Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 691

It was a pity to leave the summoner competition. Locke made a decision after a little thought.

The scales in his hands were crushed by Locke, and the magic vortex with purple and golden light appeared directly above Locke\'s head.

"Oh? One-time summoning channel? I\'ll see what a knight can summon." Jenna stared at the oval magic vortex.

The magic vortex gradually expanded. When the area increased to a certain limit, it finally stopped. A giant claw stretched out from the magic vortex. The dark Giant Claw had a volume of three meters. The fine scale armor and sharp nails on it showed the terrible power of its owner.

When the master of the Giant Claw was completely squeezed out of the magic vortex, Locke was stunned. Adams appeared in front of him at a height of 20 meters. His neck and head were purple gold scales, which looked noble and mysterious. His trunk and limbs were all dark scales, with a strong smell of dark element energy surging above.

"I shouldn\'t. why are you so big?" Locke looked at Adams\' new shape and was amazed. When he left the three western islands, Adams, who broke through to super Warcraft, changed a lot, but he didn\'t grow so much.

On the other hand, Fermo, the scorpion dragon, felt his father\'s breath and roared excitedly. His combat power doubled and soared, crushing the thunder Tianma in front of him.

"These... Scorpion dragons?" Jelina on the opposite side also saw the whole picture of scorpion Dragon Lord Adams, but the woman was still a little uncertain, because Adams\'s growth had changed a lot from the normal super scorpion dragon.

After stepping out of the magic vortex, without Locke\'s reminder, Adams consciously welcomed the same level Warcraft in front of him.

Although the molten steel mane is the best of the second-class super level Warcraft, it seems that this steel mane is not enough for the upper scorpion Dragon Lord Adams. It is crushed by Adams just because of its size, and it also loses a lot in momentum.

After absorbing the remnant heart core of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, Adams not only changed the dark element energy in his body, but also strengthened his dragon lineage. The effect of dragon power is more remarkable.

In Locke\'s eyes, the reason why Adams changed so much was that when he was just promoted to super level Warcraft, Adams had not fully digested all the energy of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s core.

Now the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s core has been basically digested, and Adams LIS has briefly ushered in the peak state of his second-class super class Warcraft period. The purple and black meat wings behind him are slightly Pufan. Adams opens his huge mouth and pounces on the molten steel mane.

A layer of thick earth armor was instantly aroused on the body surface, and a touch of Mars was ejected from the nose. It is also a super level Warcraft, and the molten steel mane also has its own dignity as a super level Warcraft.

Forcibly disperse the negative effects brought to it by Adams Longwei. While passively defending, the huge mouth of the fangs of the molten steel mane opened, and a hot flame was sprayed out by Adams in the direction of his attack.

This super level Warcraft with mixed growth of earth system and fire system is worthy of being one of jelina\'s core partners. Jelina can create a great reputation in Yunluo Santa tower. Jelina can\'t play a simple role.

All kinds of gain magic were used by jelina one after another and applied to the molten steel mane, which made the molten steel mane belonging to the weak side not only withstand the attack of scorpion Dragon Lord Adams lees for the first time, but also began to reverse impact.

After so many competitions with summoners, Locke has long understood that a first-class Warcraft and a first-class Summoner are definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Now, he is facing a super level Warcraft and a second level summoner. Although scorpion Dragon Lord Adam LISS is strong, he has no way to start in the face of lava steel bristles with various gains and larger physique behind him.

It\'s not so easy to lose, but this kind of playing method suppressed by others makes the scorpion Dragon Lord a little bent. He hasn\'t enjoyed his high spirits after being promoted to super level Warcraft for a long time. Lava steel mane, an opponent inferior to its blood and strength, is so rampant in front of it. Why don\'t Adams get mad.

When he was a first-class Warcraft, Adams could make the land Knight Roma feel very difficult. Now he has made great progress in promoting super class Warcraft and Adams\' ability.

Even after Locke turned on his blood, he had no way to fight the scorpion Dragon Lord Adams in a short time. If he wanted to fight against this dark Yalong Warcraft with high attack, high defense and thick blood, Locke had to be ready for a long war.

With his profound knowledge and equipment support, it is not too difficult to beat Adam LISS, but it takes time. Now this situation is in the hands of jerina.

"It\'s really difficult!" Jelina spat with her silver teeth.

The big breasted magician was a little impatient. All kinds of negative magic were applied to Adams, but it was cut by his dragon skin.

However, the molten steel mane, which was raised by jelina, was a sign that some mud could not hold up to the wall. It was OK to make a hard tie with Adams, but it was not enough to beat the scorpion Lord just by relying on the molten steel mane.

At the right time, scorpion Dragon Lord Adams shook his scorpion tail horizontally and hit the face of molten steel mane. This is not a competition of magic, nor is it the difference of blood, but a real collision of power!

The 20 meter scorpion Dragon Lord, with a whip tail thrown horizontally, who knows how much physical kinetic energy will be generated.

The molten steel mane was in a trance, which meant that it was quite untenable. The limbs retreated several steps one after another, which was the only way to completely remove this strength, and a deep bone scar was left on the face of the molten steel mane.

The facial scar of only two or three meters in length is nothing on the rough and fleshy super level Warcraft like lava steel mane. After shaking his head, lava steel mane plans to follow his master\'s order and come forward to the enemy again.

After only two or three steps, the back legs of molten steel mane were unstable, and there was a posture of collapse.

"Scorpion poison?!" Jielina exclaimed. The wound on the face of molten steel mane has begun to flow out black pus and blood. With the physique of super Warcraft, she can\'t bear the toxin of Adams scorpion tail. It seems that after being promoted to level 2, the scorpion Dragon Lord not only improved his strength, but also made great progress in his scorpion poison.

As an excellent level-2 summoner, jielina naturally has rich experience in the case of summoning animal poisoning. She looks cold, holds a magic wand and begins to sing spells. A faint fluorescent summoning array appears in front of her.

Strong life energy appears in the summoning array. It seems that the next Summoner of jelina must be a Warcraft with extremely strong vitality, but I don\'t know whether it is level 1 or level 2.

The bravery of Adams and the achievements of facing the summoner combination of lava steel mane and jelina alone amazed Locke. He had judged for a long time that the seven children of the scorpion dragon family, including Fermo and Angie, actually all of them have less potential than the scorpion Dragon Lord Adams.

Angie, the most talented of the seven scorpions, is probably at the current level of Adams, but you should know that Adams has not exhausted his potential, and there is still some residual energy of zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex in his body.

"Maybe this guy has the qualification to be promoted to semi divine beast in the future." Looking at Adams, who stretched his huge purple and black wings and suppressed the molten steel mane on the ground from top to bottom in the sky, Locke couldn\'t help sighing.

Within the three western islands, there are not many standard level three Warcraft, and only a few seem to be kept in the Santa forest. As for whether there are level three and a half divine beasts in the giant forest in the wild, Locke doesn\'t know. Presumably, even if there are, the number will not be many.

No wonder one of the rules of the holy tower is that knights and magicians are strictly prohibited from shooting at Warcraft above the standard level. In order to ensure the diversity of species and prevent the extinction of first-class Warcraft, super class Warcraft and semi divine beasts in the wizard world, appropriate conservation measures must be implemented.

Seeing that jielina was ready to summon a new summoning beast to fight, Locke, who had a general understanding of Adams\'s strength, sighed and made a decisive move.

It\'s not easy for Adam LISS to suppress the lava steel bristle with gain chips one-on-one. If other variables appear, I\'m afraid the scorpion Dragon Lord can\'t do better.

There is no doubt that the speed of the wind fighting knight is the first among all energy users. Locke didn\'t even turn on his blood transformation. On the way of jerina casting spells and singing spells, he turned into a shadow and approached jerina.

Red, yellow and blue magic light shields appear around jelina, which is a necessary means left by her as a second level caster.

Every magic shield shows signs of secondary energy fluctuation. It\'s really not so simple for ordinary people to break these three layers of shields.

"Sword Qi refers to the fighting tornado! The wind roars!" Three light drinks came from Locke\'s mouth.

Sword Qi refers to fighting tornado. Needless to say, it is a skill Locke has mastered for a long time.

The wind roar, however, is a set of combat skills suitable for Locke, who was promoted to a second-class knight. After returning from the digital world and cultivating in the three western islands for several years.

This is a pure wind attribute energy gun, which is emitted from Locke\'s fist heart, referring to the energy running track of the blood of three digital beasts in his body.

Sword Qi refers to the highest single attack, while combat tornado is a group attack, and wind roar is between the two. It has a good range of attack ability, and the attack degree is far higher than the general secondary means.

Zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex and battle Tyrannosaurus Rex are both digital beasts that are good at fighting. Locke obtains the blood of these two digital beasts. Referring to their attack means, the wind roar created by them can\'t be underestimated.


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