Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 692

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The sound of three magic shields breaking changed jelina\'s face.

In the center of the shield, before she could summon a new magic shield, Locke was less than two meters close to her.

With a big hand, Locke grabbed jelina in a bright yellow magic robe. It is conceivable that a caster who is not good at melee will be approached by a knight.

Like the chicken, Locke twisted jelina\'s hands. In the pain of eating, jelina\'s staff fell to the ground, and the upcoming summoning array dissipated invisibly.

In order to subdue the second level summoner, Locke finally launched a blood transformation on the way to break through her magic shield.

Not all of them changed, but only a small part. The wings with metallic luster on the back trembled slightly. Locke, whose physique was temporarily raised to two meters, was very satisfied with his current appearance.

At this time, he only stimulated the blood power of angel beasts in his blood, while the blood transformation of zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex and combat Tyrannosaurus rex was not launched by him.

This is also a new skill that Locke explored in his years of cultivation.

Who says that only fighting can sharpen a knight and make him grow.

In the years when Locke enjoyed a quiet life on the three western islands, accompanied by his daughters and lovers, his strength rose instead of falling. The combination of work and rest seems to be very suitable for Locke. There are no big changes and progress, but the subtle transformation will benefit Locke\'s future promotion.

"Yo, I didn\'t expect you to be very handsome after your transformation." Jelina was not flustered by Locke at this time, but joked with great interest.

Indeed, if Locke is transformed after using the angel beast\'s blood, he can be regarded as a beautiful man with the blessing of light magic. It seems that the angel beast\'s blood has not only given him a pair of wings, but also increased his appearance.

"Admit defeat. I\'m close to you. You have no room to turn over." Locke sighed and said that he didn\'t want to fight in person, but jelina\'s difficulties, I\'m afraid his two pets and scorpion Dragon Lord Adams are not her opponents.

Of course, she would not accept this kind of food, "hum, you don\'t have to pretend. Losing is losing. I\'m not unreasonable!"

Ignoring the words of the female magician behind him, Locke waved to the scorpion Dragon Lord Adams, "Adams, long time no see."

At this point in the battle, Locke finally had a chance to talk to Adams for a moment.

"Hello, Knight Locke." Adams nodded. His main attention was actually on Fermo the scorpion dragon.

Poor parents all over the world. After Locke became a father, he finally realized this emotion. Fermo\'s injury was relatively serious. At the beginning, it was besieged by three-level Warcraft, and there were no small wounds on its body. I saw a dark energy beam from the sharp corner of Adams\'s forehead and disappeared into Fermo\'s body.

The life breath of Fermo also becomes active and vigorous after this dark energy beam Get up.

"By the way, this is what master Kayla asked me to give you." Adams said to Locke that a purple and gold scale fell off the scorpion Lord\'s neck and flew into Locke\'s hand.

On the purple and gold scale, there is a secret space Rune array, in which there is about two cubic meters of space. Locke\'s mind enters and sees that they are all medicine for cultivation and some energy essence.

Looking at the variety and quality of the medicine, Locke can see the different skills of Kayla, Angelina and grace, as well as two parts of unsophisticated low-grade medicine. Locke can naturally guess that it was Leah and Christine.

It feels good to be cared for by his lover, and Locke\'s heart is warm.

"Well, thank you." Locke said to Adams, "go back and ask Shaxi for two primary energy essence, which will be my reward to you."

Nodding, the scorpion Dragon Lord roared up to the sky, the magic channel took shape again, and Adams\'s body gradually disappeared.