Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 706

Claus is not a good thing. She always deceives meimila\'s father, who has a very poor family, not to mention drinking. She also often acts on meimila. She was not sensible when she was young. When she was ten years old and knew a little about men and women, meimila gnawed her teeth at Claus.

His son Miller is not a good thing. His father and son are both lecherous and have no skills. They idle around Evra all day in an attempt to marry meimila.

Meimila will live with such a man all her life unless she is stupid.

Looking at Claus walking out of the tavern with his father on his back, meimila spat at the hypocritical beard, and then sighed. There were five cups of ale on the table, seven copper coins for one cup, and thirty-five copper coins, almost meimila\'s two-day salary and tip.

The mood was a little uncomfortable, but meimila still hid the sadness in her heart and began to clean up the table. This is her job.

The flour jar at home has been empty, and the drunken father can\'t count on it. Meimila has to think about eating in the next three days, because she won\'t get paid until three days later. After removing her father\'s wine debt, her family can only eat black bread next month.

These three days are tough. The smart tavern owner will not pay his employees one day in advance. If she doesn\'t want to starve to death, meimila needs to serve every customer with all her heart and expect a tip.

If she doesn\'t even have a tip, meimila has to ask the fat man from the back kitchen of the tavern, because the tavern always has leftover dishes, which are usually recycled and fed to pigs. If it\'s leftover from the day, it won\'t break. Meimila can take it back. This will be her dinner with her father.

The premise is that the fat man agrees and no one reports to the boss.

For the sisters who work with her, meimila is trustworthy. The only thing is that the fat cook is a little difficult. The fat cook has the common disease of all men, that is lecherous.

The older she grows, the more she believes that lust is the essence of men, because it is the same with all the men around her.

She was still thinking about how to beg the fat man to give her some food. Meimila didn\'t notice a group of uninvited guests outside the door.

"Meimila, I\'m looking for you." The soft voice of the sisters at the counter was full of timidity and fear.

These people at the door are not easy to mess with.

There are six big men. These six big men dare not block the door. Not to mention how hard the backstage of the owner of the tavern is, the adventurers that may exist in the tavern alone are not provoked by their six ordinary people.

They came to find meimila.

"Meimila, should you pay interest on the money your family owes this month?" The leading man is a man with a scar on his face. It is said that his scar was left during a fight with other underground gangs in the street, which is a clear proof of his "bravery".

"Isn\'t the interest paid back in four days? I\'ll give you my salary as soon as I get it." Out of the tavern, meimila whispered.

The money owed by her family was not caused by her father\'s drinking, but the money owed by the doctor when her mother died of illness. Over the years, interest has reached a terrible figure, which her father can\'t count on. All these money needs meimila to repay.

Of course, the leading man knew that the repayment date was four days later. It was just a routine practice for him to say so. Every month, he was assigned by the boss to come to all the people who owed them usury to "remind" them.

"Can\'t you pay it back in advance! You pigs!"

"Yes, I have to pay the interest at the end of the month every time, so that I don\'t have spare money to drink and look for women!"

"Meimila, I think you\'re still with our boss Wally. If you have a boss to support you, you don\'t need to worry about paying back the interest."


Those who say these words are the younger brothers of the first big man. Every time they come to collect money, these scum will speak out and humiliate the debtors. They have no quality of pity.

The first big man pressed his hand and motioned to be quiet. He was 28 years old. He fought in the underground underworld of Evra city for more than ten years. He didn\'t stop until five years ago. He started the idle job of collecting debts for the boss. Now even his son is three and a half years old, how can he see a yellow haired girl like meimila.

Even if he liked it, he was not interested in bearing the debt of meimila\'s family. The gangsters were not all bad people. Sometimes they couldn\'t help themselves. They sighed silently. The chief man said to meimila in a deep voice, "pay back the interest in four days, don\'t forget! Two silver coins. I\'ll ask Hal to ask you for them at that time."

"Yes, thank you, brother Wally!" Meimila wiped tears from the corners of her eyes, but she bent down to thank the strong man.

Shaking his head, he didn\'t stand at the door of the tavern to hinder others from doing business. Wally took his five little brothers and walked towards the next house.

Meimila was very bitter. If her father drank too much, she would not be so. At least she could make a living. She and her father were hungry, but the debt owed by the family was a big problem.

Even if meimila worked all her life, she might not be able to pay off the debt. If her father didn\'t drink, there would be hope at least, but

Meimila thought that after so many years of suffering, she had learned to be patient and would not cry again, but the tears in the corners of her eyes were not fake. The light salty smell fell into her mouth. Meimila, who came back to her senses, quickly wiped away her tears and ran back to the store. It\'s her working time.

Meimila\'s eyes were still red and swollen, and the sisters at the counter felt bad when they saw it. "Go and entertain the guest. Vanni is here. I\'ll let her help you as a waiter in front of the door for the time being."

"Thank you, ruby." Meimila\'s voice choked.

Although the position of waiter in front of the door can allow them to avoid the mess in the tavern and the harassment of guests, if they can choose, the girls working here are more willing to do the reception work in the tavern.

Because sometimes they will meet very generous guests, they will give some tips to the waiter who entertains them. If the wine ordered by the guests is more expensive, they can also get some commission.

Meimila hopes to entertain adventurers next, because adventurers are often generous. It\'s better if they are noble summoners and knights. The worst thing for these people is money.

If there were no adventurers, rich businessmen would do well. It would be a big deal to be wiped off. In order to make a living, meimila had long been indifferent to everything.

It is impossible for nobles to drink in this kind of tavern, although this tavern called rose flower is also regarded as a medium and high-grade tavern in Evra city.

Taking the menu to the customer, meimila noticed that the customer seemed to be the one she had introduced earlier.

Then meimila\'s eyes brightened. Because of her many years of professional experience, meimila could see that Locke was not an ordinary civilian.