Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 699

It\'s OK for a wilderness to appear so abruptly in the secret place created by a semi divine magician, but Locke and his party who came here didn\'t find anything special.

Abbison\'s secret place has been opened for 500 years. I don\'t know how many level II and level III magicians have explored it. Some explorers are far more careful than ordinary people. Even in the western wilderness, their footprints can be seen everywhere.

The ground was in a mess, and only weeds with extremely strong vitality grew everywhere. Looking at this western wilderness from a close distance, Locke found traces of large-scale magic sweeping.

When the flight landed here, Ashar took out a strange magic from the space ring Roulette, magic The pointer on the wheel swings irregularly and doesn\'t seem to give any valuable information.

Seeing this, Ashar held her chin and stared at the magic that kept swinging irregularly The roulette pointer was lost in thought.

The discovery of the magic resistance organization of the screaming branches raised their great enthusiasm for this secret place that may be a semi divine wizard.

"Six tailed macaque!" Damas\'s crystal ball emits a slight fluorescence. A weak macaque with only intermediate Warcraft level appears in the summoning array.

"Color pink butterfly!" Jielina summoned a worm Warcraft with the same low strength evaluation.

Six tailed macaques and pink butterflies are not good at calling animals. Six tailed macaques have good olfactory organs and touch. The existence of six tails makes their balance to an unimaginable level. No matter which direction has a slight vibration, six tailed macaques can find the direction at the first time.

Six macaques are often good companions in searching the basement and catching fugitives.

The color pink butterfly is a rare light attribute insect type Warcraft. The insect powder attached to the back wings has a good role in breaking delusion and marking. It is more suitable for looking for invisible creatures and visually deceptive details that are not easy to find.

"There is no weakest summoner, only the most suitable summoner."

This is a wise saying engraved on the stone tablet in front of Yunluo Santa tower college. It is said that it was written by the legendary Yunluo tower master and respected by all summoners in the United Kingdom of jekolo.

The levels of the two Warcraft are somewhat inconsistent with the identity of madas and jelina, their second-class summoners. However, at this time and here, I\'m afraid these two little guys won\'t help them, whether they are first-class Warcraft or second-class super class Warcraft.

Asal, madas and jelina all do their own things. When looking for traces in this wilderness, Locke, who has a relatively single means, is not idle.

The flexibility and elegance of the wind attribute gives Locke a considerable degree of speed and agility. Locke sneaks like the wind without lifting a leaf. He launched a large-scale investigation in the western wilderness of abison\'s Secret territory.

An hour later, the four gathered again.

Several people have some harvest. What Locke holds in his hand are some magic plants growing in the western wilderness, which are not of high value. Locke only collects them because they have a little element fluctuation.

In maddas\'s hand are several elemental crystals, which were discovered by his summoning animal, six tailed macaque, in an underground cave nearby. Abison\'s secret place maintains a magic barrier all year round. Attracted by relatively strong element concentration, it is normal to produce some low-grade ores with element properties.

Jelina is holding some broken alchemy props in her hand. Through the thick sense of age and slight energy fluctuation, it is difficult to judge whether these alchemy props belong to abison\'s secret place itself or the low-level props left here by the explorers.

All three can say that they have made some discoveries, but without exception, these discoveries are of no benefit to secondary organisms such as them.

Whether it\'s low-level magic plants, garbage element crystals, or damaged alchemy props, the three of them are powerful people at the second level, not poor rags. No one has a fancy for these harvests.

"Hum, this broken secret place is really boring. For hundreds of years, it has been robbed by those \'locusts\'. What\'s the use of my coming here!" Jielina angrily threw the damaged alchemy props in her hand to the ground.

There are magic necklaces, rings and bracelets, but without exception, even the fluctuations of elements are weak and invisible. It is normal to say that they are broken.

An old white bearded mage like madas also sighed and threw the elemental crystal ore in his hand to the ground.

The sound of the collision of "Ding Ding Ding" element crystals came. Only the element crystals at the low-level energy crystal level, even the six tailed macaque and the color pink butterfly, two middle-level Warcraft level little guys, did not arouse their slightest interest.

Seeing that the two partners were so disappointed, Locke silently threw the low-level magic plants on the ground. He had participated in the trial secret place set up by meimeili\'s cabin before. It was also a secret place. The former was obviously much more valuable than this secret place.

"Where did you collect this vine?" Ashar\'s cold voice came, and she was holding a low-level magic plant that Locke had just dropped on the ground.

Locke was stunned, but still pointed in a direction and said, "over there."

He didn\'t know that this magical plant similar to vines was called yunwenteng, but he still had some impressions about where he picked it. He took the lead to lead assar.

Madas and jielina look at each other, and they also know yunwenteng. They are just low-level Qi magic plants. When making some healing drugs, they will add some yunwenteng powder to neutralize the taste.

When the four came to the place Locke took, they found that there were vines on the ground. In addition to Yunwen vine, there were some other kinds of vines, but these vines did not have the slightest element fluctuation.

The magic in assar\'s hand At this moment, the rotation speed of the wheel slowed down, but there was still no clear sign direction, which made Ashar still frown.

Seeing that asal was thinking hard and didn\'t want to explain, madas and jelina collected some specimens of nearby vines and tried to find something from them.

"At least, yunwenteng is also a magical plant, but how did it grow when the element concentration here was so low." Madas seemed to have found a clue, he said to himself.

"The world is so big that it\'s impossible. No matter how low the element concentration here is, as long as it\'s not a complete magic prohibition space, there will be element materials at the historic moment. Moreover, yunwenteng is not a high-level magic material." After hearing madas\'s murmur, jielina retorted with disdain.

After hearing this, madas also frowned and seemed to be thinking about the correctness of what jelina said.

"The growth of yunwenteng does not completely need the appropriate element concentration." Ashar, who had been speechless, suddenly said, "in ancient times, there was a close relative of yunwenteng. Wizards like to call them blood sucking vine."

"Snap!" Ashar unscrewed the branches and veins of a cloud vine in her hand. The milky juice overflowed and a faint fragrance echoed in the air. However, the two magicians madas and jelina who saw this scene were all frozen.

This is not the normal plant juice of yunwenteng. With the barren degree of elements here, it is impossible for yunwenteng to grow so healthy and strong.

Moreover, the fragrance is not the nature of yunwenteng itself.

Either it\'s not yunwenteng, or it\'s the yunwenteng after human transformation and variation.

At this time, jielina was reminded by Ashar and also found a little strange. She leaned down. No matter how much dust there was on the ground, she held the clean scallion fingers into her palm, and suddenly opened the two vines close together.

"What\'s this?!" Madas looked at the two vines in surprise, on the vine at the lower layer, with fine and tiny needle eyes.

On the surface of the vine above, some fluff was twisting. It seemed that those needle eyes were what they did.

Repeat Ashar\'s action just now. Jelina also twisted the branches of the vine with her fingers slightly. The mixed smell of bitterness and plant fragrance came. Looking at the full plant tissue and juice inside the vine, it was really unusual here.

This is a wilderness, not fertile soil. Even in the most suitable environment for vine growth, there are probably not many such high-quality vines. Coupled with the fine needle eyes on the bottom vine skin, jelina and maddas are full of interest in what assar calls "vampire vine".

"A considerable number of vines around here have blood genes of blood sucking vines." Assar kicked two vines at the bottom of his feet, one full and the other dry.

It seems that the withered part is an ordinary vine without blood sucking vine gene, and the full part grows so vigorously by relying on the super parasitic attribute of blood sucking vine.

"Even if there are low-level plants parasitic on them, the total energy will not change. Since the magic material of Moire vine can be bred, there must be an energy source nearby." Ashar explained.

Relying only on the vitality contributed by ordinary vines, it is very difficult to spawn moire vines. Moreover, there are still a lot of low-level magic materials like moire vines nearby, which strengthens Ashar\'s conjecture.

"Let my six tailed macaque go. It is still sensitive to elemental energy." Madas said at this time.

The little macaque with six tails jumped out of the call array and began to climb in the nearby place surrounded by vines.

Madas said that his sensitivity to elemental energy was not empty. Fifteen minutes later, in the surprised eyes of several people, the six macaques used both hands, feet and limbs, and began to dig down at the position 100 meters southwest of the four people.