Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 707

After entering the tavern, he was hung aside, and then saw a poor daughter\'s drunken father and gangster debt collection drama. Locke had some novelty and sympathy for the civilian life at the bottom of Evra city.

He sympathized with meimila naturally. Although meimila talked with her uncle Claus and Wally, a strong gangster outside the door, the voice did not escape Locke\'s ears.

In terms of status, Locke\'s strength today is enough to compare him with the most noble people in the kingdom of Fusen, but in the face of the misfortune of these bottom civilians, his most rational way is to stand idly by.

I don\'t know how many poor ordinary people like meimila in the world. There are millions of civilians at the bottom of the kingdom of guangfushen. How can Locke take care of them all.

Moreover, Locke has no obligation to help them.

The blood on his hands may add up to fill Evra city. Locke is not a bad man. He is an executioner.

"Distinguished guest, what kind of wine do you need?" The voice of Amira Nuo came, which belongs to the soft Nuo unique to 13-year-old girls.

The owner of this rose flower tavern is very good at doing business. The selected clerks are underage girls under the age of 15. The fragrance and vitality of girls not only raise the level of the tavern, but also have little cost, and can attract many repeat customers.

But if these guests want to buy and sell in public and bully these girls, the thugs raised by the boss at a high price are not dry food.

Of course, there are two or three exceptions.

One is the nobles, who force civilian girls. Sometimes it is a blessing for civilian girls, because they don\'t have to work hard for life from now on.

One is a rich merchant. In the kingdom of Fusen, one husband and three concubines are allowed by law. There is enough money. It is not unusual to marry more wives and concubines.

The last one is the adventurer, especially the adventurer with extraordinary power. Whether it is powerful fighting spirit or magical summoning, it is the talk after dinner in the civilian circle of Evra city. Those thugs raised by the boss can\'t beat adventurers with extraordinary power.

Meimila\'s voice is very good. Some of them are due to her nature, and some are dedicated to it. After working in the pub for so many years, Emira has already become a qualified waiter.

Sometimes the pleasant voice is also a kind of enjoyment. Locke doesn\'t quite understand what assar experienced in ordinary people\'s life, but actually feeling it is another matter.

Not to mention anything else, at least apart from her voice, Emily\'s appearance is more in line with Locke\'s aesthetics.

"Eh? Do you have ale?" Locke looked at the menu in surprise.

People in the east coast like to drink rum. Although the degree of this wine is higher than that of ordinary wine, Locke still prefers the full-bodied and long wheat wine.

In other words, Locke is more used to drinking wheat wine, which is a hobby that he has not changed for so many years since he was born as an ordinary soldier in the kingdom of faustan.

"Yes, the brewing technology of wheat wine in our store was introduced from the southern kingdom of posses, which is very popular with past adventurers." Meimila replied.

Locke\'s clothes don\'t look like aristocrats and rich businessmen, but his body exudes a momentum that makes meimila afraid and makes her involuntarily worship. Meimila hasn\'t felt it in those adventurers before.

Do you? Meimila felt a little excited.

The wine ordered by Locke is the most common wheat wine in our shop, but there are several grades of wheat wine. For example, meimila and her father drank the cheapest one before, seven copper coins a cup.

Under the natural recognition of meimila\'s subconscious mind, Locke chose the two most expensive cereals in our store.

"Just these two kinds of bars, two bottles each. I\'ll try what\'s the difference." Locke said.

The customers who drink in the tavern often count by cup. Locke wants four bottles when he comes up. Not only meimila is stunned, but also the customers who hear Locke\'s voice around her look at Locke curiously.

The man who drank some wine couldn\'t hold his hands and mouth. Now the situation is that several men who are almost drunk are ready to laugh at Locke.

Even adventurers who are famous for their bravery rarely drink four bottles of ale at one time, let alone the two highest grade ale in our store.

However, these guys who are about to make rude remarks are like a male duck pinched by his throat. They open their mouth for a long time, but they can\'t say a word. On the contrary, their faces are red, which is scared.

There was no need for Locke to do anything else, but simply released a little pressure, which was enough to shock the drunkards.

Locke became more and more proficient in the control of power, especially when he mastered the balance ability of ice and fire elements in the Roland family in the Crimean City, which made his perception more acute.

The imposing pressure was only aimed at those drunkards who wanted to ridicule Locke, and other customers who sat farther away were not affected. Therefore, the rose flower tavern was still very normal at this time.

A thick layer of sweat with the smell of alcohol soaked his clothes. Several drunkards around him who were frightened by Locke suddenly woke up from their drunkenness. Regardless of the unfinished wine on the table, they paid their money and left the tavern one by one.

The authority of a land knight, even if less than 1%, is not something that ordinary people can resist. Now the ugly Locke is the existence of wild beasts in their eyes.

For the customers who checked out around, meimila was a little strange. She didn\'t attribute the problem to Locke. She didn\'t even know that Locke had just punished several people who wanted to speak unkindly to him.

Because of her professional integrity, meimila has always been very attentive to such "big customers". People who can afford the most expensive wine naturally don\'t care about the gratuity.

"Do you need anything else? If you only drink, so many bottles will make your appetite uncomfortable." Said meimila softly.

On the surface, she doesn\'t care how many bottles Locke can drink. Four bottles of top-grade wheat wine. After consumption, her Commission looks like 20 copper coins. This time, the food with dad has been found in the next three days. There\'s no need to ask the fat man in the back kitchen.

"Well... Give me a plate of peanuts and a plate of rabbit meat." Locke said so.

Mingming wine is very high-grade, but the dishes are ordinary, which makes meimila a little strange, but she won\'t ask what she shouldn\'t ask. After putting away the menu, she respectfully went to get something for Locke.

"Meimila, you made it this time." At the counter, said ruby, meimila\'s good sister.