Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 727

"Shura field." Locke looked at a dark red pocket square in his hand and looked at it again and again.

This is a low-level Horcrux that Samsung war soul Hawthorne traded with him and can hold a large number of living creatures.

According to Hawthorne, this is the rudiment of shurata, a high-level Horcrux. It has the potential to grow again, and the price of Shura field\'s growth is flesh and soul.

By sacrificing a large number of creatures, the Shura field will evolve and improve its quality from the first layer of Shura. The highest quality is the 18th layer of Shura.

The Shura field in Locke\'s hands can only accommodate 3000 living creatures below the first level. In order to be promoted to the six storey Shura tower in Hawthorne\'s hands, which can accommodate 300000 slave creatures, the number of creatures to sacrifice will be an amazing astronomical number.

"The soul fighting world must also be a relatively evil world. How can there be so many lives sacrificed by semi divine strong people in the normal plane to refine a high-level equipment." After studying Locke\'s new equipment for a while, Ashar said.

"It doesn\'t necessarily use standard creatures. Isn\'t the soul fighting world at war with the dark annihilation world? Maybe it uses the annihilator of the dark annihilation plane." Locke said.

"This is for you." Assar threw several red crystals to Locke, which looked very similar to the blood crystal obtained by Locke in abison\'s secret place.

"Use it together with the blood crystal of bloodthirsty vine. This is the Soul Crystal I traded from the Samsung war soul, which can increase your muscle and soul strength." Ashar said.

It is the blood crystal of bloodthirsty vine that strengthens the muscle strength, and it is the Soul Crystal traded by assar that strengthens Locke\'s soul strength. The soul crystal is the crystal left by the battle souls of the soul fighting plane. I don\'t know what conditions assar used to get the soul crystal after the death of his fellow race from Hawthorne.

The levels of these soul crystals are all about level 2. There are very few items that can increase the strength of the soul. Locke is a little embarrassed to accept the gift from assar.

"It\'s time to compensate for the essence of your secondary energy." Ashar saw Locke\'s discomfort and said first.

She blackmailed eighteen secondary energy essence from Locke in disguise. The value of these soul crystals is similar to that of her blackmailing Locke\'s energy essence.

"Thank you, master Ashar." Locke thanked.

In the face of Locke\'s thanks, assar rarely showed a little unnatural. He said "I know" and turned away.

Assar has a strange temper, but he has always been very good to Locke. After Locke accepted Keira, their relationship once entered a freezing point. Judging from assar\'s concern just now, there seems to be signs of melting ice and snow?

After coming to the Shura field from the three-star war soul Hawthorne, Locke can be said to be destitute, and even the essence of wind attribute energy used for cultivation is burned. Fortunately, he also has the benefits promised by the third level Summoner of gegmu.

How many energy spars did 300000 low-level Asians exchange for Locke is unknown, but when he finally left the dark gold city, gegmu gave him more than ten secondary wind attribute energy essence, which made Locke very relieved.

There are tens of thousands of low-level Asians gathered outside the city of dark gold. They are slave creatures driven by middle and high-level Asians.

Find one of the senior Asian slave owners. Locke spent five first-class energy essence to buy 500 grey dwarf slaves with strength ranging from low-level attendants to high-level attendants.

"Why do you buy so many slaves?" Watching Locke put all these grey dwarfs into the Shura field, Ashar stared and asked.

"Master, don\'t you want to study the spiritual power of the human brain? If you use humans, it\'s too risky. It\'s better to use Asians. Anyway, they are all standard creatures. In terms of physiological structure, humans and Asians have certain similarities." Locke said seriously, this is only one of the reasons why he bought Shura field.

Ashar looked at Locke and said, "you have a heart."

Another reason for buying these 500 Asian slaves is that the three-star war soul Hawthorne said that the Shura field has the ability to imperceptibly enslave the creatures in it.

Isn\'t this another way of soul control? Locke has admired the magician\'s ability to control slave creatures for a long time. These five hundred Asian slaves are imprisoned in his Shura field. Over time, that is, five hundred slave creatures are completely obedient to his orders.

The bottom cannon fodder is also essential in the battle of the high-level strong, and Locke must start to cultivate his team in a planned way.

In addition, when he was in the three western islands, as a noble, he was used to being served by others. He suddenly came to the wizard mainland where he was unfamiliar. There were few servants to call. He was really not energetic.

The reason why he bought 500 low-level Asians instead of more is that Locke can\'t afford too many slave creatures for the time being. He is not as rich as those semi God strong men.

Originally, I wanted to buy a high-precision element microscope for Ashar in the underground world. Unexpectedly, I also communicated with an exotic demigod, and made a very satisfactory transaction with the exotic demigod with the third level Summoner and Asian leader of the dark gold city.

"Master, shall we go to the other two Asian countries?" Asked Locke.

"No, I need to sort out the knowledge of energy blending and element transformation obtained from master gegmu for a period of time as soon as possible, and now return to the surface." Ashar said.

It took Locke and Ashar about a week to get underground, and the time was mainly spent on the way.

Moving from the depths of the earth to the surface, Locke and Ashar go to the zelo mine, where Locke\'s disciple meimila is still practicing.

This week at the zelo mine was an unforgettable week for meimila\'s life.

There is no one around to rely on. Meimila must rely on her own strength to face the attack from the dark.

Because of the outbreak of famine in the underground world, many low-level Asians could not live, especially when the restraint ability of middle and high-level Asians weakened with the increase of population, many low-level Asians took risks and embarked on the road of attacking surface humans.

Although summoners and knights came to exterminate these Asians after hearing the news, they, like hamsters, destroyed a batch and soon regenerated another batch.

Zelo mine is an area with serious disaster.

The surface outside the zelo mine is OK. Asian people dare not go too far, but in the underground tunnel of the zelo mine, this is their world.

In the dark, a long hidden caveman rushed at meimila.

Meimila, who was always on guard, aroused her fighting spirit, turned her body to the side, and while turning her body, she stabbed a sharp long sword into the cave man\'s heart.