Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 698

"Isn\'t master abison a strong man of the origin of magic? The organization of the origin of magic didn\'t come here to fix it?" Locke said in surprise.

"No matter how much contribution he made during his lifetime, no matter how strong his strength was, since he has fallen, it will lose its use value for those large organizations." Madas said sadly.

"Moreover, this secret place relic of abison has no benefit from the origin of magic. How can they do thankless things? Maybe when the master abison first fell, someone will remember the old love and repair it properly. Now... Hum." Said Jenna.

Upon hearing this, Locke and Ashar were silent.

The three western islands do not have the customs and traditions of the secret land left by the top strong, and naturally they can\'t label others on this matter.

However, from the perspective of a younger generation, Locke still respected and recognized abbison magician. After all, few people would do this kind of dedication to benefit others.

"When I am promoted to heaven, the knight will also leave a secret place on the three western islands. Hey hey! Where to stay? Whether to stay in the omor empire or in foster. Let future people also look up to me," Locke smiled.

When they heard Locke\'s words, madas and jelina both smiled. They just thought Locke\'s words were mostly jokes and had little chance to realize them.

But Locke had a heart after that.

The entrance and exit settings of abison\'s secret place have also become full of loopholes. It is said that it will be opened at 1:00 p.m., but in the morning, many secondary casters have shown their ability to break the prohibition of the secret place in advance and take the lead in entering.

Only a group of first-class magicians linger outside the secret place and have no corresponding matching ability. They can only honestly wait for the secret place to open at 1 p.m.

"Shall we go first?" Locke, of course, didn\'t want to be behind others, said to the three.

Several people looked at each other and showed their ability to fly to the gap in abison\'s secret place.

"You attack that place with all your strength." After observing the setting of magic prohibition around the secret place for a while, Ashar pointed to a part and said to Locke.

"The wind roars!" The right palm opened, and a translucent wind fighting shell came out of Locke\'s palm.

"Boom!" After the huge explosion, a three meter square Magic Channel appeared.

The four did not linger, and quickly entered the magic channel. Half a minute later, the magic channel disappeared.

After all these years, without reinforcement and maintenance, this secret place still has the most basic energy recovery ability.

"If there is no external force, this secret place can exist for another 200 years, which is the ultimate." Looking at the broken magic Rune array around, Ashar, who has a lot of research on the magic array, said faintly.

Because the wizard world has developed to the extreme medium-sized plane, the concentration of activated energy factor in the air is much higher than that of the general medium-sized plane.

Not to mention the secret realm established by a semi God level, that is, the secret realm of God established by the strong at level 4 and level 5. It can never resist the erosion of time and is finally digested by the inside of the wizard world.

Become the smallest element particle in the standard plane.

This is a garden. There have been many traces searched nearby. The four people walked to the depths of the garden together.

Here are three real magicians to show the way. Locke won\'t worry about them getting lost at all. His main responsibility in the team this time is to open the way and give early warning.

Deep in the garden, Locke and others found a small magic material cultivation room, but it didn\'t bring them half of the income except for a mess.

Pinching up a screaming branch broken in two on the ground, Ashar showed a thoughtful look.

"It seems that the abbison magician may really practice witchcraft." Ashar suddenly opened her mouth.

"Witchcraft?!" Jenna exclaimed.

There are not many wizards on the east coast. Jelina has seen very few wizards for so many years. Ashar is the only wizard she has seen in recent 100 years.

"Screaming branches are special props used by wizards when they perform witchcraft such as passing on, curse and curse words. Other magicians rarely use this kind of side door material." Ashar picked up the screaming branch in her hand and said.

After taking the screaming branch in Ashar\'s hand, jielina blushed. She would not use this kind of side door material. If Ashar didn\'t point out that it was magic material, she would think it was just an ordinary branch.

"Scream branches? I found a layer of magic resistance fiber tissue on them." After half a day\'s observation, madas was also surprised.

Summoners are also a kind of magicians. They are also eager for knowledge.

The screaming branch, which was broken in two, was taken half by jelina and madas respectively, ready to take it back to summon the holy tower to study it.

On the surface of the screaming branches, although the layer of magic resistance fiber is not significant and there is nothing special, it is a new discovery for them and represents the door to new knowledge.

Perhaps by analogy, they can also improve their Summoning Skills.

The discovery of screaming branches gave a little harvest to several people, especially madas and jielina. After they found no more in this small breeding room, they went to other places in the secret land.

This time, assar is the main guide. Assar is also a wizard. It\'s impossible to find some details that ordinary people can\'t find.

Walking out of the garden, they came to the square of abison\'s secret place. To the East was a ruins building, to the North was a tilted magic tower and other medium-sized buildings, to the West was a overgrown wilderness, and to the South was the garden they had just left.

There are many scattered buildings in other directions of the secret place. It seems that master abison was also a knowledgeable generalist. There are buildings such as alchemy, medicine refining, magic tower, cultivation room and so on.

"Where are you going? Why don\'t you go to the magic tower?" Jelina suggested that for a caster, the most precious props and relics should also be the magic tower.

"I think you can go to the ruins in the East. The magic tower has been explored and searched countless times over the years. The useful things have long disappeared. On the contrary, there may be good harvest in those ruins." Madas gave his opinion.

Locke was indifferent. Like the two, he looked at Ashar.

"To the west, the wilderness is suspicious. Let\'s have a look." Ashar squinted at the distance and said.