Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 694

Assar is better than Locke. Locke ended the race after six consecutive victories, while assar encountered Waterloo after 14 consecutive victories.

Assar\'s last game, Locke and the three sisters of the Roland family paid close attention to the whole process.

Opposite her is a top secondary Summoner from the United Kingdom of jekolo, said to be from the holy tower of the purple region.

Summon four level-2 super level Warcraft to help in one breath. The strength of this level-2 top Summoner has been somewhat amazing.

Coupled with the endless combination of gain magic and weaken magic, assar\'s dark shadow was only supported for half an hour under the siege of four level seeking Warcraft, and unfortunately failed.

Locke can even feel that the summoner named Nash has no spare power. It is the size of the world and will never lack genius. Even if Locke plays in person, starts blood transformation, and faces the siege of four super level Warcraft and a secondary summoner, I\'m afraid he can\'t get any benefits.

But that guy is not invincible. As long as Locke can cross his summoning beast and get close to him, the winner is still unknown.

And Locke also found that asal, like Locke, put water in this game. She only relied on the element creature for the whole game, and she didn\'t have any record.

When the dark shadow was destroyed by the light attribute super level Warcraft feiwen light butterfly of the second-class Summoner and made invisible by the scorching sun, Ashar resolutely conceded defeat, which was similar to Locke\'s situation not long ago.

"Master, if you use your true skills, you will be able to beat the second level Summoner of the purple region holy tower." After the game, Ivy ran to Ashar and comforted.

Like Locke, assar doesn\'t pay special attention to the summoner competition, so he doesn\'t care about winning or losing.

"Well, it\'s just an experience." Ashar said faintly that among the three sisters of the Roland family, Ashar can also talk to Ivy at present.

"Is it a pity to go back like this? Shall we finish the summoner competition?" Alan inquired. It\'s not easy to meet such a large number of fighting events between top powers. Alan, who has just been promoted to the first level for a short time, needs this experience to improve his experience.

Ellie is also moved. She is the most powerful of the three sisters. She still has the most aggressive thunder attribute magic. Like her magic attribute, Ellie is actually a warlike female magic mage.

"Well, you can just see what genius there is on the east coast." Locke laughed.

In this Summoner competition, there may be less than one tenth of the strong people above level 1 on the east coast, but there is still a lot to see. The level 2 Summoner who defeated Ashar has great potential, and I don\'t know how many places that guy will come in.

In the following period of time, women such as Locke and Ashar lingered in the city of Wisconsin, watching the game, feeling the folk characteristics of the east coast, and collecting some useful materials for themselves.

Locke went to see the final of the summoner competition.

When two second-class summoners summoned a third-class and half divine beast to fight in the finals, not only Locke was stunned, but also assar was stunned.

"Hiss! How is this possible?!" Locke exclaimed that a level 2 Summoner could summon Level 3 creatures to fight, which has exceeded Locke\'s general cognition.

The life level of level 3 creatures is a big stage higher than that of level 2 creatures. It\'s not too much to say the difference between clouds and mud. Locke can\'t imagine what kind of power makes a level 3 creature willing to sign a contract with the level 2 summoner.

"Those two are said to be the geniuses of Yunluo holy tower and Ziyu holy tower for thousands of years." Alan heard a lot of information and said to Locke and the two.

There are many people watching the game around. I\'m afraid there are thousands of people by visual inspection. In addition to the strong people above level 1, there are many magic apprentices below level 1.

These magic apprentices looked at the two secondary summoners in the center of the field with adoring eyes. They looked forward to the day when they could do so.

"A genius for thousands of years..." Locke looked at the two figures on the field and muttered in a low voice.

He also knows a genius who will not appear for thousands of years, that is his martial uncle, Kaila\'s senior brother, masquerade Jose.

He was also in the second stage and gained great prestige. He not only became famous in the three western islands, but also left his biography in many places when traveling in the whole wizard world.

After returning to the three western islands at the end of his trip, Jos broke through two important stages: the third level magician and the demigod level. He said that he was a genius who could not be born in a thousand years. It was possible to say that he was low. That was a top strong man who would be born in ten thousand years.

If the wizarding world was not too broad, and there were countless geniuses and capable people, otherwise, in the general small plane, Jos must belong to the class of the son of the plane.

Ashar also looked at the two summoners who summoned Level 3 creatures. She was stunned. With her secret means, it was difficult to meet an enemy in Level 2, but if she had no special means to deal with level 3 creatures, I\'m afraid she had to go.

"The nuclear bomb you gave me is really at the level of a third-class creature\'s full strike?" Ashar suddenly asked Locke.

Locke was dumb. He remembered that Ashar had a nuclear bomb on him.

"Yes, it\'s a pity that my remaining atomic bombs have been sold to several level-3 magicians in the holy tower. Otherwise, it will be a bottom card for this experience." Locke said with a little regret.

Ashar nodded. She had made up her mind. After returning this time, she began to study the atomic bomb that Locke gave her. She must also master the three-level power, so that Ashar can be confident of facing the two talented enemies in the similar field in the future.

Sure enough, staying on the three western islands is just watching the sky. Only when you come out, contact and know the really powerful person in this position can you broaden your horizons and go to a higher level.

Locke and Ashar have not been promoted to level 2 for a long time. They are both confident that they will definitely reach the level of the two summoners in the field in the future.

"Yo, this is not the knight Locke. Have you come to see the final duel between Yunluo Santa tower and purple domain Santa tower?" A familiar voice sounded in my ear.

"Jerina?!" Locke looked to the left in surprise. There was a statement that the Yellow magic robe wrapped the attractive figure. It wasn\'t who jelina was.

"Hum." Jielina snorted and looked at Ashar beside Locke. She was a woman\'s intuition. Jielina could see that the female magician in front of her was not easy to provoke.


Today is the end of the first month of 2019. Although this month\'s monthly ticket list is not high, it is stronger than last month. This is progress. Xiaodou is very satisfied.

The monthly ticket list is 41st, which is also a new record of this book. Here I must thank all my readers for their support and support. Thank you!

The fourth chapter will be continued next month. I also hope you can continue to support Xiaodou. Thank you!