Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 716

"And a strong man like you must be glad to make friends with you." Watt smiled. Green in his mouth is the only secondary Summoner in the kingdom of Fusen.

The capital of the kingdom of Fusen is not far from the city of Evra. With the flight speed of the second-class summoner, it can definitely arrive before dawn. Watt is really doing his job.

"Whatever you want, we don\'t want to cause any unpleasant diplomatic accident in the United Kingdom of jekolo." Locke spread his hand.

Although Locke repeatedly stressed that he and his companions were passing by, Watts did not dare to relax. From Locke, he even smelled a stronger breath than Lord green.

How is this possible?!

In the United Kingdom of jekolo, where the summoner is supreme, there is rarely a phenomenon that Knights of the same level can surpass the strength of the summoner.

Locke\'s appearance not only broke this law, but also opened up a new road for Watt, that is, the knight\'s cultivation to the supreme state is no worse than the summoner.

Waiting is a long time.

At dawn, Ashar arrived in Evra city. When she saw the sleeping girl in Locke\'s arms, she first had no expression. Then she took out a test crystal ball and checked meimila\'s whole body. Ashar was surprised that "she is a rare talent with innate mental power of 11."

Ashar always has a cold face. Locke seldom sees Ashar have such big mood swings.

"Rare talent, what\'s that?" Asked Locke.

"Among ordinary humans, those with congenital mental power below 7 are called unqualified, those with mental power between 7 and 9 are called qualified, and those with mental power between 10 and 12 are called rare talents. As for those with congenital mental power between 13 and 15..." Ashton paused and said, "it\'s basically the son of our plane."

After listening, Locke was stunned by what Ashar said.

This set of indicators is a model circulated among magicians to test whether ordinary humans have the ability to practice magic. When Locke was weak, Angelina also tested Locke with a crystal ball in order to test whether Locke has the ability to practice magic.

Locke is still very impressed, because his innate spiritual power is only 5, it is almost impossible to improve his spiritual power through meditation, and there is no way to accumulate magic, so he can only practice fighting spirit.

Angelina is called a genius, and her innate mental power is only 9.

So it seems that the little girl sleeping in Locke\'s arms at this time has more than twice the innate spiritual power of Locke.

Now he has grown up to a land knight and mastered the skills of using spiritual power when he was a first-class knight. Of course, Locke\'s spiritual power can\'t be more than 5 points.

Not surprisingly, Locke\'s spiritual power as a land Knight should be between 100 and 200, while ASAR, as a second-class magician, her spiritual power should have exceeded 400 points.

"Master, what is your innate spiritual power?" Locke said curiously.

This has involved assar\'s most secret information, but the questioner is Locke. Assar didn\'t worry too much. He casually said, "like my sister, my innate mental power is 9."

Sure enough, Locke sighed. In addition to their diligence, Ashar and Keira are definitely at a very high level of talent to grow up to level 2 magicians.

"Rare talents, there have been only a few cases in the three western islands over the years. I didn\'t expect to meet one here today." Ashar\'s eyes gleamed.

Ashar\'s expression was the same as when she saw the precious specimen.

Now meimila is no longer an ordinary human in Ashar\'s eyes, but a material and a treasure house of knowledge to be developed by him.

Just as ASAR was about to make a preliminary study of the differences between meimila and ordinary people, the secondary Summoner of the kingdom of Fusen also arrived in Evra city.

Green Summoner didn\'t come alone. He also brought a batch of first-class summoners and several first-class knights. It seems that he is still a little worried about Locke reported by Lord watt.

But when Green saw a more unfathomable Ashar standing next to Locke, green was surprised.

With the strength of these two, even if the kingdom of Fusen is turned upside down, he has no way. Now with so many people, it seems that he is stingy.

"Hello, two distinguished guests. My name is green. I belong to the second level Summoner of the purple region holy tower." After landing from the sky, green performed magician etiquette successively to Ashar and Locke.

Assar is busy studying the uniqueness of meimila there. How can he pay attention to green, the summoner who has just been promoted to level 2, so Locke can only smile awkwardly and say, "Hello, master green, my name is Locke. She is my partner assar. We are all from the three western islands."

"The three western islands?" Greene read the place name in his mouth. He is still quite strange to the three western islands.

In the afternoon, in the most luxurious city hall of Evra City, green, on behalf of the kingdom of Fusen, welcomed Locke and Ashar, two secondary giants from afar.

Green showed a clear look when he heard that Ashar and Locke were traveling.

"If the kingdom of fortune didn\'t need me for the time being, I might have started my travel career two years ago." Green smiled bitterly.

Green was promoted to the second level Summoner later than Locke. It has only been five years. He is a new second level strong man.

"It\'s said that master assar needs magic materials such as shutter flowers and blue thorns? I happen to have a lot of savings in my hand. You don\'t have to go as far as aimono city to trade with me. I happen to be interested in magic materials rich outside jekolo United Kingdom." Green said.

Ashar, who was anxious to buy magic materials yesterday, is now taking several kinds of alchemy props to test meimila.

Meimila, who was trained like a white mouse, did not dare to move and could only let asharsh do it.

After waking up, meimila was thrown into the laboratory by ASAR before she recovered from the pain of losing her father. Fortunately, ASAR was not a black magician and would not do anatomy and other experiments on meimila, who was still an ordinary human.

"Is there anything special about that little girl?" Green asked strangely. Since he came to Evra City, Ashar hasn\'t seen him in the eye, but has been circling around meimila.

"No, the little girl is destined for us. Master Ashar should want to take her as an apprentice." Locke said nonsense.

Rare talents are extremely rare. If Green knew the uniqueness of meimila, he might have some ideas.