Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 690

"Knight Locke, if you don\'t have other mounts, it seems that your game will end here." Wrapped in a bright yellow magic robe, jelina, the secondary Summoner standing opposite Locke, said faintly.

This woman looks ordinary, but her figure is super good. The bright yellow magic robe can\'t hide her figure. The Miao man\'s posture of protruding forward and warping backward is more noticeable than her strength level.

Fermo was in a bad situation at this time. There was a giant stone Viper Python sneaking under the ground. There was a rough and fleshy fire lizard on the ground. There was a thunder heavenly horse on his head. He was surrounded by three Warcraft of the same level. Fermo\'s defeat was only a matter of time.

But the only commendable thing is that Fermo\'s fighting spirit can be maintained. The surrounding three headed Warcraft did not kill its fighting desire. After several battles, Fermo\'s spirit has been comprehensively improved.

"Roar!!!" With the roar of dragon power, the fire lizard in front of the oppressed dare not move wantonly.

But the giant stone Viper python, which was deep underground, didn\'t seem to be affected much. A violent energy shock came from the underground, and the target was directed at Fermo, the scorpion dragon.

When Fermo wanted to raise the height to avoid the energy impact, the fire lizard suppressed by its dragon roar moved, and a flame light column spewed out of the mouth of the fire lizard and burned Fermo\'s meat wings.

At the same time, the long prepared thunder Tianma in the sky also "hiss slightly!" With a sound, the sharp corner of his head was shrouded in lightning, and a thunder column fell from the sky and split at Fermo.

Three different elemental energy attacks and three different attack paths will become the target of public criticism.

With a sigh, Locke patted the dimensional bag and released the wounded Hellfire giant AI.

AI\'s appearance soon reversed Fermo\'s disadvantage.

AI, also a fire creature with stronger defense, took the lead in killing the flame lizard after resisting the attack of the flame lizard and the boulder Viper python.

And Fermo in the sky also spit out a dark energy dragon breath. After offsetting the thunder column, he pounced on the thunder Tianma.

Locke\'s new pet is released, which makes jerina\'s eyes look different.

Like madas, she is the best of the second level summoners. Naturally, she sees AI\'s unusual.

Summoner is a profession that deals with Warcraft and ectopic creatures all year round. Jielina has been in Yunluo Santa tower for hundreds of years and has an extraordinary vision.

"Does this Hellfire merge the blood of Mountain Giants or the blood of cloud giants?" Jelina rubbed the energy gem at the top of the magic wand and thought in her heart.

If the blood of Mountain Giants is integrated, there will be obvious soil characteristics. Although this Hellfire defense is strong, it seems that it does not use soil energy.

If the fusion is the blood of the cloud giant, it is reasonable to grow so high, but the number of cloud giants is rare. Their height of 20 or 30 meters and strong strength make them popular among slave creatures. Jelina doesn\'t believe that Locke, a local knight, can get the blood of the cloud giant.

Jielina, who couldn\'t understand, simply shook her head and directly asked Locke standing in the distance, "your Hellfire is a little extraordinary. Is it a fusion of precious blood?"

When the big breasted magician asked himself this question, Locke replied, "a Summoner asked me the same question not long ago. Maybe you know him."

"Who?" Jelina leaned forward, and Locke couldn\'t bear the sight of the surging waves.

"Madas, he claims to be the summoner of Yunluo Santa tower." Locke said.

"Oh, it\'s the old guy." Jelina nodded, her confirmation recognizing madas.

The second-class top Summoner under the same holy tower, jelina also had many intersections with madas.

Locke was shocked to hear that jelina called madas "old guy". Magicians are generally more civilized and never say vulgar words like knights. Jelina is a different kind.

Unfortunately, in addition to her body praise, the female magician\'s appearance is a little ordinary. However, the woman\'s character has some appetite for Locke, and after fighting for so long, jielina only summoned three-level Warcraft to help. Locke doesn\'t believe she has the ability to summon more first-class creatures.

Is this for the fairness of the game? Locke was a little embarrassed.

He also saw that the process of jelina commanding the battle of the third-order Warcraft was also the process of jelina cultivating her summoners. For summoners, it was not that the first-class summoners had no effect on them after they were promoted to level 2.

If jelina can summon dozens of first-class Warcraft to help in one breath, even Locke himself has to weigh whether she can do it all.

It\'s a little difficult for a level-2 Summoner to summon dozens of level Warcraft, but five or six can easily do it. Looking at the battlefield, Fermo has suppressed the thunder Tianma, the Hellfire giant has also pressed the flame lizard with a fierce hammer, and the giant stone Viper Python can\'t find a suitable opportunity to fight for a long time. Jelina has been considering whether to summon a few more contract beasts to fight.

"Your Hellfire is very good. I can see that it is still seriously injured. It even suppresses my flame lizard and boulder Viper Python under such circumstances." Jenna sighed.

Hellfire giant is more than suppressing the flame lizard. Looking at Ai, holding the upper and lower jaws of the flame lizard in one hand and flattening the head of the flame lizard in the other hand, he almost didn\'t hammer out the eyes of the flame lizard. Locke shouted pain for the flame lizard.

"When did this girl become so violent?" Locke was stunned by the wild fighting style of Hellfire giant AI. Is this still the submissive underage female Hellfire.

This is a human Tyrannosaurus Rex!

"I\'m not interested in playing with you anymore. I still have the first-class contract beast, but I don\'t want to summon your Hellfire giant as a sandbag to let you see one of my core partners. Come out, lava steel mane!"

A super steel mane 15 meters away slowly came out of the summoning array, with unparalleled momentum, which caused a lot of pressure on Locke.

"Lava steel mane is the best of super level Warcraft. Knight Locke, I suggest you do it yourself, or I won\'t compensate you if it hurts your mount." Jelina giggled.

The body of molten steel mane is one head higher than that of Hellfire giant aido. As soon as it appears, it suppresses several first-order Warcraft in the energy shield to the end.

His hind legs kicked on the ground, and the two tusks of molten steel mane aimed at Locke. He also knew that the strongest enemy in front of him was actually the knight who was only 1.8 meters tall.

Holding a purple and gold scale in his hand, Locke whispered, "do you want to call this guy out?"