Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 714

However, at this time, it was not the mighty cavalry on the ground or the dignified City Lord in front of the cavalry, dressed in fine iron armor and extremely powerful.

But the blue knight standing on the top of the cloud, looming and showing only half of his figure!

"How is that possible?"

"Someone can fly!"

"Is it the noble Summoner?"

"It can\'t be the noble summoner. You see, the adult is wearing armor."


The sound of whispering in the nearby houses came. Locke didn\'t want to be so high-profile, but in order to find his short dagger as soon as possible, he contacted Watt, the strongest of the city and the city master, as soon as he returned to Evra city.

Watt has the strength of quasi order knights and is also the hereditary count of the kingdom of Fusen. Watt, in his eighties, is still young and powerful because of his good fighting spirit and cultivation.

After receiving the request for help from a strong land Knight like Locke, he immediately dispatched all his city Lord\'s Pro guards to find the lost demonized weapons for Locke.

Before that, Locke had been to the rose tavern. After finding no results, he had to rely on Watt\'s patrol for the time being.

Fortunately, the knight\'s mental power sensing range has covered a quarter of the city of Evra. After discovering that there was a fight in the northwest city, he rushed over at the first time. The most important thing is that during the fight, Locke felt the smell of his short dagger.

It was Locke at the top of the cloud who just rescued meimila.

Meimila was still surprised and didn\'t react, but the four irregularities behind her burst into a cold sweat for the first time.

The four bastards of the silver wolf\'s teeth want to escape here. They can\'t cope with the terrible blue armor knight in the sky or the city Lord\'s Pro guard on the ground.

However, they were desperate to find that they couldn\'t move their feet.

"This is indeed my dereliction of duty. I didn\'t expect that there were people who dared to commit flagrant murder in Evra City, which I have managed for 50 years." In the cavalry team of the city Lord\'s personal guard, a knight wearing lacquer black refined iron armor stepped out.

He was the Lord of Evra, the Lord of Watt, who was famous for his bravery and strictness to the law.

"I won\'t intervene in the affairs of your Fusen kingdom. I\'m just looking for the lost items." In the sky, Locke said, stretched out his right hand. Under the traction of huge spiritual force, the short dagger tightly held by meimila flew into the sky and fell into Locke\'s hands.

"Eh?" Locke looked at his dagger, which was wrapped in linen, as if it were a simple scabbard.

"What did you do?" Locke asked meimila, who was slumped on the ground below.

"Yes, yes." Meimila\'s face was still a little white. She was not only frightened by this series of accidents, but also deterred by Locke and many cavalry teams around her.

In her voice, meimila recognized the man as the guest she served in the tavern during the day.

"Cavalry! Hang the villain!" On the other side, inside the black refined iron armor, Watt ordered his men.

"Drink!" Hundreds of elite cavalry roared. They were also taught to fight. Their general strength hovered around the entry-level attendants. However, with the advantage of battle array and number, this team of elite cavalry, even high-level attendants, were not willing to despise the edge.

Not to mention the four silver wolf teeth surrounded by the Cavaliers.

The horse\'s hooves are running and the blood is scattered everywhere. The cold light is the sound of the sword and the sword, and the howl of pain is the last sound of the dying people in the world.

Once upon a time, Locke fought with the enemy as a member of the bottom cavalry.

Put away his dagger. Locke turned away. The world of ordinary people is getting farther and farther away from him. It\'s time to leave.

"My Lord! Wuwu... Please! Wuwu..." Behind him came a cry from a young girl.

Locke\'s body stopped, turned and looked at the ground. The object of the girl\'s distress was herself in the sky.

"Please, help my father! Wuwu... Please!" Meimila\'s tears filled her cheeks. At this time, she was no longer the strong girl who needed to support her family. She was just a child.

Meimila still has a lot of blood left on her. I don\'t know whether it\'s her own or someone else\'s.

After looking at the linen wrapped on his dagger, the patched linen feels rough, but the Stitcher\'s workmanship is quite delicate. It can be seen that this is done with heart.

"Well, let me see what I can do for you." Locke said so.

He doesn\'t like to owe others. Just now, with the powerful spiritual power of the local knight, he learned the original intention of the child to take his dagger by reading meimila\'s memory and thoughts before meimila found out.

Is it to return the dagger to yourself when you go to drink the next day? What a lovely and kind child.

The hanging belonging to the cavalry has come to an end. How can the four ordinary adventurers be the opponents of the city master\'s elite cavalry? With only one charge, the four will become a pile of broken meat and scum.

Looking at the pieces of limbs scattered on the ground, both Locke who fell from the sky and other members of the cavalry were expressionless. Only meimila turned white again.

Although her body had been scared to the point that she had no strength, meimila struggled and took Locke to her house. Her father was still there. The mysterious adult must have the ability to save her father.

Meimila has lost her mother. She doesn\'t want to lose her father again.

Watching Locke, a powerful land knight, follow an ordinary girl to the nearby folk house, the city Lord watt thought for a moment and followed closely.

The strongest person in the kingdom of Fusen is a second-class summoner, and there is only such a second-class life in their country. When he meets a second-class Knight at first sight, old watt still wants to have a good relationship with the strong man. It\'s good to be instructed.

This is the most barren place in the northwest civilian area of Evra city. The low level of the surrounding houses can no longer allow war horses to pass. Therefore, Lord Watt, like Locke and meimila, came here.

"Creak, creak." It was the sound of the collision of iron sheets on the armor surface. Old watt didn\'t come alone. In order to protect their noble City Lord, all the Knights of the cavalry and pro guard crowded here.

"Look, it\'s the city Lord!"

"And the Knights of the moat patrol!"

Tonight seems to be a sleepless night. As the noble count of watt and the Lord of Evra, I must be the first time to come to the poorest and backward place of the city.