Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 725

What is the situation of the soul fighting plane? The three-star fighting soul is not stupid and will not betray the mother world intelligence for no reason. He simply told Locke and Ashar that their fighting soul family is fighting with the annihilators of the dark annihilation plane and is in urgent need of a large number of flesh and blood slaves.

"How much do you need?" Ashar asked calmly.

The camouflage of the elemental altar, the communication with time and space, and the cover up of the spatial fluctuation across the endless river of space, ASAR seemed to be really a semi divine strong man at this time, communicating equally with the three-star war soul.

No matter which plane it is, the demigod strong are definitely the ruling class standing at the top of most creatures. Only the strong above the demigod level need the massive cannon fodder of the slave Legion to complete their purpose of aggression and counterattack war.

Looking at the eagerness of the Samsung war soul, it doesn\'t look like their mother plane is dominant. Now it should be pressed by the obliterators of the dark annihilation plane.

"I need 100000 slave creatures from remnant stars to one star level. It depends on how many slave creatures more than one star you can provide. Even if the number exceeds my bearing range, I can summon nearby warspirit lords to pay you appropriate rewards." The black armored man replied.

He often buys slave creatures in tens of thousands. As expected, this three-star war soul has semi divine strength, but the number he requires obviously exceeds the ability range of Ashar and Locke.

"What should I do?" Locke went to Ashar and whispered with spiritual communication.

"If you go to the third level Summoner of the dark gold city and slave creatures, there are plenty of them in the underground world." Ashar said to Locke.

After receiving Ashar\'s instructions, Locke hurried out to find the third level Summoner of the dark gold city. As a second level knight, it should be no problem to meet the third level summoner.

Assar continues to stay here and communicate with the three-star soul.

"What can you pay us?" Ashar asked.

"What do you want?" The red ghost fire of the three-star war spirit stared at Ashar.

"Knowledge, I want enough knowledge! If I don\'t have knowledge, I can pay with energy spar." Ashar replied, and also popularized what knowledge she wanted to the three-star soul.

"I\'m really sorry, our soul fighting plane doesn\'t have the element knowledge you need. Our way of cultivation is completely opposite to your element masters. What we cultivate is our own soul power. Boundless killing can temper our war soul and make us more pure." Samsung war soul said so.

"Hum, it\'s another stupid plane dominated by killing and passive evolution." Ashar snorted coldly, but her words were not heard by the three-star war soul.

"In that case, let\'s trade with energy spar." Ashar said to the man in black armor.

In the magic tower, the highest tower in the dark gold city, gegmu of the purple region holy tower accepted the request of Locke, a second-class knight.

"You said you communicated to an unknown plane, and then a strong demigod in that plane needed a lot of slaves?" Ge Ge Mu asked, "what space-time medium do you use?"

"The gate of Xinglan." Locke said in a deep voice that he had seen many strong people above level 3, and the demigod level had been in close contact with several, so Locke was very calm in the face of the level 3 Summoner Ge Gemu.

Nodding thoughtfully, gegmu smiled at Locke, "it seems that your companion has good attainments in communicating mysterious power and space magic."

After that, gegmu summoned a magic communication window, "Sam, how many low-level Asians can your gray dwarf country take out as slaves now?"

On the other side of the window, a dignified and middle spirited voice replied, "500000 is still OK. What, master gegmu, do you need to supplement slave creatures on the purple region holy tower?"

Although it is just an ordinary magic communication window, Locke can feel that on the other side of the window is also a three-level strong man like gegmu. Listen to their dialogue. The strong man named Sam is mostly the three-level strong man born in the gray dwarf country.

"Not really, but two secondary elemental masters and knights accidentally communicated with an exotic demigod through the Xinglan gate. He now needs a large number of flesh and blood slaves. Isn\'t your gray dwarf country suffering from famine now? If the transaction is proper, the situation must have a great turn for the better." Ge Ge Mu smiled.

Obviously, he suggested that others sell their fellow creatures as slaves, but gegmu seemed to have been thinking about Sam in his tone, which made Locke, who had been listening respectfully, feel sick.

It\'s true that people live better and better as they get older. At least Locke doesn\'t look like a good man when he doesn\'t do such shameless things.

"Xinglan gate is only a medium and low-grade space-time medium, and the maintenance time will not be too long. I will contact king nitem and discuss with him, and I will reply to you as soon as possible." The magic communication window was soon disconnected. It seems that the third level strong among the grey dwarves went to consult with the king of the grey dwarf country.

"Well, Knight Locke, let\'s go and see the gate of Xinglan summoned by you and your companions now. Exotic demigods? I happen to see it too, hem." Ge Ge Mu said with a smile, "if I can harvest some interesting things this time, I will pay you and your companions accordingly."

There are few cases of cheating among magicians. Equivalent trading is the most basic quality that every qualified magician should have. Locke is not afraid that master gegmu will harm him and Ashar.

And behind gegmu stands the purple region summoning holy tower, while behind Locke and Ashar are the silent holy tower and knight palace of the three western islands. It is certain that gegmu will not cause friction among several major forces because of a small profit.

The duration of StarLAN gate is normally only two hours, but after the blessing of Ashar element altar, the duration has been increased to five hours.

When master Locke and master gegmu arrived, the three-level Summoner used magic to strengthen the StarLAN gate again, so that the time of space-time communication increased to ten hours again. Ten hours is enough for the gray dwarf country to summon a sufficient number of low-level Asian slaves outside the dark gold city.

"Then, Mr. Hawthorne, the three-star fighting soul, how will you collect these slave creatures? Xinglan gate does not allow the passage of living creatures, and 100000 slaves. How can we complete normal transactions with such a huge number?" Ge Ge Mu now became the protagonist in the secret room and asked the armored man on the other side of the Xinglan gate.

"This is my high-level Horcrux - shurota. It can carry low-level slaves below 300 thousand stars." The ghost fire of Hawthorne, the three-star war spirit.