Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 739

739 negotiation

"That low-level plane is the most powerful low-level plane I have seen in my practice for thousands of years. If there is no strong person of level 6, I\'m afraid this plane can be rated as a medium-sized world." Cecilia said in a deep voice.

Her words shocked the other two level four strong men in the hall.

Although Cecilia, the demon general, is a female general, she is the best in terms of strength and style evaluation of the abalute empire. She will never make a conclusion.

By Cecilia\'s so respected description of this low-level plane, steel casting general Klaus and ice heart volpoche are more interested in this plane.

"Then, let me see what\'s strange about this Saiya plane." On the throne, Emperor Morton\'s happy and angry voice came.

"According to the instructions of the sent detection force and astrological tower, there are at least ten strong people above level 4 in this Saiya plane. The strongest one is the king of Saiya with special blood and is a level 5 peak life." Cecilia reports.

The detection force is an elite force specially trained and trained by the abalute Institute of the magic empire. The number is less than 100. The interior is full of strong people above level 2. The leader is two demigods who have long been famous in the abalute empire.

This army created indelible sweat and blood for the successful invasion and attack of the abbalut empire.

Their task is not to fight, but to detect the general strength of the enemy\'s opposition for the invading legion of the abbalut empire.

Without the suppression of the level-4 strong, although the detection force has average strength, it has a strong concealment. With the assistance of some imperial precious magic guides, it can even deceive the plane will for a period of time to go deep into the hostile plane and obtain intelligence.

As for the prediction of the astrological tower, it is to add a layer of double insurance to the plane invasion. Astrologers remove layers of fate fog and obtain a little prediction of the future, which will bring great convenience to the plane war and avoid some unacceptable heavy consequences.

Of course, this ability to predict the future is not reliable, and astrologers can only get a little hint of fate. If the strength of the divination object is too strong, astrologers will suffer from reverse bite.

This is the basic law across all planes, the way of balance.

However, whether it is the intelligence of the detection force or the hints given by the astrological tower, the information Cecilia gets cannot represent all of the plane of Cecilia.

Since this plane is so strong, there must be some hidden strength at the bottom that has not been revealed.

"Ten strong people above level 4? No wonder Cecilia would say that it is almost a medium-sized plane." The heart of cold ice said in surprise.

Volpoche of the heart of cold ice is not only the fourth level elemental division of the magic Empire abbalut and the owner of the cold ice holy tower, but also the chief staff of the Empire. For thousands of years, the shadow of the heart of cold ice has existed in dozens of foreign wars of the Empire.

"If there are only ten strong people above level 4, we don\'t have to worry. We don\'t have ten strong people of level 4 based on the details of the abbalut empire." Steel general crower said that crower, who is in charge of one-third of the military power of the magic Empire, knows how terrible the power his country has.

"I\'m afraid there are more than ten level 4 creatures, and the king of Saiya with level 5 peak level is not easy to deal with. Lord Mei may need to fight at that time." Volpoche said.

Cecilia\'s return did not stop. Next, she spent a whole afternoon telling the emperor of the abbalut Empire and two other colleagues in the hall about the information she had obtained.

The Saiya plane is not only a plane. The indigenous creatures of this plane call their own plane "Saiya planet". When their power develops to such a powerful Saiya planet, they also control seven "inferior planets" and more than 20 "mineral planets".

The "inferior planet" is the micro plane and low-level plane generally understood by wizards, and the "mineral planet" is the half plane that is difficult to breed life.

From this aspect alone, if the abbalut empire goes to war with Saiya, it means that they have to face the sum of eight low-level and micro forces at the same time.

The seven so-called "inferior planets" are the weak planes of aggression and annexation since the Saiya plane became prosperous and powerful.

As Cecilia talked more, volpoche and crower became more and more silent. The strength of the newly discovered Saiya plane has exceeded their expectations and become quite difficult.

After a long time, the voice in the hall gradually quieted down, because the emperor of the Empire, Emperor Morton, had not spoken for a long time.

Cecilia also respectfully retreated to the side of the hall and stood side by side with steel general crower.

"This low-level plane is really strong. How long has it been since our abbalut Empire launched a plane war?" Huang Zuoshang, Emperor Morton suddenly asked.

"Avoid it, the Empire has not launched an alien invasion war for 731 years." The heart of ice replied volpoche.

"Yes, 731." Sighed Morton the great.

"You said that after 731 years of recuperation and profound accumulation, does our abbalut Empire have the strength to eat this low-level plane?" Morton the great asked volpoche, the famous think tank in the Empire.

"From the Saiya level intelligence obtained by general Cecilia, compared with China\'s strength, there is the ability to eat this low level, but I\'m afraid it will pay a heavy price." Volpoche replied.

"I know that pay and gain are often in direct proportion. If we win this Saiya plane, does it mean that our abbalut empire will start eight low-level and micro planes and more than 20 half planes at one stroke?" Asked Morton the great.

After a few seconds of silence, volpoche finally nodded and said, "yes." Through the tone and dialogue of Morton the great, the heart of cold ice walpoche has learned the old emperor\'s determination to fight.

"Then, go down and prepare. Call daller, Nelson, Lester, Gary, Clive and Williams. In the palace two months later, we will talk about attacking Saiya again." Said Morton the great, knocking heavily on the handle on the throne.

The people he said were all famous strong men above level 4 in the magic Empire abarut. Most of them worked in the Empire, were assigned by the royal family and were loyal to the abarut empire.