Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 703

The main harvest of this underground space is actually a pile of intact experimental props and equipment.

Limited by poor knowledge, Locke knew very little of all the experimental equipment. Therefore, in the distribution of booty, Locke resolutely gave up the demand for experimental equipment and asked for the bloody spar instead.

If it is regarded as the energy core of general secondary organisms, the value of blood spar is really limited, but because of the special nature of bloodthirsty vines, Locke, who was secretly instructed by assar, knows that he will never lose.

Magicians often pay more attention to the acquisition of knowledge, energy, crystal and other material gains, which are much inferior to knowledge in terms of values.

If there was no accident, the experimental equipment should be needed for the experiment of a semi divine magician. After Locke put forward such suggestions, jelina and madas had no objection.

Finally, in the harvest of the discovery of this underground space, Locke was rewarded with a bloody spar. Assar mainly won some books and casting materials about witchcraft in this experimental field, and other experimental equipment, which were divided equally by jelina and madas.

The results of the distribution were all happy. The fragments of the bloodthirsty vine were collected by three secondary magicians respectively. This strange plant owned only in the ancient wizard period has great research value. If it can be re cultivated by grafting and other means, it will be a major breakthrough in the magic world.

The magic in assar\'s hand The wheel has stopped rotating. It seems that it is mainly the disordered element force in this underground space that causes the wheel pointer to rotate.

The volume of blood vine is very huge. Coupled with its developed roots, the whole western wilderness of abison\'s Secret territory is affected by the element energy of blood vine.

The pool of blood was finally transferred by madas after paying a certain interest, so that all his bloodthirsty leeches were absorbed.

The strange fragrance of blood water not only makes Knights like Locke smell attractive, but also makes the second-class super order Warcraft bloodthirsty leech a treasure.

"If there is no wrong judgment, that pool of blood water should be synthesized by human blood on the basis of heterotopic biological fusion." Ashar said so.

Judging from the volume of the blood pool, I don\'t know how much fresh life has been lost to produce this pool of blood. The ectopic creatures are OK, but if they are the standard human aborigines, no wonder Ashar would say that the founder of this underground space would be a black wizard.

After coming out of the underground space, Locke breathed the fresh air on the ground again.

After 500 years of exploration, there is an undiscovered secret laboratory underground in abison\'s secret place, which is not a small inspiration for the four people with a playful attitude.

However, the treasure of abison\'s secret place has ended here. At best, the underground secret space can only be regarded as a disposal Laboratory of abison, a semi divine magician, which can only be used when he studies the knowledge of witchcraft system.

Moreover, 70% of the props in the laboratory disappeared in the long river of history and turned into a pool of dust. The remaining valuable things were divided equally by the four people, and the harvest was not as rich as expected.

"So, do you want to continue to explore here?" Madas asked, his harvest was the smallest of the four, mainly because the pool of blood finally went into the belly of the bloodthirsty leech.

However, if the bloodthirsty leech evolves as a result, madas can also be called the most fruitful of the four.

Magic The roulette has been put away by Ashar, and the stop of the pointer also means that there is no longer anything to attract her in this place.

The witchcraft system is often closely related to mysticism, that magic Roulette is an element prop made by assar to find mysterious power.

Ashar has gone a long way on the road of dark element mage. If he wants to go further, he needs to improve on the road of wizard.

It is impossible for the three western islands to build cars behind closed doors. Only by coming to the center of the standard surface and contacting more and more powerful wizards, and with the mutual confirmation of the magic knowledge studied, can assar push the level of wizards to a higher level.

When they left abison\'s secret place, their whereabouts were deliberately concealed.

After all, their discovery is a bit shocking. If the magic origin organization knows that their semi divine magicians have studied the knowledge of black witchcraft, it is likely to be detrimental to Locke and them in order to hide these black materials.

Don\'t be protected by the rules of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace in the standard plane. All the strong above level 1 are safe. There will always be fights in places with people, that is, there are hostile relations between the holy tower and the holy tower, between the holy tower and the knight\'s Palace, and between the knight\'s palace and the knight\'s palace.

"Just use my blue toad to hide our whereabouts." Madas smiled.

The little guy squatting on his shoulder is a secondary creature with good water element power. A layer of blue water shield wrapped several people and sent them out of abison\'s secret place.

For the sake of insurance, Ashar and jelina also use their own means to eliminate and hide their traces here.

Only Locke has been watching awkwardly. Professional things still need professional personnel to do. He only needs to do a good job as a striker and meat shield.

While asal and madas were arranging the magic shield, jerina, who took the lead in completing her work, came over, patted Locke on the shoulder and said, "you have strong strength after transformation. Do you have any plans to be my vassal knight?"

"Vassal knight?" Locke wondered.

In the wizard continent, the overall status of knights is lower than that of magicians. In the ectopic war, the role of individual knights is much lower than that of magicians at the same level.

Compared with the Sorcerer\'s extremely wide range of group attacks, the knight\'s single attack is more suitable for single challenge and encirclement killing, which leads to that the knight is always one notch lower than the sorcerer in the acquisition of total resources.

Magicians are always rich. This sentence was first spread from the Knights. In fact, it is not that magicians are rich, but that knights are too poor

"I\'ve heard that it\'s difficult for knights to obtain the essence of energy. Maybe I can help you?" Jelina licked her lips with her tongue as she said this.

Locke has long found that this woman is a little open-minded and has a bright personality, but he didn\'t expect to dare to do such tempting actions face to face. Did he really ask Locke to be a vassal Knight instead of her face?

After coughing heavily, Locke said, "I\'m not worried about the acquisition of cultivation resources for the time being, and I\'m in the travel period of level II biology with Ashar. I\'m afraid I can\'t be your vassal knight."