Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 717

"I\'m not interested in taking another apprentice." In a laboratory temporarily transformed from a secret room, Ashar glanced at Locke and said.

Ashar has only one apprentice, that is Locke\'s woman grace. Ashar mainly teaches grace the knowledge of wizard system and medicine refining.

Ashar is not a qualified tutor, or she has no interest in being a tutor.

The master apprentice relationship with grace is only a nominal master apprentice, and does not regard Angelina as the inheritor of their department like Kayla.

"I\'m not trying to dispel the doubts of the green summoner." Locke smiled and said that Ashar took care of grace in many places. Locke still owes Ashar this favor.

On the temporary test-bed, meimila lay quietly on it, her eyes covered with a black cloth, which exuded a faint smell of medicine.

Glasses are not only the window of the soul, but also one of the external organs of mental power. In order not to hurt the little girl, Ashar used the highest medicine when testing meimila.

"What about her? Do you want to continue to study?" Locke pointed to Meira on the test bench.

"Now just the light of spiritual power found in her eyes has benefited me a lot. If I can open her head..." Ashar\'s voice seems to have some magic, which makes people believe and fear.

Assar in this state, Locke was not rare before. It was a crazy color when dissecting and studying ectopic creatures.

After swallowing his saliva, Locke said with difficulty, "what if someone finds out? This kind of experiment has been regarded as the experiment of the black magician."

No matter what assar wants to do, Locke will choose to support, but in this case, Locke\'s first thing to do is to calm assar.

"So we need to get out of here and find a quiet place for me to do research." Asal shook her hair and said, "and who says this is the black magic experiment. Opening her head doesn\'t mean she will die."

You have to open other people\'s heads, which is not the behavior of the black magician?

As soon as Locke choked, Ashar, who was caught in the magic of research, had no sense at all.

"It\'s not good... The child just lost his father..." Locke said in a deep voice.

Locke is not a good man, but he is definitely not an inhuman bastard. If assar insists on doing so, he will choose to support, but his conscience is very sad.

"Of course, I have obtained the child\'s consent." Ashar said faintly.

"She agreed?!" Locke couldn\'t believe that someone would agree to let others open their brains for research.

"Well, but she has one condition." Looking at Locke, Ashar\'s lips picked up slightly, like a cunning and beautiful fox.

"What conditions?" Obviously talking about meimila, but somehow a few drops of cold sweat appeared on Locke\'s forehead, as if something bad was going to happen to him.

"She wants to be a teacher." Ashar looked at Locke and said.

"Who is it?" Locke\'s bad hunch is stronger.

"It\'s you." Ashar winked at Locke.

Locke fainted.

"I didn\'t expect you to leave so soon. This is the magic material required by master assar. I have ordered people to prepare it." Outside Evra, the second level Summoner green came out to see him off in person.

Now with Locke, in addition to Ashar, there is meimila, a little attendant.

Meimila has changed her original coarse cloth clothes and put on a beautiful silk skirt that only aristocrats can afford. This man relies on clothes and horses and saddles. After changing into new clothes, meimila instantly changed from Cinderella to snow white.

Not only did the knight of the city Lord\'s house look at her, but also lockdor looked at her.

But meimila was in a low mood at this time. Not only at this time, but also since that night, Locke had not seen the little girl smile.

"Then leave." Locke hugged his fist and said that Ashar also politely applied a magician etiquette to the summoner green.

The magic materials provided by green Summoner were not given in vain. In return, Locke and Ashar also took out many materials unique to the three western islands to exchange with them.

On the eve of leaving, meimila pulled Locke\'s sleeve.

At present, the only person that the child can communicate with is Locke. Maybe Locke saved her, or maybe Locke\'s appearance helped her avenge, so meimila will want to be Locke\'s Apprentice.

"What?" Locke asked, this cheap apprentice Locke didn\'t want. How could he teach his apprentice? Locke wouldn\'t care too much if assar hadn\'t promised meimila.

"The family still owes money. Although my father is dead, I want to pay off the debt first." Meimila whispered.

After Locke and Ashar left, the girl didn\'t have to worry about debt, but on the eve of leaving Evra City, she didn\'t forget to pay off the debt. Nothing else, just this original heart was recognized by Locke.

Touched meimila\'s head and stuffed a purse into her hand. It was full of gold coins. It was roughly close to 200.

"Is that enough?" Asked Locke.

"Enough, enough!" Meimila\'s face turned red. She didn\'t know whether she was moved or embarrassed by Locke.

After solving the debt of meimila\'s family, the three flew in the direction of kuoer forest.

The purpose of going back to the kuoer forest is not to go to aymonroe city. The summoner Green has prepared all the magic materials assar needs. The purpose of going to the kuoer forest is that assar needs a quiet place without interruption to facilitate her experiment.

Of course, meimila can\'t fly. She is being held horizontally around her waist by Locke like a baby.

She covered her eyes with her hands. Meimila, who flew into the sky for the first time, didn\'t dare to look down. If Locke hadn\'t been around her, meimila might have screamed because of high-altitude fear.

"Then, master, do you really want me to take an apprentice?" In the middle of the flight, Locke preached to Ashar\'s spiritual power.

"The magician advocates equal value trading. I made a deal with the child. You don\'t need to take her as an apprentice. At that time, send the child to other countries to ensure that she has no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life. It\'s also equivalent to giving her compensation." Ashar said so.

"That\'s good." Locke breathed a sigh of relief.

What they didn\'t notice was that meimila held Locke\'s hand tightly.

"By the way, do you know what the child\'s talent is?" Asked Locke.

Since they are rare talents, the difference between them and those who have the ability to practice magic is that they have some strange talents, or "powers".

"It seems to be a gift like \'foresight\' and \'divination\'." Ashar said so.