Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 741

The Asians Locke bought were all low-level grey dwarf slaves without any wisdom and almost like wild animals.

Being placed in the Shura field, these Asian people are like pigs waiting to be slaughtered and usher in their own destiny in a muddle.

If nothing happens, the grey dwarf named "little seven" will become the soul under the sword in meimila\'s daily training, but it may be a gift from the goddess of fate. The grey dwarf who was fatally attacked survived the end of being cut off from the carotid artery.

Its life is very hard, not only in physical strength, but also in luck.

It happened that I was in a good mood that day when I met Locke, so I spent some fighting spirit to pull the grey dwarf back from the gate of hell.

The name "little seven" was obtained by meimila. Its meaning is to record that before that, she had killed seven low-level attendant grey dwarfs.

"Xiao Qi, clean up the debris on the ground. I\'ll cook dinner for the master." As if nothing had happened, wipe the blood and brain of the grey dwarf on her arm. Meimila said to Xiao Qi standing aside like a servant.

Locke\'s training policy for meimila is a small training in three days and a big training in five days. Today is just an ordinary actual combat practice. The three grey dwarfs who fell in a pool of blood on the ground have only the strength of entry-level attendants on both sides. Although one has low-level attendants, it is also a poor thing among low-level attendants.

Meimila, who has survived so many battles, should not be too easy for her opponents at this level.

Humming a brisk tune, meimila hopped to cook for Locke and Ashar.

The girl has been tuned by Locke for more than half a year She has been completely immune to blood, corpses and other things. It\'s hard to imagine that a year ago, meimila was still the little girl who fainted directly after watching her father die.

For meimila, the Asian people who fought with her were not people at all, but animals such as pigs and dogs. Of course, this abnormal and cold-blooded cognition was taught to her by Locke, an unscrupulous master.

Not to mention, under this mentality, meimila\'s fear of battle and death has become much lighter.

The girl is moving from a clever little girl to a woman man.

I don\'t know whether Professor Locke led her to a road of no return.

For meimila\'s order, Xiao Qi\'s throat "Ho, Ho" rang twice, which means that he understood.

Little seven was a low-level grey dwarf slave whose carotid artery was broken by meimila. He was full of fear and obedience to meimila.

It may also be that the neck injury was too serious. Despite Locke\'s fighting treatment, Xiao Qi\'s vocal cords were destroyed forever.

Other voices are difficult to make. They can only make bursts of "Ho, Ho", which is almost as good as a mute.

The use of alchemy potion can certainly restore its vocal cords, but Locke is not interested in wasting a precious restoration potion for a low-level Asian slave.

Xiao Qi doesn\'t need to do anything else. It\'s his task to clean the yard every day and pick up the corpses and debris of his "kindred" killed by meimila.

The bloody scene on the ground didn\'t make Xiao Qi\'s expression change by half. He put the debris such as arm, thigh, liver and skull into the bag. It had to clean up the courtyard within an hour.

Because one hour later, it is the time for meimila to practice fighting Qi in the courtyard, and it is also the time for ASAR to take a walk and taste tea after dinner.

If there is anything unclean in the yard, it can\'t eat good fruit.

"The grey dwarf doesn\'t seem to be a low-level Asian. Did the high-level Asian slave trader put me in the wrong place? Got an intermediate Asian in?" Sitting cross legged on the roof, Locke thought to himself just after his cultivation.

Whether it is the tiny dark energy means mastered or the little wisdom shown in daily life, this grey dwarf named little seven by meimila is definitely not the level that low-level Asians can achieve.

"Forget it, no matter what level of grey dwarf it is, if it is done well, I don\'t mind making it the head of those Asian slaves in the Shura field." Locke sighed.

It was getting dark, and the smell of rice came from the house below. Locke was curious about what his apprentice meimila would do today to honor her master.

On the dinner table, he drank the ale handed by the good disciple. Locke breathed comfortably and turned to Ashar and said, "I\'ll go to Huiyue college tomorrow. Do you want to join me?"

Slowly swallow the food in her mouth. Ashar replied, "one of my experiments has reached a critical time. I won\'t go out these two days. When you come back from Huiyue college and pass by the alchemy store, buy me two radiation worms for my experiment."

Radiation worm is a rare creature that haunts the radiation stone vein all year round. It is not high-grade, but it is a very precious living material. It looks like a secondary energy essence.

"Oh, I see." Locke nodded.

The next day, at Huiyue college, Locke saw Nina again.

Speaking of it, Locke, ASAR and meimila have lived in Huiyue city for more than half a year, but Nina is the only one who can be called an acquaintance.

Nina said hello to the front desk, and Locke went straight to the library of Huiyue college.

In the days of living in the city of the moon, Locke once entered the library with his own arcane nameplate. In the incredible light of arcane, Locke really found a lot of knowledge suitable for the promotion of knights.

With the accumulation of more than 100000 years since the birth of arcane light, there are many talented and ambitious people who have the dual career of knight and magician.

What Locke wants to see is the precious books left by the arcane masters who also have extremely powerful Knight power.

Blood fusion is a method founded by an arcane magician with outstanding research results in blood gene. In addition to his status as a level 3 wizard, he is also a powerful heavenly knight.

"Blood fusion requires 500 arcane points. Your Arcane points are insufficient." A message of will came from the arcane light emitting strange blue brilliance.

He looked down at his own arcane teacher nameplate. There were only 379 arcane points left on it.

Locke\'s initial arcane score is 778 points. For half a year, Locke has consulted many documents in the light of arcane in Huiyue college, and has also obtained many useful points for him. However, his arcane score has been unconsciously consumed to only these points.