Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 750

The combat effectiveness index of the man in the middle is 115322, which is beyond baluta\'s control, let alone two eyeing enemies around.

The alien creature wearing armor on the right has a combat effectiveness index of 35742. Although it is much stronger than baluta in normal form, baluta, who turns on the transformation of Saiya, is not afraid of this person.

The exotic creature in robe on the left has a combat effectiveness index of 32001. It is also a powerful one comparable to the one who master the true meaning of the blood of the Saia.

"Who are you and why did you attack me? Don\'t you know that this is the star domain ruled by the Saia people?" Although baluta was surrounded, he didn\'t lose at all in momentum.

The golden energy fluctuated enthusiastically on baluta\'s body surface. In the face of this near death scene of great power, baluta not only did not shrink back, but the Saiyan blood in his body was cheering and boiling.

This is the real fighting family. It is worthy of the blood of Saiya with the title of fighting blood!

Looking at baluta, a level-4 Saiya who was surrounded by tens of thousands of knights and magicians, but did not show any timidity, Nelson, known as the silver dragon General of the abbalut Empire, could not help but admire the opponent\'s courage.

"This is the super transformation that only level 4 Saiya people can understand. It\'s really extraordinary. The quality of this biological lineage is the only one I\'ve seen in my life." Without answering baluta\'s questions, silver dragon general Nelson looked at baluta in the flame of golden energy after his transformation and commented.

In essence, Nelson, the silver dragon general, is also a caster who explores the profound meaning of truth and magic knowledge. He has the inherent curiosity of Magicians for all new things.

Nelson couldn\'t help but want to defeat the class IV Saiya and study this strange race in the laboratory.

It must be that Baruta, who broke through the shackles of blood and became a level 4 Saiya, will surprise Nelson more than ordinary Saiya.

Now, in the flame of golden energy, baluta\'s combat effectiveness has not reached 25672 points, but reached 40021 points.

Almost doubled the combat effectiveness, which is the power given to him by the blood of the Saia.

Compared with before level 4, the blood of the Saiya people is the transformation of ordinary giant apes. This super transformation similar to transformation is the real power of the Saiya family to dominate the Saiya star domain.

Looking at baluta, the fourth level Saiya with high fighting spirit, and dale, the fourth level knight in front of the army of knights and magicians, took the lead and couldn\'t help but want to do it.

Knights are also a group of guys who like hot-blooded fighting. When they meet such a suitable opponent as baluta, why don\'t they excite level 4 Knight Dale.

However, just as Dale was ready to rush up and compete with the fourth level Saiyan warrior Baruta, Nelson stopped him.

"Dale, you deal with those little guys who are not dead. I am responsible for this level 4 Saiya." Nelson said in a deep voice.

Among the senior Saiyan soldiers who came with baluta on a single spaceship, some survived Nelson\'s lightning ball attack and were about to come to support baluta.

Those high-level Saiyan warriors are all elite trained by baluta to conquer exotic planets. Each is comparable to the top sky knights, and several of them have the biological energy level of demigods.

"Lester, just use your botanical magic to protect the army behind us. I thought there would be a Saiyan Legion coming. It seems that I was worried too much." Nelson then said to Lester, the fourth level botanical element teacher next to him.

The tens of thousands of troops behind him, in addition to the elite of the silver dragon corps, there are more than half of the elite in the remaining two space fortresses, which is a means arranged by Nelson to prevent the Saiyan army from coming to trouble.

When the trans plane space transmission array has not been built, he must ensure the smooth construction of the transmission array and create good conditions for the arrival of subsequent troops of the abbalut empire.

During this period, no mistakes can happen.

In the abbalut Empire, among the strong at the same level, it is not their strength that determines the dominant position, but their official position and status.

In addition to his status as a level 5 thunder attribute element division, Nelson is also the advance force commander personally appointed by Emperor Morton. Although dale is unwilling, he has to listen to Nelson\'s orders.

As a level 4 knight, he has to deal with some level 3 creatures. Dale is holding his breath.

The targets of his anger were those senior Saiyan soldiers who came from a distance and were confused about the arrival of unknown danger.

Lester had a much better temper than Dale\'s unconvinced. The fourth level element master of the plant Department didn\'t talk nonsense. He silently began to sing a spell and a green light shield appeared in front of the army of knights and magicians.

Help them block the vast majority of the aftermath of the havoc of the level four strong.

"Which planet are you from? Why haven\'t I heard of your race in the nearby star domain?" Glancing at Dale, he rushed towards his remaining part. Baluta wanted to stop it, but Nelson blocked baluta in all directions with his terrible mental power.

In baluta\'s vision, Nelson\'s combat effectiveness in front of him is still rising slowly. It seems that 115322 combat effectiveness is not Nelson\'s limit.

This time, baluta kicked the iron plate.

"Hum hum, we are invaders from the wizard plane, humble Saiya aborigines, you are about to have your own nightmare!" Nelson sneered that he finally began to pay attention to the aboriginal life born in this low-level plane.

"Intruder?" Baluta was stunned. Finally, he covered his abdomen and laughed endlessly.

"Hahaha, the scum of the garbage planet dare to hit the attention of our Saiya star domain. It is undeniable that you are very strong, but with such people as you, you want to destroy our Saiya family?" Baruta laughed, as if he had heard something incredible and stupid.

"Who says we only have this kind of people? It\'s just an advance force. I\'m afraid you can\'t understand the strength of our position with your low-level Aboriginal imagination, and you don\'t know the prestige of the magic Empire abbalut." Nelson Jie smiled.

The smile of level 4 Saiya warrior barut gradually converged. From Nelson\'s tone, barut heard that it was not exaggeration and pretending.

"If you dare to lead such a small number of subordinates to the half plane controlled by our sneak attack, I don\'t know whether you are arrogant or stupid." Nelson was extremely sarcastic and sarcastic.