Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 740

In the courtyard, three low-level attendants grey dwarfs surrounded meimila in a pin shape in the center, holding short swords. They obviously occupied the advantage in the number of people, but they kept shivering. The bright red blood flowed on the ground, both of them and meimila.

"Dang! Bang!" The sound of metal collision is often heard.

"Pay attention to the hem and don\'t be found by the enemy."

"Raise your feet! Raise your feet! Don\'t you find that the Asian attack is not in your thighs, but in your lower legs and feet."

"Right flash! What\'s the matter with you!"

"Don\'t worry about the wound on your left shoulder. If you don\'t solve the battle quickly, your lungs will be pierced!"


This is Locke\'s scene while training meimila to fight.

Locke, who has always pursued practical combat, also focuses on practical combat in teaching his disciples.

There was a small battle in three days and a big battle in five days. There were a lot of Asian slaves bought in lockeshura. He didn\'t want these low-level Asian people to waste their food, so he created such a life and death struggle for meimila.

In the battle, Locke would never take action unless meimila died.

In only two months, meimila\'s bones were broken and her lungs and chest were pierced many times. If there was not a ready-made secondary magician living at home and Locke\'s gentle fighting spirit supported her to recover, meimila would have fallen in the battle.

The heavy steel armor on his body was almost scrapped, and there were obvious wounds everywhere, including stabbing marks, chopping marks, and more tearing marks.

Although Asians also use weapons, their most powerful means is actually their double claws.

A low-level servant Asian can tear the steel plate when he breaks out with all his strength.

Meimila wants to defend against this level of attack. Her armor alone is not enough. She must also support the fighting spirit of eagles.

A bloodstain appeared on meimila\'s pretty face. It was the scar left by the grey dwarf on his left with his claw.

The blood with a strong fishy smell slipped from the pretty face and finally fell to the corners of meimila\'s mouth. A hint of sour hemp appeared in meimila\'s sensory system.

This is the dark attribute attack method understood by individual low-level attendants. It can attach dark energy with a certain element concentration to its claws, causing damage to the opponent and slight paralysis to the enemy at the same time.

"No, we must make a quick decision!" Under the armor, meimila\'s eyes gradually became dignified.

If she drags on like this, even if she can kill the three strong enemies in front of her, she will fall into a coma or even dying state because of multiple heavy wounds and dark energy corrosion effects on her body.

This is not the end that her master, Locke, who has been supervising the war nearby, wants to see.

Meimila didn\'t want to disappoint her master.

Holding the long sword in her hand more and more tightly, a wisp of Eagle fighting spirit was transferred to meimila\'s left arm, not only to alleviate the pain in her shoulder, but also to increase her strength. Meimila is left-handed.

Although the long sword in hand has become worn after countless battles, and many small cracks have even been generated on the sword, it is undeniable that the long sword is still sharp and still has the ability to cut the enemy\'s neck.

"Drink!" Under the armor, meimila yelled and mobilized the fighting spirit of the eagle. At the same time, she rushed to the gray dwarf on her right.

The most basic and significant feature of the wind attribute is speed.

It seems that meimila has realized the profound meaning of Knight fighting with wind attribute.

The grey dwarf on the right is the most seriously injured of the three grey dwarfs surrounding her. Almost the whole right arm has been removed by meimila. Now he just droops his left arm and holds a rusty dagger, trying to resist meimila\'s attack in fear.


Half an hour later, the battle was finally over.

The last and strongest grey dwarf\'s carotid artery was broken, and meimila fainted on the ground before she had time to examine her achievements.

At the moment before the coma, meimila felt a faint melancholy. Did she disappoint the master again.

Looking at the tragic outcome of the battle in the courtyard, Locke sighed and jumped to the center of the battlefield. First, he picked up meimila and sent her to the stone chair. A blue potion with strong vitality and vitality was fed down. The trauma on meimila slowly recovered under the action of the potion.

Close to meimila\'s chest, the gentle fighting spirit of wind attribute is transported by Locke through meimila\'s heart pulse. As the same energy of wind attribute, the fighting spirit of Locke\'s Knight is dozens of grades stronger than meimila.

Locke\'s fighting spirit is transported into meimila\'s body and flows all over her meridians. It can not only speed up meimila\'s body\'s absorption of medicine, but also take the opportunity to broaden meimila\'s meridians and benefit her infinitely.

Although Locke is very cold-blooded and makes meimila fight with low-level Asians every day, in fact, he still cares about his big apprentice.

Meimila, who was in a coma, felt that her body had gradually become warm. She had just spent her life in hell. Now she seemed to have come to heaven again. Under the action of her physical instinct, she couldn\'t help but utter a "cry".

From a girl\'s Jiao Wheezing, Rock\'s face was red. This year, the sixty year old man still did not change his nature. Fortunately, he had not shameless to the extent of his apprentice. Only in the dead of night, Rock could not help but miss the women who stayed in the western three islands.

Meimila\'s body is being repaired. After resting her on the stone chair, Locke began to clean up the mess in the courtyard.

Ashar is not obsessed with cleanliness, but she is also a female magician. She can\'t tolerate the smell of blood in her residence all the year round, let alone sometimes see some biological viscera and organs left in the garden.

After being reprimanded several times, Locke took on the role of cleaner at home.

Meimila is too tired after the battle, and she has to be responsible for the breakfast, lunch and dinner of three people, so Locke can\'t bother others about cleaning.

A second-class Knight even had to sweep the floor. If he was sent back to the pro Prince\'s house on the three western islands, the people of the gang would have to break their glasses.

"Eh? This guy is not dead yet!" Locke looked at the low-level grey dwarf lying on the ground with her carotid arteries broken by meimila.

Half of the rich plasma on the ground is contributed by the grey dwarf. It doesn\'t die. I\'m afraid it can\'t be attributed to the rough skin and thick flesh of the grey dwarf.

"It seems that he is also the little guy who understands the dark energy. Anyway, just save his life. There is a lack of floor sweeper at home." Looking at the grey dwarf slave with only one breath left, Locke murmured.