Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 737

This large library is where the arcane light of Huiyue college is located. The minimum standard for entering and leaving this library is a senior magic apprentice. Locke meets the conditions, but in order not to let meimila be alone, Locke is still waiting outside for Ashar.

Not only assar is curious about the light of arcane, Locke also wants to see this magical light of arcane. It is said that it is also a part of the world-class secret treasure light of wisdom. I don\'t know how many layers of power there are with the light of wisdom.

Locke has never heard of a world-class secret treasure before.

He wanted to know if there were any skills and methods for Knight cultivation among the vast amount of knowledge stored in the light of wisdom.

Locke was almost alone in the growth of his knight road.

The inheritance of magicians pays attention to the inheritance of teachers, and the inheritance of knights pays attention to blood. The Locke family is just an ordinary civilian in the wizard world. Even his fighting spirit is derived from other places, so he can only rely on himself.

All Knight palaces also sell war skills and skills, but the price is too high. The sword Qi finger cultivation method that Locke still uses up to now is the one he bought at the stage of first-class knight.

"There should be." Locke murmured that since the light of wisdom had been created for more than 100000 years, he didn\'t believe that for such a long time, there would be no magician with fighting spirit to store his knowledge.

Among the casters, there is also the profession of demon swordsman.

The waiting time was long. After waiting outside the library for two days, Ashar did not come out. Locke and meimila simply returned to the residence of the city of the moon to wait for Ashar.

Half a month later, Locke, who was supervising meimila to practice Eagle fighting spirit in the courtyard, felt the familiar breath of assar.

Outside the door, I haven\'t seen you for half a month. Ashar is a little stunned compared with before.

Looking down, he kept talking about something. Locke\'s hand shook back and forth in front of Ashar several times without bringing the master back to reality from thinking.

"The compatibility of dark elements with soil elements is 16.3721%, with fire elements is 12.1678%, and with water elements is..."

"Master Griffins obtained the hedge theory between void and matter by studying the epidermal tissue of the empty shallow water crocodile. Is this theory universal?"

"The efficiency of energy transmission is not only related to the type of energy, but also to the stability of the environment and space where the energy is located. Is master mazbach\'s energy conclusion rigorous?"

"Time and space have relativity, which was put forward by master Einstein in the theory of relativity, but the quantum theory put forward by master Bohr was supplemented."

"Quantum theory is completely opposite to the concept of relativity in some aspects. Why do I think the quantum theory proposed by Bohr, the fourth level earth element teacher, is more convincing than the relativity theory of Einstein, the great magician of the fifth level space system."


As soon as he came back, assar in front of Locke was so caught in a brainstorming.

Without talking too much with Locke, Ashar returned home and quickly shut herself in the laboratory.

Locke did not worry about assar\'s state. According to Locke\'s understanding of her, the master assar\'s current spirit should be unprecedented excitement.

"We continue to practice. Your goal this month is to promote low-level attendants!" Locke demanded harshly of meimila.

After sticking out her tongue, meimila continued to practice chopping, waving the special weighted sword Locke gave her.

The morning is basic skill practice, the afternoon is actual combat practice, and the evening is fighting spirit practice. Meimila\'s work and rest are full by Locke.

At noon three days later, Ashar, who came out of the laboratory, handed Locke a long list of all kinds of magic experiment materials. Locke had never heard of the names of some things.

"Go to the alchemy shop in the city and buy these things for me. I\'m in urgent need." After assar explained Locke and stuffed more than a dozen secondary energy essence into his hand, he rushed back to the laboratory.

Looking at this long list, Locke was stunned.

Touching the more than a dozen secondary energy essence in his hand, Locke suddenly responded that the master of emotion is rich. Why do you blackmail yourself to buy her an element microscope and the gate of Xinglan in the underground space.

Over there, meimila is still fighting a low-level attendant grey dwarf summoned by Locke from the Shura field. This is meimila\'s daily actual combat drill.

"Today\'s goal is to cause five wounds on the low-level grey dwarf. If you don\'t meet the standard, you\'re not allowed to eat." Locke said sternly to meimila.

Then he left the courtyard and walked towards the alchemy store in the city of the moon.

Meimila\'s armor has been damaged in many places, and some parts are even irreparable. These are the results of Locke\'s actual combat drills with grey dwarf slaves.

It\'s a little bitter and often gets hurt, but meimila has a tenacious strength. Locke is very optimistic about meimila\'s tenacity. If this momentum is maintained, and with the sufficient cultivation potion and energy spar provided by him, Locke can conclude that meimila has successfully reached the standard level before the age of 20.

Two months have passed since Locke bought back magic materials for Ashar.

Ashar hardly walked out of her laboratory in two months.

Locke didn\'t want the master to break down because of something wrong with his body. Every once in a while, he would go to the laboratory to visit Ashar and bring her some food.

Let Locke rest assured that although assar in the laboratory has some fatigue between her eyebrows, she has enough spirit. The excitement she brought back from the Huiyue Santa tower library is still maintained.

The reason why Ashar is so crazy is to prove the authenticity and reliability of her knowledge in the arcane light.

There is no absolute truth, there is no absolute truth, but the truth under certain conditions is also what magicians desire for experimental research day and night.

It is tempting to obtain the truth directly without the research process. Ashar, who has obtained a lot of knowledge from the light of arcane art, is in the process of "charging".

With the accumulation of knowledge, assar becomes more and more unfathomable in front of Locke. Only occasionally revealed a trace of her true color, Locke knows that this is still assar she is familiar with.

Nina has also communicated with Locke in her spare time. After a few months, Locke and Nina have also become good friends.

Through Nina\'s relationship and ways in the city of the moon, Locke bought many potions that met his cultivation requirements.

Not only Ashar and meimila are growing up, but Locke is also moving forward slowly and firmly.