Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 736

The minimum standard of a level-1 arcane master is 1000 arcane points. Nina has 4872 points at this time, which is nearly twice as much as assar\'s more than 9000 points.

Magicians respect not those who are better than themselves, but those who are more knowledgeable and wise than themselves.

Ashar usually looks like a stranger. In fact, she has real talent. She doesn\'t even know the progress of her magic research, even her sister Kayla, who is a strong person at the same level.

Ashar is a cold, low-key freak who focuses on his magic experiment.

"9872 arcane points. Master Ashar, if you want to improve the level of arcane masters, you have to take out your own research results and come to the arcane light of Huiyue college to prove that the arcane light will give corresponding arcane points according to the value of the knowledge you provide." Nina explained.

Arcane light is the miracle of the birth of the legendary arcane tower in the sky city - the separation of the light of wisdom, which is blessed and blessed by the plane will.

The light of wisdom stays in the city of the sky all year round, and Douglas, the strongest of the standard, suppresses and garrisons. This mysterious power, which can be called the world-class secret treasure of the wizard, is the most influential inside information of the standard.

The light of wisdom contains the precious knowledge wealth left by countless magicians and wise men, which has witnessed the prosperity and growth of the magical civilization system.

The arcane light, as a part of the light of wisdom, is scattered in every place in the wizard world where the level of arcane can be evaluated.

By submitting research results and theoretical knowledge to the arcane light, arcane masters obtain the improvement of arcane points. These knowledge representing the wisdom of a caster will eventually be summarized by the arcane light into the arcane holy tower of the city of the sky and stored in that touch of wisdom light.

For the sake of the chariot of wizard level magic civilization, every Arcane is dedicated as one of the gears or studs.

"Eh, isn\'t that equivalent to selling your own research results in disguise?" Locke said strangely.

Magicians are very unique. It is very difficult for them to hand over the knowledge they have worked hard for no reason. Arcane points are just a series of illusory numbers and have no practical benefits. I\'m afraid no one will be willing to do so.

"It can also be said that, but our abbalut empire will provide subsidies to every arcane master who increases arcane points, and the promotion of arcane level will also bring status improvement and practical benefits to the arcane masters in the abbalut Empire and even the city of the sky." Nina explained.

It is the rigor of knowledge inheritance in the wizard world since ancient times that makes the profession of arcane magician not popular in the whole plane.

Many spellcasters cherish themselves and are unwilling to share their research results in vain. They only abide by the principle of inheriting knowledge according to the relationship between teachers, which seriously hinders the promotion of the arcane profession.

In fact, more than 100000 years have passed since the development of the arcane system. It is no longer a new spell caster profession, but the scope of prevalence is only the wizard world center represented by the city of the sky and the magic Empire abbalut.

It seems that it is for this reason that the magic Empire abbalut has always maintained a very close cooperative relationship with the city of the sky.

Of course, there are also rumors that the main reason why the magic Empire has such a good relationship with the city of the sky is that the reclusive level 6 strong man in abarut has a deep friendship with Douglas, the master of the city of the sky.

As for what the situation is, only people from that class really know.

Hearing that he had to hand over his own research results and new creative element theory in order to obtain the promotion of arcane points, assar seemed hesitant at this time, although he had heard it for a long time.

This is the reason why the profession of arcane has hardly appeared in the three western islands. Let alone the three western islands located in a remote location, which is the east coast where the magic civilization is better than the three western islands. Under the influence of ideas, the system of arcane has not been popularized.

"Can others refer to the research results we handed over?" Ashar asked. She was also reluctant to share her valuable knowledge with others.

"Other arcane masters can consult the literature they want to know in front of the arcane light by spending arcane points. If your research results are consistent, they will be displayed by the arcane light." Nina explained.

"Of course, if you also want to consult and understand any knowledge, you can also spend arcane points to get the literature stored in the wisdom light of the city of the sky." Nina said.

Knowledge sharing!

This is the original intention of Douglas, the master of the arcane holy tower, level 6 wizard, level 6 astrologer and level 7 arcane, to create the light of wisdom.

If the knowledge of all the casters in the standard plane can be shared, judging from the development of magic civilization in the wizard world for hundreds of millions of years, this is a major event for the benefit of all the creatures in the level plane.

As the arcane profession is more and more accepted by a new generation of spell casters, the magical civilization of the wizard plane will also usher in a new stage of climax and blowout period.

Ashar is still meditating. Nina is not in a hurry to let Ashar make a statement. She has seen too many magicians in this post. She is unwilling to exchange points with the light of arcane art because she values the inheritance and privacy of knowledge.

More than ten minutes later, Ashar said in a deep voice, "if I can get the knowledge I want in the light of arcane, it is not unacceptable to exchange my research results for arcane points."

"The arcane light of our Huiyue college has the ability to directly connect with the wisdom light of the city of the sky. Master Ashar, you might as well try. I think you can definitely get any knowledge you want." Nina said with a smile.

Ashar\'s nameplate records 9872 arcane points, which is a terrible number for first-class arcane masters, and also represents Ashar\'s erudite knowledge.

9872 arcane points is not assar\'s limit. The initial evaluation of arcane masters only gives initial arcane points in the form of written examination and interview. Assar still has many research theories and knowledge achievements she specializes in that are not shown in the test.

However, ASAR was not in a hurry to hand over his theoretical achievements. Under the guidance of Nina, ASAR went to the arcane light of Huiyue college.

This is a place similar to a large library. Locke and meimila wait quietly outside the library. Magicians in magic robes and high caps often come and go around.

Ashar has been in this large library for half an hour.