Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 693

The scorpion Dragon Lord walked quickly, and the structure of the magic channel was quite stable. Locke once again admired the strength of martial uncle Jos.

The purple and gold scale that Adams gave him not only has storage function, but also can be used again if Locke wants to summon it next time.

Most of the complex summoning array and storage array on the surface of the scale are also done by Jos. Anyway, Jos, a semi God strong man, absolutely plays an important role in Locke\'s growth process.

Over there, Locke left and repatriated scorpion Dragon Lord Adam LISS, which made jielina crazy. When she was so ignored and bit her silver teeth, jielina would release an attack magic and hit Locke.

It\'s not that the summoner can only summon magic and element gain magic. A qualified Summoner will also prepare two powerful offensive spells.

Before jelina\'s magic singing was finished, Locke had walked to the edge of the energy shield, "Hey, arbiter, I admit defeat!"

Outside the energy shield, the four arbitrators looked at each other. It was the first time they saw this strange and wonderful battle outcome.

A spit and a nail. Since Locke took the lead in violating his plan, he didn\'t have any psychological burden to admit defeat. On the contrary, jielina felt she couldn\'t win. You know, when she was controlled by Locke, she didn\'t resist at all.

Two of the four arbitrators were the summoners of jekolo United Kingdom, and the remaining two were magicians on the east coast. The two magicians on the east coast neither knew Locke nor the man in meimeili\'s cabin, so the four agreed to Locke\'s admission of defeat after discussion.

Looking at Locke walking out of the energy shield, jelina behind her grinned. "Wait, Locke, you\'ll look good next time! I knew I would directly summon youmi flying heron, the waste of lava steel mane!"

Youmi flying Heron is jielina\'s strongest second-class summoner. Unfortunately, jielina didn\'t summon it in this competition. Otherwise, the super level Warcraft youmi flying Heron will not be inferior to scorpion Dragon Lord Adam LISS. At that time, there will be a lot to say.

As for the great enemy Locke, assisted by lava steel mane and other summoning beasts, jelina believes she will teach the rude knight a good lesson.

Out of the energy shield, the three sisters of the Roland family came to Locke worried. They also saw the situation of Locke admitting defeat. It was not that they didn\'t believe Locke\'s strength. The three sisters only thought that Locke had suffered some inevitable internal injury, so they chose to surrender.

"Did that woman sneak into you? Are you all right?" Alan asked Locke. They saw the energy beam emitted by jelina after Locke stopped her.

Thought it was the energy beam that hurt Locke.

"Do you think something\'s wrong with my body?" Locke asked with a smile.

"I\'m satisfied with this Summoner competition. Even if I win this game, I\'ll face the second level Summoner in the next game. Fermo and AI are not the opponents of super level Warcraft." Locke explained.

The original intention of his competition is to train his two pets. By the way, he knows the caster of the summoner system. Since he has achieved his goal, Locke doesn\'t need to compete again.

This is a Summoner\'s game, not a knight\'s game. Can Locke really turn on his blood and fight with a group of summoners?

As for summoning scorpion Dragon Lord Adams, it\'s not so easy to depict the long-distance transmission of Rune array across space. Didn\'t you see that Adams gave him a scale.

The next time he calls Adams, Locke won\'t be so hasty. He doesn\'t want to trouble Jos too many times.

"Let\'s go and see Ashar. Although my game is over, Ashar\'s is still going on!" Locke comforted the three women.

He didn\'t feel much, but the three sisters of the Roland family felt sorry for Locke.

The prizes of the summoner competition are extremely rich. As long as they are in the top 100, they are all good. Locke has won only six games in a row. I don\'t know what position he will get among the nearly 1000 contestants. I\'m afraid it won\'t be very ideal.

Locke is not interested in the prizes set up by various magician organizations on the east coast and the two summoning holy towers in the United Kingdom of jekolo. The prizes are mainly aimed at summoners. Locke is of little use to a local Knight like Locke, and Locke is very open.

The battle on Ashar\'s side was not expected by the three sisters of Locke and Roland.

In addition to rolling, it is rolling. Even Locke doesn\'t know what strange abilities the Elemental creature called by assar has.

Madas said that assar\'s dark energy shadow is the product of the interweaving of dark element magic knowledge and witchcraft knowledge. I\'m afraid ordinary secondary creatures are really not assar\'s opponent of dark energy shadow.

Against ASAR is a second-class magician organized by a small magician on the east coast. This is a botanical elemental master who mainly relies on vine attack.

Based on the energy of the secondary elemental master, each vine summoned has a length of more than 30 meters, and is extremely flexible, very like a serpent dancing wildly.

Unfortunately, this physical attack is the least powerful attack against elemental creatures, and this botanical elemental division is not good at energy attack. There is no doubt that assar won the final victory.

Ashar, who came back from the victory, walked out of the energy shield indifferently, as if the victory just now could not bring her too many emotional fluctuations.

Also, what attracts Ashar is the rival of knowledge and equal strength. In Ashar\'s opinion, this botanical elemental master with fairly good strength is not as good as the first-class summoners she first came into contact with.

At least those first-class summoners can bring her unexpected surprises like Helms, and the current battle has no meaning for her.

"Did you admit defeat?" Ashar looked at Locke rather unexpectedly.

"Yes." He nodded awkwardly. Locke was a little embarrassed. Did he have to say that he met a powerful secondary female Summoner and was forced to use his fighting strength.

It doesn\'t matter if Locke loses face in front of anyone, but somehow he doesn\'t want to be weak in front of Ashar.

Maybe he and Ashar are the same kind of people, both of whom have strong personalities. In addition, they have had a fight before, and no one can win anyone. There is still a hidden competitive relationship between them.

At present, it seems that assar is better than Locke?