Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 697

"Wizard tradition?" Locke muttered.

As a powerful spell casting system in the world since ancient times, Locke is still curious about wizards, especially what he saw when he helped Ashar do experiments.

"Do you think this abbison magician is a wizard?" Locke asked casually.

Ashar\'s eyes also flashed a different color, then shook his head and said, "not necessarily. Now many elemental masters like to do this and leave legacy to future generations, which is not just the privilege of wizards."

Over there, the conversation between jelina, madas and other casters has also come to an end.

Here is a wooden house with many magic prohibitions. The wooden house has a large area and there are more than ten people sitting in it. They are all second-class strong.

In Merlin fair, there is a clear gap between the first-class strong and the second-class strong. The first-class strong have their own meeting places.

Those who can enter here are secondary strong people who hope to exchange some cultivation materials with each other.

There is no holy tower on the east coast, so that even if the casters here join some organizations, it is difficult to obtain a more comprehensive reserve of experimental materials and resources.

Therefore, the frequent auctions and such small gatherings of private barter have prevailed on the east coast.

A large part of the reason why the previous secondary strong men were so enthusiastic about madas and jelina was that their identity of summoning Santa magician was working.

Locke has also experienced the auction of the strong above the first level, that is, the crown pearl auction of the crown Pearl Hotel. Unfortunately, they came this year. The crown pearl auction has ended, and the new auction has to wait for the coming year.

This makes Locke and others lose an opportunity to communicate with other secondary strong people.

Sure enough, after taking out some specialties of summoning the holy tower, madas and jelina exchanged some satisfactory gains from other secondary magicians.

Then, in everyone\'s surprise, a knight like Locke and Ashar with strangers on his face also took out a lot of materials that were quite rare on the east coast.

Ashar took out some ordinary materials of the holy tower of the three western islands in exchange for precious spell casting materials of several second-class magicians.

What Locke took out was naturally the booty he had seized over the years, including the activated heart core at the bottom of the pressure box and the materials on the digital beast in the digital world. What he exchanged was several alchemical potions that could only accelerate the energy flow of the wind system.

This thing is for wind magicians, but according to the introduction of assar\'s spiritual power transmission, knights can also use it. Locke, who first came into contact with this magical potion, can\'t put it down.

"Can you make this alchemy?" Asked Locke.

"It\'s not difficult to make, but the raw materials of the medicine are unique to the east coast." Ashar replied.

In the end, the three western islands are still barren, and many spell casting materials are scarce. Therefore, the master of Santa tower, Panama, and the four level Knights of the three Knight palaces, are so "hard" to engage in the line of ectopic surface plundering.

It\'s impossible not to rob. If there were no low-level positions as supplies, how could the three western islands have today\'s power; If not enslaved many small and micro planes, where would the three western islands have the strength to compete with various magician organizations on the east coast.

Hearing assar\'s answer, Locke was not discouraged. He was not short of some alchemy raw materials. At present, he was rich and weak, and the most important thing he needed was money.

After a few days, I went to buy a lot and asked Ashar to refine enough cultivation medicine he needed.

If there is a potion to accelerate the absorption of wind energy, maybe Locke will take a hundred years to ascend to heaven, and the speed will be faster.

After the small gathering of level 2 casters, in the face of several strong people at the same level with friendly trading records inviting them to form a team, madas and jelina both smiled and declined.

They are not Xiaobai. After living for hundreds of years, how can they easily form a team with strangers who have only met once.

After five hundred years of baptism, there is no danger in abison\'s secret place, but the greatest danger is likely to come from the same kind.

Locke and Ashar have participated in the summoner competition. With their knowledge, madas and jelina prefer to accompany Locke.

The pale blue toad "croaked" on madas\'s shoulder. The white bearded old mage fondly touched his pet\'s forehead. Then, in the pale blue hope\'s eyes, madas threw a first-class energy essence into his mouth.

"Master, it seems that such a super level Warcraft costs a lot." Locke looked at the blue toad and swallowed a water attribute energy essence. He was surprised.

On average, the supply of first-class energy essence per week is an astronomical figure for ordinary first-class magicians. Fortunately, Locke\'s pet Hellfire giant AI and scorpion dragon Fermo are not very obsessed with the swallowing of energy essence.

Fermo\'s favorite is sleeping, while Hellfire giant AI\'s favorite is the praise of his master.

"This blue toad is my companion summoner. The consumption of this energy essence is worth it to me." Madas smiled.

The difference between the companion Summoner and the general Summoner is that it can accompany the summoner for 24 hours without the limitation of contract time.

With such a companion summoner, madas is equivalent to having an extra bodyguard, and the ability shown by the blue toad seems to focus on defense.

A water wave shield that can resist the attack degree of the second-class strong, I don\'t know how many times madas was saved in the war.

"Abbison\'s secret place will open in three days. Shall we go in and try our luck?" Jenna asked.

After looking at Ashar, Locke said, "go and have a look. Now that we\'re all here."

The attraction of abison\'s secret place to casters is getting worse and worse year by year.

The secret realm created by a semi divine magician has not even visited the third level magician, and the second-level strong ones are also big cats and kittens.

It can only be said that there is really nothing valuable in this secret place.

Otherwise, jerina can\'t easily get the news that the secret territory is open.

Three days later, inside the stone forest in the southeast of dotoso forest, Locke and others saw the true face of abison\'s secret land.

Broken element walls, rotten ancient buildings and dilapidated and crooked high magic towers, Locke can\'t believe that this is a secret place once founded by a semi divine magician.