Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 723

Finally, led by the first-class Summoner named north, Locke and Ashar flew to the dark gold city, the capital of the gray dwarf.

North was the first-class Summoner who guided Locke and Ashar at the gate of the dark city-state. In addition to him, he was accompanied by his two vassal Knights wells and Tennyson.

"In the nest dissolving world war just ended 15 years ago, the elite slave biological Legion used by the two santata masters is the Asian Legion. It is these Asian people who use their lives to reduce the losses of our Summoner and knight legion of the United Kingdom of jekolo." North talked freely.

He is also one of the first-class summoners who participated in the plane war, so he knows a lot of inside information.

"It was also after the plane war that the Asian races in the underground world in the United Kingdom of jekolo were tolerated and treated by the calling tower." North said.

In the United Kingdom of jekolo, Asian people exist not only in the underground of tedani Kingdom, but also in the underground or mountain caves of other countries.

There are many Asian races that have established a country.

According to the incomplete statistics of summoning the holy tower, the number of Asians in the United Kingdom of Czech Republic may reach 4 billion, which has reached one third of the total population of all human countries in the United Kingdom of Czech Republic.

In the last nest dissolving world plane war, there were as many as 20 million slave biological legions composed of Asians alone.

The level war of summoners is often won by human sea tactics. It is difficult to imagine how the micro level called nest dissolving world can withstand the massive slave biological legions and endless summoners of summoners.

It should be a one hit break, Locke thought.

"I heard that there has been a recent attack on ordinary humans by dokians in the kingdom of tedani." Locke said casually.

"Hum, it\'s not that group of high-level Asians failed to reasonably control their fertility in order to restore their own population as soon as possible, resulting in population flooding." North sneered.

In the horizontal war in the dissolving nest world, the biggest loss must be the Asian people who were used as cannon fodder, 20 million Asian slaves who participated in the horizontal war, or less than one in ten who came back. In order to avoid the turmoil of the ruling class, the senior Asian people called on all their peers to give birth early.

As a result, it has caused a series of problems, such as the gradual proliferation of low-level Asians, the lack of food, the shortage of resources and so on.

"But don\'t worry, summoning the holy tower will deal with this group of surplus Asians. Whether it is thrown to the lower control level to mine, or sold as slaves to other rulers, there is always a place where these Asians can play their residual value." North explained to Locke and Ashar.

"Rulers of other planes? Do you still have cooperation with other planes when you call the holy tower?" Locke said strangely.

"There is no cooperative relationship. Some mutually beneficial and win-win trading relationships are still maintained from time to time. A large part of the summoners signed by our Summoner are not standard Warcraft, but some strong players in other aspects, which are sold to us." North said.

The reason why he knew so clearly was that his mentor was a second level Summoner in summoning the holy tower, and some of his first level summoners were ectopic creatures.

"Thank you for leading the way this time. This is the reward promised to you." Locke handed North a first-class digital beast egg.

"Sure enough, it is the offspring of first-class creatures. Thank Lord Locke!" North excited.

This guy\'s strength is not good, but he seems to have a strange habit called collecting desire, and he is interested in collecting many first-class creatures.

When he came to the dark gold city, a towering city made of obsidian, Locke found more than a dozen strong secondary summoners with obvious momentum in the breath of countless grey dwarfs.

There are also two obscure and deep, which give Locke infinite pressure.

One should be the third level Summoner stationed here, and the other should be the third level creature born in the grey dwarf.

Only the dark gold city has such a force to summon the holy tower. I\'m afraid other Asian kingdoms have the same force suppression as here.

Locke and Ashar came here not for business, but for a purpose. Under the leadership of North, they contacted a secondary Summoner here. After they showed their identity, they went to the top alchemy store in the dark gold city.

The high-level grey dwarf has the alchemy and forging technology that makes most magicians ashamed. It is true. In this store, Ashar finally has a high-level digital element microscope that meets her experimental requirements.

"Thanks for your patronage, ten secondary energy essence." The grey dwarf who entertained Locke and Ashar is clearly a senior grey dwarf and has first-class strength, but he looks humble and respectful.

Ten secondary energy essence. Hearing this number, Ashar was obviously stunned. She then looked at Locke.

"What?" Looking into Ashar\'s eyes, Locke was a little confused.

He winked at Locke, but Ashar still had no expression.

"I pay?" Locke seems to understand what Ashar means.

She blinked again. Ashar looked at Locke quietly.

Finally, Locke had no backbone and became the wronged leader. Speaking of it, this was the first time Locke bought something for Ashar, although the amount involved was a little large.

"Two distinguished guests, we have just arrived a Xinglan gate that can communicate with the outside world. I wonder if you are interested." May be attracted by Locke\'s generosity. After completing the transaction, the senior Asian boss promoted it.

Xinglan gate is a one-time space prop used to communicate the unknown plane. On the other side of Xinglan gate, it may be a strong person above level 4 or a weak ectopic ant. Whether it can benefit from Xinglan gate depends on the user\'s character and luck.

"This is what I smuggled from the mole people country, and the alchemist has identified the quality. It is definitely the best Xinglan gate." Senior Asian boss introduced.

Mole people are good at communicating the power of mystery. Their achievements in astrology are no worse than those of astrologers at the same level. The introduction of Asian boss is of great practical value.

"How much is it?" Ashar inquired that space props that communicate ectopic surfaces have always been rare, especially the random props such as Xinglan gate.

"Ten secondary energy essence." Senior Asian boss said.

Ashar turned to look at Locke.

Locke\'s heart was cold. Seeing that assar didn\'t look like a joke, Locke nodded hard.

Instead of paying in a hurry, he said to the Asian boss, "eight secondary energy essence is my bottom line."

When saying this, Locke also applied a little spiritual force.