Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 702

If you can get the inner monologue of blood vine, I don\'t know what the poor guy is feeling now.

Maybe it\'s been lonely and lonely underground for a long time. The spirit of the blood vine is a little abnormal. It has laid its tragic end since it overestimated its tentacles to attack the four Lockes.

Locke always thought that in the war at Princeton, he had forced Ashar out at least 90% of his strength. Now it seems that he thought too much.

Dark element Rhapsody is a powerful magic that assar has mastered in recent years. As assar\'s trump card, its skill power has exceeded the scope of ordinary second-class magicians.

Not to mention that Locke was shocked after the magic was issued. Even madas and jelina, both level two magicians, were also shocked by Ashar\'s hand.

In the underground space, the residual dark element energy has not completely faded, and dark element virtual shadows can be seen everywhere, which are the environmental changes caused by assar\'s ultimate magic.

"I\'m afraid the energy of this magic is 18000 degrees." Madas said in shock.

10000 degree attack is the normal spell casting level of level 2 magicians, while the random blow of level 3 magicians can reach 30000 degrees of terror and 18000 degrees of magic. Assar is enough to be called the top among Level 2 magicians.

In the face of madas\'s surprise, ASAR, as a party, did not fluctuate much. During the summoner competition, she had seen fierce people who summoned Level 3 creatures to fight. She knew that there was a day in the sky. Naturally, she would not be proud of such a small thing.

At this time, Ashar was running to the blood pool under the main body of the blood vine and fiddling with those strange test instruments.

The fighting time is very short, but it is also very fierce. With one\'s own strength, it can block the siege of six secondary creatures: Locke, ASAR, jelina, madas, lava steel mane and bloodthirsty leech. This blood vine can die at ease.

In this battle, the only serious person was Ashar. She released her big move as soon as she came up. It can be seen how excited she was about the discovery of this underground space.

The blood vine has 300 tentacles in its heyday, and has a second-class peak and comparable strength to the third-class. I don\'t know how long it has been kept underground, and its strength and wisdom are extremely weak.

There were only 100 tentacles left, and the wisdom became confused. They only knew relatively simple hunting skills. When Locke found it, they just managed to keep the level of secondary creatures from falling.

So that after only 15 minutes of fighting, Locke and others restrained and cut off all tentacles. Finally, assar\'s dark element Rhapsody, as the last blow, hit the body of the blood vine and killed it.

"Hua La, Hua La" this is the sound of the bloodthirsty leech swimming. After the blood vine loses its life and fluctuates, the bloodthirsty leech occupies the dove\'s hole and enters the pool of blood water.

I don\'t know what the composition of the blood is. Locke smells a little fragrant.

"Can you stop your bloodthirsty leech?" Ashar turned back angrily and said to madas that she didn\'t respect the old man at all.

When assar stared, the old man with white beard smiled awkwardly and hurriedly restrained his calling beast with spiritual force.

The summoners with different personalities have different attitudes towards the summoned animals. Madas mainly takes an equal and kind attitude towards his summoned animals, while jerina is a naked command.

Because of its large size and strength, the molten steel mane almost damaged the overall base of the underground space. After being scolded by jielina, she rushed back to the summoning array.

Sometimes it\'s a blessing to be with a good host. The molten steel mane finally looks at the bloody leech leaving here.

"Did you find anything?" The transformed Locke came over and asked Ashar, who was searching for useful information in a pile of experimental equipment.

On the whole, the test-bed around the blood pool is divided into eight places, but now, there are only three places that are relatively intact. The others are either destroyed by the tentacles of blood vines or lost in the dust of time and turned into decay.

"I found something interesting." With a thick red book in her hand, Ashar looked at the surrounding underground space and sneered.

The red book made Locke feel very uncomfortable. There was a feeling of extreme disgust. It came from the bottom of her heart. Ashar found this book on a nearby test-bed.

"What a strong breath of despair." Jielina and madas who heard the sound also found the abnormality of the red book.

"What the hell is this, dark magic?" Said jelina, frowning.

In this world, only the black magicians who are shouted and beaten by everyone, despised by the plane will and wanted by the plane guardian, will have such eye-catching despair energy.

The black magicians are abandoned by the plane will. It is not that they try to go against the sky. They don\'t have the courage, but that the black magicians are a group of ferocious people who are devoid of human nature and like to take the standard aborigines as the main research object.

The rules of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace protect the standard aborigines, especially ordinary humans, but these rules have little binding power in front of the black magician.

They are like an abscess on the plane. They can\'t be pulled out completely. Some people always take risks and start with the standard creatures, trying to achieve their own level of detachment by studying the life codes of the same kind.

"Hum, no matter who the owner of this book is, the founder of this underground space must have good knowledge of black magic, or good knowledge of black magic." ASAR turned over the red book full of despair in her hand and said.

Hearing Ashar say this, jelina and madas have the same expression.

Only the half magic mage who fell five hundred years ago could have set up such a big pen under the ground of abison\'s secret place.

Do you?

Jenna and madas seem to have found something amazing.

Bloodthirsty leeches are still rolling in the blood pool, but the surrounding space is quiet and terrible.

Whether or not Abison is a black wizard, but since he has been falling down for so many years, there is no threat. This underground space is obviously a new world that has not been discovered by experienced practitioners. Many experimental equipment and magical materials are still well preserved.

"Can we share something? There seems to be a lot of fun here." Locke said with a heartless smile. He was still thinking about the blood crystal that Ashar said.

"You, you have a big heart!" Jelina came over and gave Locke a white eye with her arms in her hands.

The already spectacular waves are even more ferocious under such a deliberate outline.


Things haven\'t been going well recently. Is it the Chinese new year? All kinds of cattle, ghosts and snakes are coming to trouble Xiaodou?

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