Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 721

In any case, the kingdom of tedani is a major power in the United Kingdom of jekolo, where it has two long-term offices calling holy towers.

On the eve of entering the zelo mine, Locke and Ashar made a special trip to all the countries of the tedani kingdom.

"We need a detailed map of the underground world of the kingdom of tedani." Locke came forward to negotiate.

It is true that tedani kingdom is a big country in the United Kingdom of jekolo, but it is very poor, especially among the underlying people. Because of complex and changeable underground karst caves and frequent Asian disasters, it is difficult for the country to develop a complete farming system.

Two thirds of the food sources need to be imported to maintain, which makes the country\'s currency purchasing power quite weak. On the contrary, high-end materials such as energy spar are in hot demand.

"In addition to the map, do you have floating ship transportation service here?" Asked Locke.

Since tedani kingdom is called a hub country, it not only borders on many small and medium-sized countries, but also has a service industry, which will undertake the vast majority of transportation services in the United Kingdom of Czech Republic.

This service industry mainly faces the strong people above the standard level, and only these people can afford the high cost of taking floating ships.

The kingdom of tedani is also the only force Locke has ever seen that contracted floating ships to "outsiders".

The detailed map of the underground world of tedani Kingdom cost Locke five high-level energy spars. It\'s not urgent to make an appointment for the floating ship. It\'s not too late when Locke returns from the underground world.

After hundreds of thousands of years of exploration, the underground world in the kingdom of tedani has been explored by successive knights and summoners. In this country, the land area can only be regarded as the underground of a medium-sized country, and its constituent forces are intertwined.

There are three small Asian countries alone, and other ethnic settlements are as many as stars.

Asian people are a lowly race in the wizard world, which is different from ordinary humans. Their wisdom is often not high, but their individual strength is higher than those who have not practiced fighting spirit and magic.

There are three Asian countries under the tedani Kingdom, namely the caveman country, the grey dwarf country and the mole country.

The combined power of the three countries is far greater than that of the tedani kingdom. The main reason why these Asians have been safe for many years is the deterrence of the two summoning holy towers.

Strictly speaking, Asians are also indigenous creatures of the wizard world, protected by the guardian rules.

However, it should be noted that the Asians are only protected by the guardian rules represented by the plane will, but they are not protected by the rules of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace.

The reason seems to extend to the war between Asians and ordinary humans in the wizard world to compete for the world leader in ancient times. At that time, it seems that wizards fought on behalf of humans and Asians.

In the end, we can see from the actual situation of the wizard world that all Asian races, including submarine Naga, underground caveman, cave grey dwarf and volcanic mole man, have withdrawn from the stage of history.

At present, human beings still occupy an absolute number advantage in the wizard world and have the most top powers above level 4.

"Is there an underground Asian country with three levels of strength?" Locke looked at the map in his hand and sighed.

"Those Asians are not protected by the tower rules. They can be used as slave creatures during the reign war." Ashar said.

"The main Asian people in the three western islands are cavemen, so cavemen can often be seen in the war on the throne." Locke remembered that he had seen many cavemen when he participated in the war to activate the goblin world.

It\'s really hard to imagine that these Asians are standard creatures, but they are not even as good as Warcraft. At least, Warcraft is still protected by the Santa rules without a serious criminal record and will not be filled into the slave biological Legion as cannon fodder.

"That\'s because in ancient times, these Asians tried to compete with us for the dominant position, which was the end of suicide." Ashar said naturally.

Today, without the protection of the four level strong, these Asians can only live in various regions of the wizard world and survive. Even if they have established a country, they are only established under the charity of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace, which means that there may be many unequal treaties.

By understanding this map of the underground world, Locke also found a clearly marked entrance to the underground world at the location of the zelo mine.

"The border between the caveman and the gray dwarf country." Looking at the marks on the map, Locke thought.

Two days later, through the zelo mine, Locke, ASAR and meimila entered the underground world of the kingdom of tedani.

There are many adventurers and miners nearby who are new to the zelo mine. These people are gold diggers from nearby cities. Most of them have a brush and are generally good at entry-level attendants and apprentices.

Also, there is no matching strength. In the dangerous underground world, they have no room for survival.

"Master Ashar and I will go deep into the underground world and go to those Asian countries to have a look, and you will stay near the zelo mine and kill a certain number of underground creatures." Locke said to meimila, who was hidden under her armor.

"Ah? I, I will follow you, master..." Meimila said weakly that only Locke, a guy who doesn\'t understand amorous feelings, can risk a 13-year-old girl in zelo mine alone.

"The place we go is equivalent to the forbidden area of human beings. When you go, you will not only not help, but also drag us down. Experience here. With the strength of your entry-level attendant, there will be no problem." Locke refused sternly.

This is also for the good of meimila. She must grow up as soon as possible before she is qualified to be Locke\'s Apprentice.

"This is Fermo\'s scale. When in danger, take it out. The wisdom of Asians and underground creatures is not high, which can ensure your life safety." Locke handed meimila a black scale, which contained a trace of the terror of the first-class Warcraft.

In addition to the scale armor as the bottom card, Locke also gave meimila a space ring containing some necessary living supplies and alchemy potions.

"If master Ashar and I come back in a month, and you can collect enough twenty Asian or underground creatures\' eyes, I will give you a red leaf potion that can help you break through to low-level attendants." Locke said.

Under the iron armor, meimila\'s expression was not seen by others. She silently picked up the long sword Locke bought for her, and the little girl walked alone to the depths of the mine.