.

This beauty is Mei weiruisi, the sixth level strong person in the magic empire.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, young Douglas, rob and may seemed to have had a dog blood and soul stirring love triangle.

Every great man is not as perfect as he shows.

For example, Douglas, who is the strongest in the standard, lobo, who is known to have the most accurate prediction ability, and may, the strongest of the abbalut empire.

Emperor Morton even felt that one of the most important factors for their abbalut Empire to maintain friendly relations with the city of the sky and the Oriental astrological land all year round was the kindness of Lord Mei.

Since the source of the prophecy came from the fifth level astrologer rob, Morton the great no longer doubted the hardships that the plane war might encounter.

However, he is not afraid of the failure of this level war. Judging from the strength of the magic Empire and the current performance of Saiya level, the victory finally belongs to them.

"Let klauer and Williams get ready. Once the cross plane transmission array is established, they will immediately launch the invasion of the Saiya star domain!" Ordered Morton the great.

"Yes!" Volpoche put away his crystal ball and replied respectfully.

Two months later, at the center of the Saia domain, this is the home planet of the Saia people, the Saia planet.

The area of Saiya planet is not large, which may be less than one tenth of the wizard world, but thanks to the strong breeding race of this plane, the quality of this low-level plane is quite high.

The gravity of Saiya planet is almost three times that of the wizard world. When ordinary people in the wizard world come here, I\'m afraid they can\'t even lift their waist under the action of gravity.

Saiya planet only breeds real soldiers. The survival of the fittest is the test experienced by every qualified Saiya soldier in adulthood.

For the Saia people who can live on the Saia planet, except for minor infants, the adult Saia people must have more than one level of low-level Saia people\'s strength. If they can\'t even reach the level of low-level Saia people, exile is the ultimate destination of these Saia people\'s scum.

The total population of Saiya planet has been maintained at about one million, that is, except for one fifth of infants, Saiya plane has 800000 first-class Saiya people.

With so many levels of biological base, it is no wonder that this low-level plane will give birth to so many strong people above level 4.

In the Saiya society, although the cruel law of survival of the fittest is maintained, it is a society of kingship.

The king of the Saiya people with the highest power is not only the spiritual belief of all the Saiya people, but also the strongest in the Saiya star domain, with five levels of peak strength.

Today, the king of the Saiyan people sat on his throne and listened to the report of a senior Saiyan below.

“ α Have you come up with the results of the mineral star survey? " Dressed in a red cloak, the king of Saia sat obliquely on the throne, crossed his legs and asked the trembling senior Saia below.

"Not yet. Three senior Saiyan teams have been sent into the investigation, but none of them have returned, and even the life information has disappeared." The senior Saiyan below replied.

"Huh?!" The king of the Saiya people\'s momentum changed, like the threat of the abyss like the sea. Under the suppression, the senior Saiya man with semi divine strength burst into a cold sweat.

The mood of those in power is always unpredictable. One second, it is like a lion out of its cage, and the next second, the sense of oppression of the king of Saiya is all taken back into his body.

The Hall fell into peace again.

Near the Saiya star domain, there are only a few planetary forces that dare to challenge the Saiya people. The king of Saiya smelled the smell of conspiracy.

Unfortunately, due to the slow development of science and technology, Saiyan scientists have not broken through the bottleneck of long-distance space transmission, so Rao is the capital of the king of Isaiah Tianzong, and it is unexpected that the wizard world far away from the stars has focused on them.

"Is it the green man of Namike or the amphibian of crocodile fear?" The king of the Saia knocked on the deputy of the throne and thought calmly.

After a while, the violent and fighting blood flowing from the blood stopped the king of the Saiyan people from thinking. No matter what the conspiracy was, it would disappear under the iron fist of the Saiyan people.

After receiving the combat effectiveness detector handed over by the senior Saiya nearby and wearing the left eye, the king of Saiya directly connected with the fourth level Saiya Baruta stationed on biological planet 7.

"Baruta, right? You go yourself α Go to the planet and send the scum that dares to violate the position of the Saia to me! " The words of the king of the Saia are cruel.

The combat effectiveness detector not only detects the enemy\'s combat effectiveness index, but also has the same communication function as the magicians\' crystal ball.

On the combat effectiveness detector in the left eye of the king of Saiya, a strong man with black hair nearly three meters tall appeared. He was baluta, a level 4 Saiya.

"Yes, my king." Baruta said in a deep voice.


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