Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 689

No wonder madas said he was unlikely to participate in the summoner competition. Through observation, Locke found that the vast majority of contestants above level 1 had only level 1 strength in the whole competition.

There are few second-class strong people, and none of the third-class strong people.

This makes Locke who found such a result lack of interest. Fortunately, his intention is not to improve himself, but to experience his two pets.

After Hellfire giant AI once again crushed a pile of undead skeleton sea with his big foot board, the necromancer of the bell mark announced his defeat with a sad face.

Looking at the pieces of broken bones containing the magic of death on the ground, the necromancer wanted to cry without tears.

The Deathly creatures he is proud of have not broken AI\'s defense. After integrating the blood of bronze people, AI\'s greatest benefit is his own defense ability. If you zoom in, you will find that there is a light cyan film under AI\'s red skin, which is the unique bronze skin of the very special race of bronze people.

The surrender of the necromancer was a little beyond Locke\'s expectation, because he could still feel that the death elemental division had no backhand, and he didn\'t cast many aggressive death spells, as if he was always on guard against himself.

There is a local knight as an opponent. Can the necromancer not keep an eye on it? The caster has always been bad at fighting closely with the melee profession. If he is approached by a local knight, the necromancer has nine lives, which is not enough for him to die.

Moreover, he did not use his backhand. As an excellent first-class necromancer of the death knell mark, he still had two corpse training synthetic beasts that were not released, which was also the combat power he relied on most.

But let\'s not say whether these two corpse training synthetic beasts can withstand the attack of a land knight. The power given to him by Hellfire giant AI alone is enough for the necromancer to extinguish his heart of battle.

"Such a powerful giant... If only it could integrate into my corpse training synthetic beast." The necromancer looked at Locke\'s back and thought greedily.

Unfortunately, he can only think about it. The knight\'s status on the east coast is not high, but it doesn\'t mean that the first level caster can stand on the second level knight and shit.

Angered a powerful level-2 knight, the little level-1 necromancer had to weigh whether he could bear the terrible consequences.

Overall, in the second battle, Locke was very satisfied with the performance of Hellfire giant AI.

Although the strength of the necromancer is not enough, Locke can see the self-improvement of Hellfire giant AI.

In terms of diligence, hard work and fighting spirit, AI has to surpass Fermo. If Fermo can learn from AI and change his lazy character, Locke will save a lot of heart.

Out of the energy shield, Locke found that Ashar had not solved the battle yet. He said hello to the three sisters of the Roland family, and several people walked to the place where Ashar fought.

"Well." Looking at the energy shield, assar\'s shadow element creatures controlled the summoner, while assar himself squatted in front of a pool of slimy soft creatures and did anatomical experiments. Locke felt speechless.

"Helms?!" Ivy said in surprise.

"That thing is called Helms demon?" Locke asked, pointing to the slimy liquid creature in front of Ashar.

"Yes, Helms demon is a rare Warcraft living in the deep sea and underground rivers. It rarely appears on land. I didn\'t expect this Summoner to have such a contract summoner." Ivy sighed.

"There are many complex underground rivers in the United Kingdom, and it is normal for them to have Helms." Ellie said, holding her arm.

Liquid creatures are very rare, not to mention Helms demon, a first-class Warcraft with a first-class biological level. Ashar should also be happy to see and hunt. After suppressing his opponent in battle, he carried out research on the spot in such a grand manner.

"Why didn\'t the little Summoner surrender?" Locke said strangely.

Soon his question was answered.

Ashar cut a little tissue of the helms demon, made it into a specimen and saved it, untied the prohibition of the summoner, and said to him, "the reason why I interrupted your chanting spell is that your mental strength is not enough, and there are some defects in the magic array in the magic building process of casting spells. I suggest you..."

One speaks clearly and the other listens carefully. It seems that in the energy shield, it is not the two fighting, but a pair of scholars who carry out academic discussion.

Not only the three sisters of Locke and Roland were stunned, but also the four arbitrators around the shield were speechless.

"How can I correctly construct the magic Rune array of fire element and wind element?" Get the knowledge you want to know, the summoner asked.

But to answer him, assar left her back smartly.

She just told the summoner that those things are the equivalent of Helms demon tissue specimens. If the summoner still wants to obtain knowledge from Ashar, he should pay a reward satisfactory to Ashar.

"I can pay you for the essence of energy." The summoner added.

However, Ashar did not look back. Compared with the energy essence, Ashar should be more interested in knowledge, which she had not touched.

According to Locke\'s understanding of assar, assar will probably do the experiment all night tonight, and the research object is the helms demon tissue specimen she just got.

In the summoner competition, Locke and Ashar have to participate in nearly 20 battles in order to finally compete for the first place, but neither of them is determined. Locke won\'t do it by himself, and Ashar has a playful attitude.

So that in Game 7, Locke met a difficult opponent.

In the fifth game, Hellfire giant AI was injured in his right arm by a cold ice python, which can hurt the Hellfire giant with ChiYan. Of course, that cold ice Python is also a first-class Warcraft.

Although the final victory belongs to Hellfire giant AI, her right arm has been abandoned for the time being and has not fully recovered. AI is still cultivating in the dimensional bag. The scorpion dragon Fermo comes out to fight this time.

Opposite Locke, standing is a second level Summoner! Powerful secondary Summoner from jekolo United Kingdom, Yunluo Santa Tower!

The second level Summoner is a woman, whose appearance is only regarded as medium. Before the game, he only introduced his source and name. It seems that he has found the way that Locke only sends his own mount.

The second level Summoner only summoned some first level Warcraft to fight with Fermo, but did not summon second level super level Warcraft to help.