Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 715

In meimila\'s house, Dad\'s blood had dried up, the body became dry, and the air was filled with an indelible stench.

Holding dad\'s head, meimila has no eyes. At this moment, she is like a walking corpse.

"Although I have a lot of therapeutic drugs, and my fighting spirit also has a certain auxiliary recovery ability, there is nothing I can do when my head is cut off." Locke said.

Meimila didn\'t respond. When she walked into the house and saw such a bloody scene in the bedroom, the girl became like this.

Sighed. If meimila\'s father hadn\'t cut off his head, even if he was hanging in one breath, he could save the living, but he had no way to save the dead body.

Not to mention that he has no way, even the level 2 and level 3 casters have no way, unless they connect her father\'s head and transform it into a dead creature similar to a corpse doll, which is also an alternative "living".

But this kind of \'living\' is better than dead. The memory is completely lost, leaving only a body. What\'s the point.

It is said that life above level 4 is called "God". God is omnipotent. Maybe Locke can come into contact with this ability to bring the dead back to life after reaching level 4.

Silence, through meimila\'s performance, Locke found out whether he was so helpless and helpless in the face of the death of his parents.

"If there\'s nothing else, I\'ll go." Locke turned and said that Ashar was still waiting for him in the kuoer forest. Since he had taken back the dagger, there was no need to stay in Evra.

As soon as he took a step forward, Locke stopped and his clothes were caught.

"I said, I can\'t save..." Locke\'s voice hasn\'t fallen yet.

"Kill me." Meimila said with her eyes blankly.

"What are you talking about?" Locke felt he had heard wrong.

"Kill me." Meimila repeated that her father died and was unaccompanied. Meimila thought of suicide.

After all, she is still a minor girl. She can\'t do it by herself, so she wants to borrow Locke\'s hand to end it for herself.

"Didn\'t you say you were willing to help me, then kill me." Meimila\'s eyes were still dull.

Locke looked at meimila. She was a warm and energetic little girl who worked during the day. At night, she experienced such great changes as if she had changed a person.

Locke is still in the magic communication. Locke briefly describes the uniqueness of meimila.

"I\'ll be there in a minute." In the Knight Medal, Ashar\'s faint voice came.

Putting away the knight\'s medal, Locke looked at the little girl with light tears in the corners of her eyes and sighed.

It seems that meimila\'s tears have not dried up. Under the pain of losing her father, meimila seems to go back to the time when her mother died seven years ago.

"Sir, are you a second-class knight in the knight palace?" Ask his men to bury meimila\'s father\'s body and head. Watt dawdled for a long time and ran over to greet him.

"Oh? Do you know the knight\'s palace?" Locke said strangely.

Although old man watt also has quasi rank strength, there is no Knight palace in jekolo United Kingdom, so there will be no people from the knight palace to solicit him.

"The knight palace is a sacred place that every Knight of us yearns for. My biggest regret in my life is that I didn\'t join the knight palace." Watt\'s tone was somewhat heavy.

In the three western islands, high-level attendants and quasi level Knights have reached the lowest threshold for entering the knight palace. The old man has not been organized and accepted for so long, so he can only say that he was born in the wrong place.

"How did you get to the right level?" Locke said curiously.

"Before I was thirty years old, I was a subordinate Knight of a noble summoner. Because I was seriously injured and could no longer follow the adult, I stayed in flor city." Watt said, and rolled up his lock armor, revealing a tear from his shoulder to his right abdomen.

The wound looks like it was hurt by the sharp claws of powerful creatures. Although it is not fatal, it also limits Watt\'s promotion path. Many meridians flow through that area in the Qi fighting cycle.

"Also follow the summoner, so your vision is so broad?" Locke looked around. Both the governance of Evra city and Watt\'s knowledge of the knight\'s palace showed that the old man was a real man.

"Yes, I learned a lot from that adult." Watt respectfully said that after so many years, the summoner who trained him still occupies an important position in Watt\'s heart.

Nodding, Locke lengbuding said, "the summoner must be the second level Summoner in your country?"

Watt\'s body stiffened instantly. Facing Locke\'s inquiry, he didn\'t respond.

But looking at Watt\'s picture, Locke also guessed the answer, which is not far from his guess.

"You don\'t have to inform the summoner. My friend and I will leave the kingdom of Fusen soon. We\'re just here." Locke said.

"Although you said so, I still have to abide by my duty. It\'s my duty to protect Evra city. I can\'t turn a blind eye to strong people like you here." Watt said humbly.