Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 695

"Who is this?" Jenna looked at Locke as if she were asking.

"Er, this master\'s name is Ashar. He\'s mine... Er..." Locke doesn\'t know how to introduce Ashar.

Ashar glanced at jelina, especially when she caught a glimpse of the spectacular waves in front of jelina\'s chest, she stood quietly forward.

"I\'m Locke\'s sister." Ashar said so.

Hearing this answer, the three sisters of the Roland family who have been standing next to Locke have made no changes. This is Locke\'s introduction.

Locke\'s client was a little choked.

From Ashar\'s tone, Locke seemed to see a sense of righteousness.

Also, if Kayla is regarded as Locke\'s wife, Ashar should also be Locke\'s sister since she is Kayla\'s sister.

"Sister?" Jelina blinked, and finally narrowed into a seam. She kept looking back and forth at Locke and Ashar with a smile, as if she had found something interesting.

"Hum!" Ashar snorted coldly and took a step forward. Her unparalleled momentum was accurately and absolutely controlled in front of jelina.

Jenna\'s expression stagnated, and then her face became heavy. Ashar gave her a feeling even stronger than Locke, who had "defeated" him.

"In other words, jerina, how many games did you finally play?" Asked Locke curiously.

"Scene 13." Jielina said unhappily, and her tone was also deeply unwilling.

Then Jenna asked casually, "how many games did your sister play? I think she is also a powerful secondary caster."

Locke looked at Ashar and saw that she was concentrating on the game and didn\'t answer jelina\'s question, so he said instead, "master Ashar, she played game 14."

Hearing this result, jielina\'s complexion was quite ugly. Ashar had only one more game than her, but it showed that she had to surpass her in strength.

Jelina didn\'t know that asal didn\'t do her best, otherwise she might be more crazy.

Not to mention the sudden appearance of jelina, the battle between the two top summoners in the competition has reached the most intense moment.

The top Summoner of Yunluo holy tower calls a four headed viper, while the top Summoner of purple holy tower calls an armored mammoth.

Two level 3 summoners, each with a physique more than 30 meters away, fight to death in the energy shield under the control of their summoners.

"Gal, your gain aura is becoming more and more skilled." The summoner of Yunluo Santa tower smiled.

"Tonis, your negative aura is not bad." The summoner of purple region holy tower also replied.

They are the same famous geniuses in the United Kingdom for nearly a thousand years. Naturally, they know each other.

The two level 3 summoners they own are not much different in strength, but if they really want to distinguish the victory from the defeat, what they see is their use of Summoner gain magic.

It\'s not so much a contest between two level-3 summoners as a competition between two level-2 summoners for their ability to skillfully apply magic.

The layman watches the excitement while the expert watches the doorway.

For example, ASAR and jelina are the best of the second level magicians. Their attention is mainly focused on the small skills shown by the two second level summoners in casting spells.

But for an outsider like Locke, his attention is mainly focused on the fight between two level three summoning beasts.

"Although the strength of the two level 3 summoners is not as good as the original zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, if there are so many gain magic blessings..." Locke looked at the colorful magic halo on the four vipers and armored mammoths and felt a little numb on his scalp.

The two summoned beasts themselves have level 3 strength. No matter what level they are in, if they can add so many gain magic every time in the battle, they will become the top group of level 3 creatures.

"Summoner, there are still some ways." Locke sighed in his heart.

Suddenly, Locke moved in his heart and said, "I don\'t know if these gain magic can bring growth to the knights?"

"To the knight?" Jelina said strangely, "of course, but there should be no such combination."

"Why?" Locke frowned and said, "if it\'s a knight with these gain magic of your summoner, shouldn\'t it double its combat power?"

"The summoning beast can sign a contract with us and become a partner who will not abandon and call at any time. Can you knights?" Jielina sneered, "when we summoners choose contract beasts, we will give priority to animal form creatures. The smart mind and strong consciousness of intelligent creatures will increase the spiritual burden of our summoners."

"The most important thing is," jelina paused, "our jekolo United Kingdom is not rich in knights, and even other spell casters are rare. In our country, summoners are the mainstream."

Jelina is a powerful Summoner in the summoning tower of the United Kingdom of jekolo. Her words naturally carry a lot of weight. When hearing this explanation, Locke couldn\'t help nodding. He took it for granted.

Not every place in the wizard world has the same environment as the three western islands. Under the joint rule of the rules of the holy tower and the knight palace, the magicians and knights tend to be equal on the whole, although there is a slight difference in dignity and inferiority.

Moreover, the mainstream caster profession of the three western islands is still elemental master, and there are other professions such as summoner, but the number is not very large. There are few wizards who study witchcraft like assar.

If the summoners\' large-scale gain magic spreads to the three western islands, it must be skillfully used in the face of war with the excellent decision-making ability of several level 4 authorities.

Not to mention the absolute number of Knight legions, if the massive slave creatures have this blessing, the efficiency of attack and plunder may have to be doubled.

I just don\'t know why this has not happened for so many years. Are there some unknown constraints.

The curtain of the summoner competition finally came down after three months.

After a day and night\'s battle, the top summoners garh and tonis finally divided the victory and defeat.

Who wins or loses is not very important to Locke. He just needs to know that his experience has not only increased his knowledge and experience, but also benefited a lot from two riding pets.

"I also have a reward?" Locke pointed to himself in surprise. It was madas, the old man with white beard, who came to tell him the news.

"Yes, your ranking is just stuck in the top 200. As a rule, there will be the lowest reward given by summoning the holy tower." Madas smiled.

Locke took the lowest prize belonging to the 200, while assar took the 50th middle and high-grade prize.

Among all the reward pools, Locke chose an advanced recovery potion suitable for Warcraft physique. This time, Fermo and AI were seriously injured in the battle. With the help of this advanced recovery potion, they must recover faster.

Ashar chose a spell casting material that she was more interested in. It was said that it was a specialty of the lower planes enslaved by the two summoning towers in the United Kingdom, which was very valuable.

After this, it is time for Locke to say goodbye to the three sisters of the Roland family.

"You\'re leaving?! where are you going?" Alan was surprised. Ivy was also reluctant to look at Locke and Ashar.

We haven\'t been together for a long time, but they all have a good relationship and tacit understanding with each other, as well as a deeper friendship.

"Of course, go on to experience. We have been harassing your family in the Manhattan kingdom for long enough. Next, we may turn around in other countries on the east coast or go east into the interior of the continent." Locke laughed.

He and Ashar don\'t have a specific destination, which means they are wandering wherever they go. This experience is full of uncertainty, but it is also the most refreshing for them.

Locke and Ashar have decided to go, and the three daughters of Alan can only say goodbye to them.

The place where they were separated was in westor. Alan returned to Manhattan by transmission array, while Locke and Ashar took advantage of the situation to start a new tour in Sony kingdom.

An interesting thing happened during the period.

"Eh? Knight Locke, you are not a knight of Sony kingdom?" Jelina looked a little surprised. Then she turned her head and said to madas angrily, "you old man, dare you lie to me!"

Martas also had some doubts on his face, but he argued that "when Locke signed up for the summoner competition, the identity information he filled in was indeed the land Knight of Sony kingdom."

Then they looked at Locke together.

"Cough, I\'m really not a knight of Sony kingdom. I chose this identity just to help three friends." Locke said awkwardly.

Only two days apart from the three sisters of the Roland family, Locke and Ashar appeared in front of them before they walked out of the city of Wisconsin.

Jelina and madas are the second level summoners of Yunluo Santa tower. This time, they wanted to find a local person they knew to walk around the east coast. In essence, they also wanted to travel.

Who knows that Locke is a Siberian. He doesn\'t know much about Sony kingdom.

"I wanted you two to take us to meet some interesting guys among the casters in Sony kingdom." Jelina said with a mouthful that the magician organizations on the east coast are quite open to each other.

It often happens that powerful spell casters of different organizations communicate with each other. Perhaps this is the reason why the magic civilization on the east coast is more prosperous.

The collision of sparks of different ideas has brought more vitality to the magic world on the east coast.

"If you two don\'t mind, we can form a team. Anyway, we all experience in Sony kingdom." Locke laughed.