Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 688

The Central Avenue of the city of Wisconsin. This is the most prosperous place of Wisconsin business. As long as you have money, you can get anything you want.

With the influx of summoners from the United Kingdom of jekolo and contestants from all over the east coast, this year\'s Weston is a bit more lively than usual.

On a street full of magic shops, Locke and Ashar women are walking here.

There are all good smelling spellcasters and knights around, and those who can come to this street to spend at least have the level of medium-level Knight attendants and intermediate magic apprentices.

This is the forbidden area for ordinary people. When so many magicians and knights gather together, the energy surge in the air caused by light is enough to hurt the fragile body of ordinary people.

"I\'ve only seen this kind of commercial street in the branch of the knight\'s palace in Princeton, and the scale is at least five times smaller than here." Locke sighed.

There are several commercial streets in the city of Weston, which is worthy of being the political, economic, cultural and power center of the east coast. The prosperity of Weston shows the strength of the city and the strength of Sony Kingdom behind the city.

After visiting for about 20 minutes, Locke and others found their goal.

In the magic compartment of a shop, the huge scorpion dragon was released by Locke.

If you can buy such a magic shop on the Central Avenue of Wisconsin, the power behind this shop is definitely not small.

A caster in a white magic robe stood in front of Locke. When his staff was waving, the milky white magic array appeared from the center of the room, and a glittering white Delaney light cicada the size of a thumb gushed out of the magic array.

After the appearance of Delaney light cicada, it spontaneously flew to the body surface of scorpion dragon. Light magic appeared in the injured part of scorpion dragon, and scorpion dragon\'s injury was slowly recovering.

"Is it a specially trained Delaney light cicada?" Locke was surprised that Fermo was a dark constitution. As usual, the treatment effect of light magic should be the worst.

"Yes, the Delaney light cicada I cultivated has added some plant magic, which can neutralize the rejection of dark Warcraft." Said the magician.

This is not an unspeakable secret, and the magician has only a first-class life level. In the face of the doubt of a second-class strong man like Locke, the magician will try to be satisfied.

Of course, Locke won\'t ask people how to add plant magic to the body of light Warcraft. This deeper problem has involved the magician\'s private secret.

And Locke is not very interested in this deep-seated magic problem.

However, the three sisters of the Roland family have different colors in their eyes, as if they saw something.

Ashar is indifferent. It is estimated that in her eyes, this little skill of mixed magic is not a particularly difficult ability.

"Thanks for your patronage, two first-class energy essence." Forty minutes later, the magician with a sweating face reached out to Locke for advice, like a professional businessman.

Hearing this price, the three sisters were surprised. The two first-class energy essence can be used as the training cost of the three sisters for two months.

Is this a small sum of money, especially for first-class magicians.

Locke nodded after listening. He looked at Fermo at this time.

There is a thick layer of gray white insect corpses on the body surface of scorpion dragon. The light healing magic of Delaney light cicada is used at the cost of their lives. When the basic magic of each Delaney light cicada is exhausted, it is the time of its death.

Fermo\'s physical condition is recovering well. Sensitive wounds such as wings, scorpion tail and head are much better, and the wounds on the abdomen and back are also recovering benign.

The physical quality of level Warcraft doesn\'t need Locke to worry too much about Fermo. According to this situation, with some restorative drugs owned by Locke, Fermo should recover and recover his combat power within two weeks.

Kayla keeps the Delaney light cicada in the holy tower. Usually, the Delaney light cicada is protected by Kayla like a baby. Locke knows very well how valuable these insignificant light insects are.

The magician lost so many Delaney light cicadas in the process of treating Fermo. The price of two first-class energy essence is really not much.

The magician was given two first-class energy essences. Locke, Ashar and the three sisters of the Roland family strolled along this Commercial Avenue.

Facts have proved that as a man, Locke should reduce shopping time with the opposite sex in the future, especially when there are more than one opposite sex.

It was said that they strolled casually, but the five people in the line finally strolled all day. Until the night came and they were hungry, the four women stopped.

The three sisters of the Roland family were amazed at Locke\'s spending two first-class energy essence in the morning. In the afternoon, they bought a large number of magic materials and alchemy utensils without blinking their eyelids. I\'m afraid there must be a total value of eight first-class energy essence.

This has been the most cultivation material that the Roland family can allocate to their three sisters in a year. It\'s just a day.

Assar is not far away. She didn\'t communicate with the three sisters of the Roland family when she was in Kieran City, but assar rarely came together with the three sisters of Ailan in today\'s shopping spree.

As an elder, Ashar provided many constructive suggestions on the purchase of alchemy utensils by the three sisters, which made the three sisters change a lot about Ashar\'s character.

Assar also didn\'t know how many tasks he performed and how much task reward he earned in the digital world. Without blinking, he threw out several secondary energy essence one after another. Rao is rich Locke, who almost stared at him.

There are many casting materials on the east coast that are not available in the three western islands, and there are also many alchemical instruments that are slightly different in principle from the props in the three western islands laboratory.

In the face of new things, Ashar often starts to study, which will increase her understanding of the knowledge she has mastered. Learning this skill will accompany the life of a qualified caster.

Ashar is obviously a qualified caster. Since the afternoon, she has been holding a water magic ring and never let go. She has been immersed in the magic pattern structure of the magic ring, so she didn\'t realize the passage of time.

"Is it the special conversion between water system and ice system magic, and there is a little stability skill of magic channel framework..." Ashar, who had been wandering for a long time, finally woke up, played with the sapphire ring in her hand, and then threw it to Alan.

"You are a water element master. This ring will be my compensation for staying in the Roland family." Ashar said.

With Ashar\'s character, she never owes anyone anything. This water system alchemy ring is very valuable. At least two first-class energy essence can be bought, so she gave it away.

Alan was stunned. She just wanted to refuse, but found that Ashar had gone far. The more she contacted the dark element master, the more Alan felt Ashar\'s independence.

In the next battle between Locke and ASAR, two days later, Locke\'s scorpion dragon won\'t be able to fight. Naturally, he chose Hellfire giant AI.

For himself, Locke does not intend to play in person. Although it is a Summoner competition, the summoner can use magic to win, so the knight can also play hand to hand combat.

Now Locke needs to temper his own strength repeatedly rather than fight with others. What the heavenly Knight mastered is the source of the energy he practiced. Locke has not even touched the shadow of the source of the fighting spirit of the wind system. The main reason is that his realm is not high.

Locke, who has been promoted as a knight for a few years, has not reached the upper limit of his growth. What he should do now is to turn the cultivation materials given to him by Jos and the energy essence he earned into his own strength.

This time will be very long. If there is no external stimulation, Locke needs at least a hundred years of accumulation to reach the peak of the local knight. I hope this trip can make Locke gain something and maybe speed up his peak.

After two days of fighting, Locke was surprised when he entered the energy shield, because the opponent in front of him was not the Warlock of jekolo United Kingdom, but the caster on the east coast.

To be exact, it is an organization that has many intersections with Locke, the necromancer of the death knell mark.

The death knell mark, a magician organization, is likely to defeat Locke. Locke has a record of fighting with the necromancer in this organization, whether it is a knight\'s attendant or a first-class knight.

I didn\'t expect to be promoted to level 2 now and face the necromancer of this organization again.

"Land knight?" The necromancer in front of Locke screamed, and there was a little fear in his cry.

Looking at the level-1 necromancer in front of him, Locke was not interested in chatting with this guy. He took a picture of the dimensional bag. The Hellfire giant AI, 13 meters away, suddenly appeared in the energy shield.

In front of the Hellfire like an Optimus giant, the necromancer, who was only about 1.6 meters tall, was like shivering in the sea breeze.

Four arbitrators watched around the energy shield, and one of them was a second-class strong man. The necromancer didn\'t need to worry about his life safety. What he didn\'t want was that he would be eliminated in the second round.

The caster of the death knell mark has a characteristic, that is, he will never challenge people higher than himself. This is a typical bullying rogue force.

However, it is this current affairs organization style, together with its resource rich corpse puppet and synthetic animal industry, that makes the death knell mark organization sit in the top position of the magician guild.

Before the necromancer fought, his momentum was half weak, which made Locke quite bored.

"Get rid of him. This fire energy spar is yours." Locke said to Hellfire giant AI like a strange corn with a lollipop to lure the little girl.

"Roar!" Elliot yelled excitedly. Well, this little guy will eat Locke\'s suit.