Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 696

Jelina and madas will not stay in Sony kingdom for long. They will eventually return to the summoning Santa tower of jekolo United Kingdom.

And that\'s what Locke values.

Jekolo United Kingdom is located at the important intersection of the east coast and the northwest inland of the main continent of the wizard world. It has been known as the "Hexi Corridor" since ancient times. With rich underground rivers and Warcraft resources, jekolo United Kingdom is the most famous place in the United Kingdom.

The numerous summoners there are also a powerful force that can not be ignored in the wizard world.

If Locke and Ashar leave the east coast in the future, they will most likely pass through that place. If jelina and madas are accompanied at that time, it will save a lot of trouble.

Sony kingdom is the political, economic, cultural and Magic center on the east coast. After leaving the city of Weston, the four people are all second-class strong. Although their identity is somewhat eye-catching, they will still be valued by the upper level of local magician organizations with their strong strength.

There are many and miscellaneous magician organizations on the east coast. Generally, the strongest in the group organization is only level 2 creatures. For medium-sized organizations such as the magician guild, the strongest in the organization is level 3 semi divine creatures, and there are also large forces, but there are few, only three.

Within the three major organizations of magic origin, element tear and earth roar, there are four levels of strong people.

It may be due to the special environment on the east coast and the atmosphere of getting along with knights and magicians above level 1. The four strong in these three organizations have not established a holy tower.

And Locke also heard that the east coast has the legendary level five strong people, but these strong people are in a state of seclusion, not to mention the holy tower, even a decent organization has not been established.

It\'s very strange.

In fact, the magician guild has been quite outstanding among the many organizations on the east coast. Some good people have also ranked them among the three magician organizations, which are called the four organizations on the east coast together with the organizations of "origin of magic", "element tear" and "earth roar".

It is said that such a status is inseparable from many level-3 strong men and many semi God level strong men recruited by the magician guild.

Although there are no top strong people above level 4, the magician guild is still an organization that can not be underestimated.

This is not true. Locke and his party, who came to the provincial capital city on the eastern border of Sony Kingdom, saw the remarkable logo of the magician guild again.

The sorcerer guild does not extend its tentacles in Sony kingdom for long, and only in such remote cities can there be their branches.

As soon as the four secondary strongmen appeared in the city, they were invited to tea by the principals of the four organizations of the origin of magic, the tearing of elements, the roar of the earth and the magician guild.

No matter which world it is, mole ants below the first level are in the majority, and the wizard world is no exception.

Don\'t be fascinated by the prosperous magic world on the east coast. In this corner of the wizard world, the largest number is ordinary people.

There may be hundreds of thousands of creatures above level 1 on the east coast, but the number of ordinary people here is not much less than that on the three western islands. Tens of billions of ordinary people below level 1 need these spell casters and knights who master extraordinary abilities to take care of them like seedlings.

Elok and his party are all the energy of secondary creatures. If the four of them want to destroy, the border provincial capital city with millions of people will be destroyed in a day or two.

Of course, a rational person will never do such a thing.

Bullying ordinary people is not beneficial to those strong people above level 1. On the contrary, it will attract the wanted pursuit of powerful local magicians.

Only some dark magicians who like to carry out dark and inhuman experiments will attack ordinary people.

The main gathering place of black magicians is in the southwest border sea area of the main continent of the wizard world, which is a place of chaos. Jos broke into the name of Nuo DA in the endless sea area there.

In the three western islands and the east coast, there are powerful magicians and knight organizations, and the black magicians have no room to wreak havoc.

The reason why Locke and his party came to this city called aucsena today is that jelina heard that there was a small gathering of secondary casters.

Aucsena does not have the same flight ban as Weston and Princeton.

The four flew at the top of the cloud. Looking at the ordinary citizens who need to run for life every day like mole ants, Locke felt that he seemed to be really separated from the category of ordinary human beings.

Are you really human? Locke looked at his hands. Through the strong spiritual power and insight of the knight, Locke could even see the tough meridians and strong muscles under his skin.

"Brother Locke, what are you thinking?" Madas, who stepped on the white clouds, saw that Locke was a little distracted and asked curiously.

The "white cloud" under his feet is not a cloud in the real sense, but a rare quasi rank gas system creature. Its strength is not high, but its speed is OK. It is the most appropriate way to take a walk.

"Nothing." Locke shook his head.

The direction of the four people is the Merlin market northeast of aucsena.

Merlin fair is located at the intersection of aucsena and dotoso forest. Dotoso forest is one of the few large forests in Sony kingdom. It is said that there are many Warcraft families in the middle of the forest.

Since it can be called a family, the leader of the family must be a powerful Warcraft above level 1. It is said that several leaders of the Warcraft family in dotoso forest are level 2 super level Warcraft.

There are super level Warcraft living in the peaceful era when the reign war has not been opened. This is one of the important treasure houses for magicians and knights to search for precious materials. The significance of Merlin fair is mainly to serve the strong people above level 1 in the past.

Landing at the Merlin fair with great magical halo power, Locke finally felt the presence of many first-class and second-class strong people.

There are not too many strong people at or above the first level in Merlin fair. Duotuoso forest is one of the few large forests in Sony Kingdom after all. These extraordinary strong people want to obtain their own cultivation resources. In addition to trading and doing tasks in major organizations, they can only come to such places if they want to collect by themselves.

There are about 100 first-class strong people and about 15 second-class strong people. Together with the new Locke and his party, the number of second-class strong people here has been pushed up to nearly 20.

"Gentlemen, are you here for eisenby\'s secret place?" Just after landing, a second level magician came up and asked.

"Yes, nor is it." Madas\'s ambiguous answer confused the second-class magician.

While in the city of Weston, jelina accidentally heard that a group of secondary magicians gathered at Merlin fair in aucsena, which is said to be for eisenby\'s secret place.

Locke, ASAR and others were idle in Weston. They came here as soon as they discussed.

It\'s better to deal with other level 2 casters or participate in the test of eisenby\'s secret place. Anyway, the four of them are to pass the time for experience.

After entering the Merlin fair, madas and ASAR were the main focus of Locke\'s party. According to the energy fluctuations that can be revealed, madas and ASAR are indeed the strongest two of the four.

The knight of Locke and the big breasted magician jelina will look a little inferior.

When there is no great dispute over interests and ideas, magicians are still a group of people who love friends and communicate well. Their ferocity and terror are only shown to the humble and poor ectopic creatures.

Especially in this place on the east coast, the open atmosphere of magic knowledge exchange makes magicians at the same level always have endless truth and meaning when they get together.

Jielina and Damas, who had just arrived here, soon became one with a group of second-class magicians. There was a rigorous knowledge system and broad resources in the holy tower. Their identity as second-class summoners of Yunluo holy tower was very popular with these east coast magicians.

Only Locke and Ashar seem a little out of tune here. Locke came here as a land knight and couldn\'t get in the face of the academic discussion of a group of secondary magicians.

Ashar\'s character makes it hard for her to talk nonsense with irrelevant people.

Locke didn\'t understand the obscure and profound magic knowledge, but Locke collected some useful information for himself.

It turned out that so many strong people of more than one level gathered here, in addition to a small part to enter the dotoso forest to collect materials, more for the abison secret place.

Abison\'s secret place was created by the semi divine magician abison of the magic origin organization. The great magician fell in the ectopic war 500 years ago. Only this secret place is located here.

Following abison\'s legacy before the fall, this secret place is hosted by the origin of magic and open to any strong person above level 1 who enters the secret place.

In hundreds of years, I don\'t know how many lucky people have harvested the legacy of a semi divine magician from abison\'s secret place, but it is also hundreds of years that have made this secret place desolate.

After all, the resources of a secret place created by a demigod level are limited. After hundreds of years of searching, less than one in ten still comes to abison\'s secret place to take a chance.

It\'s not so much that these level-1 and level-2 magicians are wandering in abison\'s secret place today as they are here to see what else is valuable.

"What do you mean by that abbison magician? He didn\'t leave the secret place to future generations. He even gave it to others for nothing." Locke quietly used his spiritual power to communicate with Ashar.

"There are many powerful magicians in the wizard world who are selfless. When they were alive, they made a secret place. They only waited until they fell and handed it over to the latecomers to explore. It is also a way to carry the younger generation. This tradition has spread since the prevalence of the ancient wizard system." In the transmission of spiritual power, Ashar said faintly.