Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 700

Now that we know the location, we don\'t need six macaques to dig alone. The two steel pangolins that are good at drilling holes were summoned by jelina and madas and began to dig down under the command of six macaques.

A solid tunnel formed slowly over time.

When the steel pangolin is digging the tunnel, it will spontaneously flow out some mucus from the scale crack. A small amount of mucus has amazing solidification properties, so Locke and others don\'t have to worry that the tunnel will collapse suddenly after they enter the tunnel.

Vine is worthy of being a plant with extremely vigorous vitality. In particular, this variant vine with the attribute of blood sucking vine can still find the root traces of these vines when it is excavated to more than ten meters underground.

Eighteen meters underground, this is already a very deep level, because it is a newly excavated channel. An unbearable sense of tightness in the space is becoming more and more obvious.

Locke was better, but Ashar\'s face became a little ugly.

The air shield opened, and several people, including Ashar, were all accommodated. With the continuous supplement of wind attribute elements in Locke\'s body, the air tightness finally disappeared.

"I didn\'t expect you to be a very careful Knight! It\'s very different from those big and rough guys I knew before." Jelina covered her lips and giggled.

There was no emotional fluctuation because of a compliment. Locke walked down expressionless. The knight\'s fighting intuition made him smell a trace of danger.

But the old man, madas, is more careful. With Locke\'s air shield, it\'s not over. After the four low-level spells, "refreshing technique", "moisturizing technique", "Warming Yang technique" and "constant temperature technique", the environment in the air shield is close to the ground and even beyond.

"When you are old, you should be better to your health. I can\'t stand too many sins, old man." Madas shook his head and said that the blue toad, who had been lying on his shoulder, also called "quack" twice, which seemed to be echoing.

It has reached 25 meters underground, and the element energy gradually filled in the surrounding space has inspired the four people. However, the six tailed macaque of madas is scratching its ears and cheeks and has no goal to move forward.

At the moment, there is little difference in the energy of the surrounding elements in their position. With the qualification of six macaque intermediate Warcraft, it is difficult to find the subtle difference. Unless it is promoted to nine macaque advanced Warcraft, it can improve its perception ability.

But at this time, there is no need for six macaques to do anything, because of assar\'s magic Roulette, part of its effect has now been restored.

Although the swing of the pointer is still a little disorderly, the general direction can still be judged.

Under assar\'s instructions, the two diligent steel pangolins continued to dig below the syncline.

Ten minutes later, 50 meters underground.

"Be careful, something seems to be coming." Locke suddenly opened his mouth.

Jelina and madas were stunned. The sealed underground environment around them and the barrier of Locke\'s gas shield limited their spiritual detection range.

They did not find any suspicious situation within this limited detection range.

But people familiar with Locke know that he will not be aimless, especially in this strange environment.

Only ASAR is not affected by Locke\'s words and has no magic in his hands The rotating speed of the wheel is slower and slower, and the direction refers to a more stable direction of North by East underground.

Fifty seconds later, magic The pointer of the roulette jerked and pointed 35 degrees north by East.

"There!" Ashar gave a little scold.

Don\'t wait for jelina and others to look in the direction pointed by Ashar, "bang Dong!" The sound of the broken wall came, followed by the wail of the steel pangolin belonging to the forefront of the excavation.

The earth collapsed, the dust filled, and the sudden accident occurred in the very narrow underground passage, which caught everyone off guard.

Among the four, Locke, who had been holding a string in his heart, took the lead in responding. He took out a blue long gun and inspired his fighting spirit to rush to the place where the steel pangolin moaned.

The falling boulders and soil were firmly resisted by Locke\'s gas shield.

Although it is 50 meters underground, it is easy to resist this weight with the strong physique and quality of a local knight.

"Whoosh!" A voice broke through the air.

"Dang porcelain!" The sharp object was in close contact with Locke\'s gas shield. With the strength of his shield, Locke was almost penetrated. Locke danced a long gun with one hand and stabbed rapidly in the direction of the sharp object.

The attacker obviously didn\'t have the level of secondary creatures. In the face of Locke\'s thunder, "snap!" With a sound, it made the sound of broken limbs.

A foul liquid splashed on Locke\'s gas shield, and the "hiss" sound sounded, which was the process of the gas shield being corroded by acid substances.

"Flash!" The light source appeared from the rear, illuminating the situation in the underpass and the appearance of the attacker.

It\'s a giant vine tentacle!

The two steel pangolins next to Locke in the front have fallen down, and their bodies are shriveled, as if only a layer of skin is still attached to the bones.

The other steel pangolin kept rolling and howling. Its body surface had many bloody scenes of blood and flesh falling off. It seemed that it was corroded by dripping acid mucus.

The giant vine tentacle is dark red as a whole, while the tip of its tentacle is silver white metal color, which looks extremely sharp.

However, at this time, the metal tip produced a gap of about one-third of the area. At the gap, green mucus kept coming out and emitting white fog. Locke could smell the corrosive smell from a distance.

The first fight was obviously dominated by Locke. He didn\'t wait for him to take any action against the incoming enemy, "whoosh!" With a sound of, the dark red giant vine retreated towards the hole when it came, as if to escape!

"We chase!" Asal was the first to catch up, and she was magic The wheel refers to the direction in which the giant vine runs away.

How can Locke let Ashar take risks alone and rush after Ashar.

Jielina and madas are also unwilling to fall behind. From the glimpse of the giant vine just observed, it is definitely a new plant species they have never been in contact with before. Moreover, Locke\'s short and fierce confrontation with it also determines that the giant vine has at least the level of first-class organisms.

This is obviously a new discovery of abison\'s secret place. After 500 years of exploration, not to mention first-class creatures, there are few low-level Warcraft in the secret place. What is this giant vine.

As magicians with infinite desire for knowledge, jelina and madas were full of curiosity.

Take two steel pangolins back into the summoning array. Although one is dead and one is injured, this loss is lighter than a feather for two level-2 summoners. If they want, only high-level steel pangolins, jielina and madas can summon dozens of them at one go.

Following Locke, jelina and madas, who inspired the magic shield, also passed through the cave.

This channel opened by the giant vine tentacles is not as easy to walk as the channel created by the previous steel pangolin. It is rugged and winding, and there are often sharp stone pillars in the way.

"I\'ll open the way for you!" With a loud cry, Locke rushed to Ashar, inspired all the fighting spirit, formed a wall of fighting spirit, and chased the giant vine in the direction of escape.

With Locke\'s wall of fighting open, the forward speed of assar and others behind him also increased significantly.

The most confidence of the wind knight is speed. How can Locke let the enemy slip through his hands.

All the first-class and second-class strongmen who entered abison\'s Secret territory did not expect that they would run after each other at the bottom of the secret territory.

Two minutes later, at this time, it was close to the depth of 100 meters underground. The turbid air on ordinary people had already made them suffocate due to poor breathing, but several people in the channel were not different.

Seeing that he was about to catch the giant tentacle, Locke quietly greeted the three people behind him with spiritual strength, "be careful, I feel this guy has been luring us over."

"Boom!" The stone wall was knocked open. At the moment when the giant tentacle was about to escape, Locke shot.

"Die!" The blue spear was thrown out by Locke, and was accurately and vigorously fixed at the root of the giant tentacle.

While the giant tentacles are struggling and twisting, "sword Qi finger!" Three parallel fighting blades were shot by Locke.

"Stab!" Like the sound of skin being cut, it was even sent out on the epidermis of the giant tentacle.

Locke\'s ready attack didn\'t disappoint people. Three parallel fighting blades directly cut off the giant tentacle three sections, only the last section of the root, and hurriedly fled to the other side of the stone wall.

The three vines were obviously cut apart by the sharp fighting spirit and had no source of vitality, but they were still twisting in place, which was enough to see their vigorous vitality.

The liquid comparable to super strong concentrated acid is scattered all over the ground, and even the soil and stones show signs of corrosion and softening.

In the face of this scene, Locke went to inquire about the situation at the gap of the stone wall, while Ashar stopped for a while and walked to the three vines cut by Locke.

"Sure enough, it\'s a blood vine!" Ashar said after finding a blood red tube with a thin forearm in the nutrient transport area in the center of the vine.

"What is the blood vine?" Jelina had a secret fight with Ashar before, but she was not convinced at all. She specialized in witchcraft. Ashar was an expert in the witchcraft knowledge system.

"It\'s a very special variant of vampire vine. I think the vampire vine characteristics of those ordinary vines above are inherited from this guy." Ashar said.

"Generally, this parasitic plant has extremely valuable energy core, which is the essence that they gather to plunder other creatures and flesh." Madas knows a lot about parasitic plants. Although he doesn\'t know blood vines, he still has these common sense.