Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 724

It remains to be discussed whether the eight secondary energy essence is Locke\'s bottom line, but Locke knows that this is all the other variegated essence he has left except the wind attribute energy essence necessary for his cultivation.

Ashar almost emptied Locke\'s savings.

Locke\'s spiritual pressure didn\'t have much effect. Since the Asian boss opened a shop to sell alchemy props, he also had a lot of magic equipment for protection. After a burst of green fluorescence, Locke\'s pressure dissipated invisibly.

Although not really swept away by Locke\'s spiritual power, the Asian boss was scared.

After all, Asians are only low-level races living humbly under the rules of the holy tower. They are also slave creatures on the ectopic battlefield. They don\'t dare to resist knights and magicians too much.

The identity gap between the two is like that between civilians and nobles.

The grey dwarf boss was a senior Asian, but he just called the high slaves under the jurisdiction of the holy tower. Finally, in Locke\'s cold eye coercion, the grey dwarf boss chose eight secondary energy essence as the transaction price.

Xinglan gate is indeed rare, but not many people will buy this kind of magic props. Magicians are a group of people who don\'t believe in luck but only believe in truth. How there is opposite Xinglan gate, which is quite a test of the user\'s luck.

Moreover, the gate of Xinglan has no ability to pass through living creatures. Under the cover of the mysterious force, it is unable to explore the plane coordinates of the other party. It can often only be used as a medium for trading.

When he left the grey dwarf store, Locke rubbed his hands. He was very curious about the existence of the Star LAN gate.

The unserviceable StarLAN gate looks like a purple bead. It contains endless starlight, which seems to represent the universe beyond the plane.

"Are you coming or am I coming?" Locke couldn\'t wait to ask.

"Find a secret room first. Do you want to trade with ectopic creatures in public?" Ashar said impolitely.

Looking around, many senior Asians looked curiously to them that those who can live in the dark gold city are senior Asians of the grey dwarf race. There are indeed many human magicians and knights in the dark gold city, but few people will attract attention in the street.

Just like nobility doesn\'t often appear in the sight of civilians.

With some energy spar, Locke and Ashar rented a temporary secret room.

Locke admitted that his luck had always been bad, so he let assar do it in the process of opening the gate of Xinglan and communicating with the strong in different aspects, and he originally bought the gate of Xinglan for assar.

In order to increase the level of summoning the strong on the ectopic side rather than communicating with an ant on the ectopic side, assar made quite sufficient preparations before opening, and the huge altar was outlined in this temporary secret room.

The altar represents a certain knowledge of mysterious power and astrology. The wide range of Ashar\'s study makes Locke marvel.

"I just tried my best to enhance the 30% summoning probability of the Xinglan gate. It depends on luck what kind of strong people will appear on the other side." Ashar sighed when the altar was finished.

Input the magic power into the gate of Xinglan, and place more than ten best energy spars on the altar Dharma array according to a certain law. Now only wait for the altar to absorb enough energy.

A beam of energy light rises from the altar and shoots into the Pearl of Xinglan gate. The magic pre stored by Ashar in the Pearl plays a role.

After the energy shines, the Purple Pearl gradually melts and is replaced by a purple star gate two meters high and one meter wide.

This is the real gate of Xinglan!

Under the dual action of magic and altar energy, the purple door became bigger and bigger. It continued to grow until it was three meters high and two meters wide. It almost reached the ceiling of the secret room.

The pure white energy light cluster emerged in the center of the StarLAN gate, emitting strong spatial fluctuations.

The spatial fluctuation represented by the pure white energy light mass is gradually confined in the gate of StarLAN. The light mass is slowly distorted into an elliptical vortex, and the spatial fluctuation is gradually stabilized, representing that this space-time communication can be carried out stably.

"The strong man in foreign land, are you communicating with me?"

Behind the light mass of Xinglan gate, a black lacquer armor appeared, and at the head of the armor, only two red ghost fires floated, giving people a feeling of palpitation.

The direction the ghost fire looks at is the position of ASAR in front of the altar. It is ASAR\'s magic to open the gate of Xinglan. Therefore, ASAR is also communicating with the armored man at this moment.

"It seems that my life has really played a role. I have communicated with such a powerful terrorist." There was no hurry to answer the question of the man in black armor, Ashar muttered with his head down.

"Why, is it a level four strong man?" Locke said excitedly on his face that he had not passed through the ditch close to the level 4 strong.

"How is it possible that through the energy detection displayed by the auxiliary altar, the real strength of the guy opposite should be the demigod level." Ashar rolled her eyes and replied.

Xinglan gate does have a chance to communicate with the strong above level 4, but that possibility is very small. Xinglan gate is only a medium-grade space-time medium. More high-grade props may really communicate with the strong above level 4, but props of that level can not be purchased with the financial resources of Locke and Ashar.

"Please answer me, unknown foreign power. If this time of space-time communication is just a boring joke, I will unilaterally terminate this time of space-time communication!" On the head of the lacquer black armor, two red ghost fires burned more vigorously.

"Of course not. This communication is a time-space transaction based on the premise of fairness, equivalence and friendship. I am Ashar, the dark element Wizard of the wizard\'s position." Ashar said to the black armored man behind the StarLAN gate light group.

"I am Hawthorne, the three-star fighting soul of the soul fighting plane." The man in black armor replied.

"Then, let\'s start the transaction. What do you need?" Ashar asked calmly.

"Now the soul fighting plane is at war with the world enemy\'s dark annihilation plane. I need slaves, a large number of slave creatures! If it\'s flesh and blood creature slaves, it\'s best, and so can Elemental creature slaves." Said the ghost fire of the black armored man after shining.

"Are there two planes at war?" Ashar was surprised.

"Master, why is this armored man so respectful and polite to us when he clearly has the strength of demigod?" Locke asked quietly, using his mental strength.

"Because my element altar hides our true level. In the eyes of the three-star war soul, I am also a demigod, and don\'t you hear? This guy asks us, slave creatures..." Assar touched her white chin and analyzed.