Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 738

"What?! your Arcane points cost more than 7000 points, and now there are only more than 2000 points left?" Locke looked at Ashar who finally came out of the laboratory and said in shock.

After all, people are not made of iron. Rao has carried out research and experiments in the laboratory for more than three months as a second-class dark element master of assar, and his body can\'t bear it.

It\'s rare that Ashar gave herself a week\'s holiday.

Just when chatting with Locke, Locke knew what the master had done in the library of Huiyue College for half a month.

With more than 7000 arcane points, ordinary first-class magicians may not be able to save so much in their life, but assar consumed it in just half a month.

"The knowledge I gained from the arcane light of Huiyue college has not been fully understood. If I fully understand and master the theory of these magical elements, it will take at least half a year." Ashar said to Locke.

For the degree of thirst for knowledge, magicians are a group of crazy people who forget to eat and sleep. Fortunately, Locke is not a magician, and he can\'t understand this crazy behavior.

"You don\'t have to wait for me in the city of the moon. If you want to continue to experience, you can go to the Belem Empire first." Ashar took a cup of tea after dinner, sipped it gently, and then said.

Locke shook his head. "It was agreed that when we left the abbalut Empire, we would separate again. It\'s still early. And I haven\'t grown up to the bottleneck."

Locke didn\'t want to separate from Ashar so early.

"That\'s up to you." Slowly drank the water from the teacup in her hand. Ashar got up and left the living room.

Outside, meimila is still practicing hard. In order to reward her for her good dinner today, Locke gave her a high-level wind attribute energy spar.

In a way, the appearance of high-level energy spar is far more beautiful than ordinary diamonds and pearls, and it is also much more dreamy and blurred.

Meimila, who has got a wind attribute advanced energy crystal, takes this energy crystal very seriously and stores it in her space ring. She has no intention to use it.

"Low level attendants are not your destination. This is just an initial stage. The next cultivation and breakthrough will become more difficult. Your goal is to promote medium level attendants within one year." Locke said to meimila.

Two months ago, after the new year, meimila became a 15-year-old girl, and Locke finally ushered in his memorable age of 60.

Tens of thousands of kilometers away from the holy tower of the moon, Cecilia, the master of the holy tower of the moon, is waiting for an interview with his Majesty the emperor.

The abbalut empire is similar to the Belem empire in many ways. It is a super large force with supreme monarchy.

Although it is not comparable to the behron emperor seiffel and has absolute prestige and power in the Empire, the white haired Morton great also has good power in his hands in the country of abbalut.

Morton the great is not a strong man who breaks through the divine level. Today, at the age of 2876, he is about to usher in the end of his life.

As a three-level wind attribute element division, Emperor Morton has been under pressure from the emperor of the Belem Empire since he inherited the throne.

The number of strong people who can\'t compare with the strength, national strength and level 4 or above can\'t match. Even the number of low-level positions controlled by slavery, the abbalut empire is far inferior to the Belem empire.

Emperor Morton felt sorry for his ancestors. Even if life died and the light of consciousness dissipated invisibly, Emperor Morton still couldn\'t let go that he was weaker than that man all his life.

Three thousand years is the theoretical life limit of level 3 casters. With the backing of the abbalut Empire and countless resources, Emperor Morton will definitely live more than three thousand years.

But there is no denying that he really won\'t live long.

Once Morton dies, there will certainly be short-term unrest in the abbalut empire. After the new emperor succeeds to the throne, it will take hundreds of years to consolidate his position.

At that time, the abbalut Empire must be pulled apart by the Belem empire.

There is no first in literature and no second in martial arts.

Morton the Great wanted to surpass sapphire once until his death.

At the end of his life, Emperor Morton will fight again for the last time!

"Call Cecilia in." Sitting on the ancient throne, Morton said to the attendant beside him.

In addition to Emperor Morton and his attendants and servants, there are two middle-aged people with extraordinary momentum in the hall.

One is a strong man with a tiger back and a bear waist and a black beard, and the other is a gentle, middle-aged man holding a blue magic wand.

People who are familiar with the abbalut empire can tell their identities in one word. Steel General - klauer, heart of ice - volpoche.

Krauer, a strong man with black beard, is one of the three generals with the same status as Cecilia in the magic empire. He has the title of steel general. He is a powerful level 4 knight and the owner of one of the four Knight palaces in the abbalut empire.

The middle-aged man with a blue magic wand is not the three generals of the abalute Empire, but he is a level 4 ice element division who has a very close relationship with the royal family in the Empire and the owner of one of the three holy towers in the abalute empire.

"Your majesty!" Dressed in turquoise armor and a cloak behind her back, Cecilia walked into the hall and said respectfully to Emperor Morton, who sat high on the throne.

Obviously, she is a wind attribute caster, but Cecilia is dressed in armor, which shows that she has absolutely integrated into the identity of the three generals of her empire.

She was first a general of the Empire, then a powerful fourth level caster and the master of the holy tower.

"How\'s the investigation about the information of the inferior plane?" Above the throne came the deep voice of emperor Morton.

"It is a low-level plane that has developed to the extreme. It is about to touch the threshold of the middle-level plane. Its soil is known as the Saiya people, and that plane is also named the Saiya plane!" Cecilia reported to Morton the great.

"Are you about to touch the threshold of the intermediate level? Hum, it\'s good to be my masterpiece before I abdicate." Morton the great sneered.

Since the development of the wizard plane, there have been only three wars with the medium-sized plane of the same level. Although they all ended in tragic victories, each war has left an indelible impression on the standard plane.

The last war with the intermediate level took place more than 6500 years ago.

"What\'s your strength? How many creatures above level 4 exist." Morton\'s majestic voice came again from the throne.


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