Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 701

"Yes, the tree heart of blood vine is also called blood crystal stone. It really has great value." Ashar nodded and said, "but I\'m more curious about how this kind of alien that only appeared in the ancient wizard period was cultivated than the blood crystal."

Although the value of blood spar is high, how can it arouse Ashar\'s interest? She wants to get the cultivation method of blood vines. If blood vines can be planted on a large scale, it will promote many of her witchcraft research.

"Don\'t let it run away, let\'s chase!" Ashar said.

Three broken branches of blood vines were collected by Ashar, jelina and madas. Several magicians were still very interested in this new research material, which was much more valuable than the little harvest of screaming branches.

Locke, the flesh shield, was the first to break into the stone wall. Limited by the space of the underground passage, Locke has been unable to change his blood. He can only collide with the tentacle of the blood vine with the human body,

Now, after entering the stone wall where the blood vine fled, Locke suddenly found that there was an extremely vast space on the other side of the stone wall.

"Be careful, something\'s wrong here!" As soon as Locke\'s voice came out, Ashar, jelina and madas also entered the side of the stone wall one after another.

"Light!" The lightness, which belongs to the lowest magic level, shines like the sun in the hands of a second-class magician.

Jelina lifted her right hand slightly, and the bright white light came out of her hand, illuminating most of the space on this side of the stone wall.

This is a square underground space with a height of about 30 meters and a length and width of about 20 meters. Like the stone wall intruded by Locke and others, there are three damaged stone walls in other directions of the underground space.

On each stone wall, there are some irregular oval holes. According to simple judgment, it should be done by the tentacles of blood vines.

In the center of this underground space, there is a rectangular blood pool, which is soaked with the body of the blood vine attacking them.

"So big?" Jelina was surprised and sighed that the body of the blood vine was close to the height of the underground space, and there were many vine branches in the air. Roughly counted, there were nearly 100.

Every vine branch has a level of primary organism, so the noumenon energy level of blood vine must have the height of secondary organism, that is, level 3, which is not impossible.

The terrain and appearance of this underground space are obviously too many human traces, and assar and others have found many instruments similar to the test bench around the blood pool under the blood vine body.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Don\'t give Locke, who just broke into here, time to reflect. The blood vine standing on the blood pool attacked them first, and dozens of tentacles attacked them together.

A first-class tentacle, Locke can easily lose seconds.

Ten primary tentacles won\'t cause him too much trouble.

However, dozens of hundreds of them were put together, which led to the process from quantitative change to qualitative change. Even Locke did not dare to delay it at this time.

Fortunately, he was not alone in this situation, "rock shield!" "Steel barrier!" "Dark magic ball!".

The magic of madas, jelina and assar was issued one after another. Rock shield and steel barrier temporarily guarded the three magicians from attack. A group of attack magic such as dark magic ball blocked the tentacle attack of blood vines, and a huge element wave was ushered in the underground space.

Fortunately, the strength of the people who designed this underground space is not poor. Under the fluctuation of such elements, although the surrounding stone walls peel off a lot, they are still strong and show no signs of collapse.

The dark magic ball is a group attack magic shot by more than a dozen dark element energy balls. After facing the tentacles of blood vines, the highly corrosive dark elements attack and encounter the acid attribute corrosion on the surface of the tentacles of blood vines.

Who is more corrosive can be judged from the results.

"Ah!" A howl of pain came from the body of the blood vine.

The blood vine has no mouth. This sound is actually a manifestation of the violent fluctuation of its spiritual power. This plant creature with secondary biological level visually seems to have good spiritual power and wisdom.

Also, without enough wisdom, this blood vine will not make the move to lure Locke to their door.

Just with the tiny wisdom of this blood vine, it may not know what strong people it lured.

"Summon lava steel bristle!"

"Summon bloodthirsty leech!"

"Dark element Rhapsody!"

Two second-class Warcraft, whose physique is not much worse than that of blood vines, appear here, making the underground space more crowded.

Lava steel mane Locke has seen it before. He once played with scorpion Lord Adams. Locke saw this bloodthirsty leech for the first time.

Madas is good at summoning water attribute Warcraft. This bloodthirsty leech was not suitable for fighting in the environment lacking water elements in the underground space, but because there is a rectangular blood pool here, the bloodthirsty leech just climbed out of the summoning array has an image of being crazy in an instant.

Right above the rectangular blood pool is the blood vine body. In the face of the blood vine which is a bit stronger than itself, the bloodthirsty leech did not see the slightest cowardice, but rushed up against the tentacle attack of the blood vine.

Another person who is faster than it is Locke.

With this vast space for him, Locke began his blood transformation at the first time after entering the battle.

The body is four meters tall, the white metal wings on the back are open, Sen white bone armor is attached to Locke\'s body surface, the palm of the left arm is directly transformed into three bone thorns, and the hand of the right arm is also holding a blue magic long gun.

The three bone spikes on the left arm resisted the tentacle attack of the blood vine, while the blue magic spear on the right hand stabbed firmly and quickly towards the body of the blood vine.

There are most tentacles with molten steel bristles dragging blood vines, and there are bloodthirsty leeches that attract the main mind of blood vines. Locke\'s body has no advantage over the first two, but his energy fluctuation doesn\'t have to be weak.

"Is that what this guy looks like after he\'s completely transformed? He\'s strong." In the rear, after summoning the molten steel mane, she sent out a gain magic and threw it on Locke and her summoning beast. Looking at Locke\'s new shape, jelina\'s eyes twinkled with brilliance.

At the same time, madas once again sent out a negative energy aura and threw it on the blood vine, which caused a certain burden on the speed of the blood vine.

But whether it is the aggressive Locke, the indomitable bloodthirsty leech, or the magnificent molten steel mane, it is not the biggest threat to the blood vine.

In the rear, assar\'s ultimate magic, dark element Rhapsody, has been sung to the end.