Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 726

A six storey spire appeared in the hands of the black armored man, who pushed it through the gate of Xinglan.

"Sure enough, there is an extremely broad biological space inside, and there seems to be some understanding of the law of the semi God strong man." Playing with the six storey spire, Ge Ge Ge Mu sighed.

Unfortunately, this Horcrux named shurota has the soul imprint of the three-star war soul Hawthorne. Ge Gemu dare not rashly explore the spiritual power into it to understand the mystery of this Horcrux. He can only see one or two truths from the external performance.

"Then let\'s increase the transaction volume to 300000 low-level slaves?" Ge Ge Mu smiled.

"Yes." Samsung war soul Hawthorne responded.

Soon after, the more than one meter tall Asians wearing a broken black robe entered the chamber of secrets.

The Asian was very short and dressed up very roughly, but few people present did not despise it, because it showed the breath of third-class creatures.

"Here you are, Sam." Gegmu nodded to the grey dwarf and handed him the spire in his hand.

"The strong man with ectopic face can bear slave creatures below level thirty one thousand at most." Ge Ge Mu said.

With the inspiration of the grey dwarf king, Sam, the third level strong, didn\'t say much. After taking the spire into his hand, he flew out of the chamber of secrets.

In just a few hours outside the dark gold city, nearly 400000 low-level grey dwarves have been driven and escorted by high-level Asians. These low-level Asians will be sold as goods to the semi God strong man opposite the Xinglan gate.

For the content of the transaction, gegmu certainly can\'t take out more than one level of high-level Asians to trade with the three-star war soul Hawthorne. The high-level slave biological transaction must have the consent of the purple Santa tower master. Within the scope of gegmu\'s rights, he can only let the grey dwarf King hand over some useless low-level Asians who waste food.

Four hours later, Sam, a three-level grey dwarf in an ink remnant robe, came back, and the shurata in his hand also exuded a strong breath of life.

"Sure enough, there are 300000 remnant star slave creatures. Although there is no slave creature with more than one star, for the sake of all flesh and blood slaves, I am very satisfied with this ectopic face transaction. Ha ha." On the other side of the gate of Xinglan, the battle soul of Samsung smiled with satisfaction.

"This is the energy spar you need." While the six storey spire returned, a space bag with obvious exotic flavor appeared from the gate of Xinglan.

Energy spar is one of the currencies in general circulation. It seems that there is also a phenomenon of trading with energy spar in this soul fighting plane.

The space bag fell into Ge GMU\'s hands. Locke was quite curious about how many energy spars 300000 low-level Asians had changed. That should be an extremely terrible number.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many demigods standing opposite the gate of time and space. It seems that the wizard world is a very powerful world." Samsung\'s war soul sighed, "the gate of time and space still has half an hour to exist. Strong people, do you have anything else to trade?"

In the secret room, Locke, Ashar, gegmu and Sam, the third level grey dwarf, looked at each other.

"Your calling altar, which covers and disguises your breath, is very interesting. Can you sell me relevant knowledge later?" Gegmu preached to Ashar.

We have heard of Tao and specialized in technology. Even if gegmu\'s strength is one level higher than assar, in some areas, it does not mean that gegmu is more professional than assar.

This kind of altar Dharma array that can disguise its own breath as a demigod is also the first time Ge Gemu has seen it. For summoners who often deal with alien creatures, nothing is more attractive than the value of this altar.

"Yes, but I need master gegmu to exchange your knowledge of energy blending and element transformation." Ashar said.

The exchange of knowledge and knowledge is the real equivalent exchange. At Ashar\'s request, gegmu agreed without hesitation.

After several hours of communication, Ge GMU knew that there were not many things he could get from the three-star war soul. Finally, for a little time, Ge GMU returned the position of the protagonist to Locke and Ashar.

He went to the palace of the dark gold city with the third level grey dwarf Sam to discuss the distribution of this huge energy spar with the grey dwarf king.

That\'s an energy crystal raised by nearly 300000 low-level Asian talents. Neither gegmu nor Sam can swallow this material alone, otherwise it will cause unrest in the gray dwarf country.

When gegmu and Sam left, Ashar said, "I\'ve finished the transaction with the Samsung war soul before you find master gegmu. Next, you see what you need, communicate with it."

After that, Ashar also left the chamber of secrets.

The gate of Xinglan has only the last 15 minutes. Looking at the Samsung fighting soul behind the gate of time and space, Locke thought for a moment, took out the negative energy fusion bead and said, "my equipment was damaged in the last battle. Can you help me repair it?"

Four functions of negative energy giant change bead:

1、 Black shield: a negative energy shield that can instantly resist 25000 degree attack. The maximum radiation area of the shield is 20 square meters.

2、 Tianting: it has the function of cross plane long-distance communication, and the communication energy consumption is directly proportional to the distance and communication time of both sides.

3、 Transmission: it costs huge energy. The user can transmit himself to the specified plane coordinates. The energy consumption is directly proportional to the transmission distance.

4、 Quenching body: a trace of the force of the law remains. Users can obtain the force quenching body of the law by wearing it for a long time.

In the last battle in the digital world, Locke was badly hit by the frontal attack of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex, and only survived with the negative energy fusion beads, but after that war, the negative energy fusion beads suffered irreparable damage again.

"Magical Horcrux, I can feel the power of law." Samsung\'s war soul sighed.

"Unfortunately, the principles involved in this Horcrux are things I haven\'t touched before. I can\'t help you repair it." After studying for a while, Samsung war soul Hawthorne said.

The indigenous fighting souls of the soul fighting world do have their unique soul power, but they are confused in the face of the magical alchemy system of the wizard.

These are two distinct power systems.

"Yeah." Hearing the answer of the battle soul of Samsung, Locke was also very depressed and took the negative energy fusion bead back into the space ring.

The four functions of negative energy fusion beads are very useful for Locke. If only they could be repaired.

"If there are no other transactions, this time the space-time communication is over." Said the three-star fighting soul in the Xinglan gate.

The gate of Xinglan is on the verge of collapse. Looking at the element altar becoming unstable, Locke said at the last moment, "I\'m very interested in the Horcrux you have that can hold a large number of living creatures. Can you sell me a similar low-level prop?"