Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 722

"Do you really feel relieved to let the little girl act alone?" Watching meimila go away, Ashar said.

"Master Ashar began to care about people." Locke laughed.

I just don\'t want to lose a precious experimental material Ashar said so.

"There is not only Fermo\'s breath in that scale, but also three fighting wind blades left by me. She will automatically trigger when she encounters fatal danger. If this can\'t protect her life, I have no way." Locke said that he still left some behind hands for meimila.

Not to mention meimila, Locke and Ashar marched into the depths of the underground world according to the instructions of the map.

Although Asian people are eliminated races, they also have their own advantages, especially the ability to establish a country, which shows that these Asian people in the underground world have higher wisdom than the wild Asian people in other regions.

Low level Asians only have beast like consciousness and power stronger than ordinary humans. The significance of their existence is to throw them into the slave biological Legion as cannon fodder, or as a reproductive machine to pray for the raising of intermediate or high-level Asians.

The higher the level of Asians, the higher their wisdom will be, and they will have a higher chance to understand the power of elements.

Among the advanced Asians, the caveman is good at elemental enchantment, the grey dwarf is good at alchemy and forging, and the mole man is good at communicating the mysterious power. It is said that in ancient times, the research process of these systems of wizards came from the Asians.

The main purpose of Locke and assar sneaking into the underground world is to buy assar a pair of high-precision element microscope. The element microscope she uses now can\'t keep up with assar\'s research progress.

The advanced element microscope that can be provided to the secondary element division. In the United Kingdom of jekolo, in addition to the two summoning holy towers, only the gray dwarf country of the underground world may have it.

The life level of the second-class strong has been regarded as the top creature in this underground world. Locke and Ashar almost didn\'t restrain their breath and moved all the way to a deeper level of the underground world.

With their identities as knights and spellcasters, only some unsightly Warcraft got in the way, and the Asians who found them were quite honest.

For ordinary humans weaker than themselves, these Asians will exert their bloodthirsty killing instinct, but for human knights and magicians stronger than themselves, these Asians will be as clever as quails.

Dark city state, the first Asian city entered by Locke and Ashar.

It was a great surprise that when they approached the city, they were not blocked at all. If they could not clearly feel the smell of many knights and magicians in the underground city, Locke would not dare to enter so rashly.

"Eh? Is this the first time for the two adults to come to the underground world?" At the entrance of the dark city, a middle-aged man dressed as a Summoner greeted Locke and Ashar.

The summoner has only one level of strength. Beside him are two first-level knights, who should be his vassal knights.

"Yes, we have traveled here and want to buy some useful props in this Asian country." Locke said.

Hearing Locke\'s answer, the first level Summoner showed an understanding expression.

Everything in the holy tower is generally expensive, but in the Asian countries that also have good alchemy ability, these things are very cheap. Many knights and summoners above level 1 come back to the underground world of tedani kingdom to buy props.

Among the three Asian countries, the minimum level of friendly welcome to Knights and magicians is also a level of strength.

Under the pressure of the holy tower, these Asians don\'t live very well even if they establish a country. Locke and Ashar come to the gray dwarf country. They are ragged intermediate gray dwarfs. These intermediate gray dwarfs with good wisdom are not as well dressed as the civilians in ordinary human towns.

The low-level grey dwarves are not qualified to enter Asian cities, and the low-level Asian people who do not have much wisdom cause zelo mine disaster and many wounding events.

The wisdom of middle-level Asians has been comparable to that of ordinary humans, which is the key to their ability to build a country.

"Two adults, what can I do for you?" The first-class Summoner asked enthusiastically. He often wandered in this dungeon and had a good relationship with many senior Asians in the city.

"Just show us the best alchemy shop in this city. Don\'t bother you with the rest." Locke said.

Under the direction of the summoner, Locke and Ashar came to the best alchemy store in the grey dwarf city.

"Sorry, two distinguished adults, the element microscope in our shop can\'t meet your requirements." The grey dwarf boss, who is only one meter six tall, wearing gorgeous black robes and single frame glasses, said politely.

This guy is a high-level Asian. Locke can hardly imagine that this elegant grey dwarf will be the same race as the middle and low-level Asian like dirty gophers outside.

The degree of the most high-grade element microscope in this alchemy shop is only at the same level as that used by assar now. If they want to buy a higher-grade microscope, they may have to go to the dark gold city, the capital of the grey dwarf kingdom.

"Is it okay for us to enter your country as human beings?" Locke put in a word.

"Of course, two noble level-2 strong men are stationed in the dark gold city, the capital of our country, but they have many level-2 summoners as powerful as you. They are all friends of our grey dwarves." The grey dwarf boss flattered.

Knights and magicians above level 1 are like aristocrats in Asian countries. Many senior Asians dare not be presumptuous in front of human giants above level 1.

"Many second-class summoners are stationed in the dark gold city? It seems that the two summoning holy towers don\'t trust you Asians." Locke sneered that he was not confused by the words of the grey dwarf boss.

It is said that there are three-level strong people in the Asian countries established by grey dwarves, cavemen and mole people. Although it is not clear how many there are three-level strong people, it is always a threat to the summoning holy tower of jekolo United Kingdom. There are not only two-level summoners stationed here, but also three-level or even semi divine summoners stationed here.

Facing Locke\'s sneer and ridicule, the grey dwarf boss wiped the sweat on his forehead and kept laughing.

What Locke said is indeed true. The two call towers have always been seriously wary of their Asians.


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