Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 705

"Good biological core. It seems that you are quite rich. I want to take you as a vassal knight, cluck." Jenna covered her mouth and smiled.

The two first-class biological cores are expensive as the ride expenses, but the parties concerned don\'t care about this little money. At least they have fought together. These two cores are regarded as the witness of their acquaintance.

"Cybertron Empire Oh, don\'t forget!" The floating ship has flown away, and the air is still reverberating with the voice of jelina, which is the sound amplification in low-level magic.

Packed up, one wore a black magic robe and one wore light blue armor. The obvious double combination of magicians and knights set off again.

"Master Ashar." Locke said suddenly.

"Well?" Under the black robe, Ashar\'s body gave a meal.

"I heard there are few free Knights here. In order to reduce unnecessary trouble, why don\'t you declare me your vassal knight?" Locke tried to ask.


"Master Ashar?"


"If you don\'t promise, give me a reply." Locke said silently.


"Is that a promise?" Locke asked again with certainty.

This time Ashar ignored Locke, but wore a magic robe and let the wind blow and walked away.


The kingdom of Fusen is a weak Kingdom subordinate to the United Kingdom of jekolo. The level of national strength can refer to the kingdom of forstan on the three western islands.

The strongest man in the kingdom is just a second-class summoner. In order to avoid causing the alarm of the Kingdom\'s authorities, Locke and Ashar both converge their breath and strength in the kingdom of Fusen, only pretending to be ordinary adventurers.

Evra City, an important provincial capital city in the central part of the kingdom of Fusen, is a large city nearest to the national capital, ranking second in economy among all cities in the kingdom of Fusen.

Locke, who entered the city as an adventurer, was given an identity card for temporary residence after paying a silver coin.

"Master, why don\'t we fly in directly? And what can we do in this ordinary city?" Locke in armor asked Ashar ahead with mental strength.

"Experiencing ordinary people\'s life is also a kind of experience, and I also need to supplement some experimental materials." Ashar said faintly.

Within the sphere of influence of jekolo United Kingdom, the proper term "magician" rarely appears, and the most frequent is "Summoner".

The largest number of casters in Evra city are also summoners and magic apprentices of other power systems.

"I went to the alchemy store in the center of the city to buy some materials." Ashar said.

"Then I\'ll wait for you in that tavern." Locke casually pointed to a tavern called rose flower on the street and said.

Ashar frowned. Ashar always hated alcohol, but wine is Locke\'s favorite. After such a long time together, Ashar and Locke are adapting to each other.

There is no objection. Ashar walks to the central street of the city. A small amount of alcohol is acceptable. It\'s a big deal to open a magic shield at that time.

The demonized armor was put away by Locke. In the surprised eyes of the people around him, Locke walked into the tavern.

Enchanted armor, a high-grade item, is still rare in Evra city. Many passers-by speculate whether Locke is a powerful high-level servant.

Meimila is a 13-year-old ordinary girl in Evra city. Her family is poor and her mother died early. In order to supplement her family, meimila has been working in a pub since she was nine.

There are no relatives at home, only one father. If that\'s all, meimila doesn\'t need to work so hard, but unfortunately, meimila\'s father is an alcoholic.

Standing in front of the door, she greeted every guest entering the tavern with a formulaic smile. This is meimila\'s job.

May inherit the beauty talent of her dead mother. Meimila\'s skin is whiter than milk. Although there is a little acne at the tip of her nose, it does not affect meimila\'s overall appearance.

"Welcome!" Meimila bowed respectfully, and before she could see the guest, there was a voice calling for her in the tavern behind her.

"Meimila, your father is drunk again!" It was meimila\'s father\'s drinking friend, a bearded middle-aged man who disgusted meimila.

In the innermost corner of the tavern, a middle-aged man with brown hair completely collapsed on the table. His snoring was loud and mixed with the noise of other guests around, which together formed the "excitement" of the tavern.

Next to the middle-aged man, there was a big beard with a red garlic nose. He was a man named meimila.

There was no time to pick up the customers at the door and take their seats. After talking to the sisters at the counter, meimila hurried to take care of her.

The smell of wine and men\'s sweat around meimila didn\'t adapt when she took over the job, but meimila has been used to it for so many years.

"Uncle Claus, could you please send my father back?" Meimila begged the beard, who was both meimila\'s father\'s wine friend and her neighbor.

"Hehe, since it was little meimila\'s request, uncle Claus must do it. But the wine hasn\'t been paid... And your father was drunk again..." Klaun rubbed his hands and said that his family\'s situation was better than that of meimila\'s family, but he never paid for drinking with meimila\'s father. He was a smart beard.

Meimila didn\'t have to think about it. She also knew how the beard in front of her fooled her father. Meimila had long accepted her fate with such a father.

"I know that the wine money will be deducted from my salary, but please ask Uncle Claus to go back and persuade my father that my salary this month is only enough to buy black bread at home. Don\'t let him drink again..." Meimila whispered. Although this sentence is no different from Bai\'s, meimila still hopes that the big beard can persuade her father.

"Sure, sure." Beard patted on his chest. "How can meimila eat black bread? Meimila can come to my house if she wants. I\'ll let Miller make potato cakes for you."

When bearded said this, his arm leaned unnaturally towards meimila, or rather towards meimila\'s chest.

Working in a place with a mixture of dragons and snakes like the tavern, meimila hasn\'t seen any harassment in the past few years. After several losses, she learned to be smart.

The body retreated flexibly and avoided the salty pig\'s hand of the beard. Meimila respectfully said, "then please uncle Claus."

Meimila dodged, and bearded was not angry. Now he was a little drunk. He picked up meimila\'s father next to him and staggered out of the tavern.