Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 687

"The quality of the contestants this time is very good!" In the sky, several arbitrators from the United Kingdom of jekolo observed several magic shields below and laughed.

Among the summoners, the east coast casters are indeed not as good as the United Kingdom of jekolo. Most of the magic shields below are dominated by the summoners of the United Kingdom of jekolo.

"Yes, after all, there are many little guys who have just come down from the plane war. These little guys are now in great momentum, ha ha." One of the arbitrators laughed.

Those who can act as the arbiters of such competitions above level 1 must be at the top of level 2, and some are also the top summoners of level 3. In addition to witnessing the fairness of the competition, they also look for potential good seedlings for the two summoning holy towers of jekolo United Kingdom.

"Well, let\'s see the fighting of contestants above level 1. Let\'s go and see the fighting of children below level 1." Said one of the leading arbitrators.

This person seems to have a lot of prestige. As soon as he speaks, he attracts several people around him. From the energy fluctuation of this person, he is also a powerful tertiary life.

The man sighed and said, "we lost a lot in the nest melting battle recently. Before this competition, the tower master personally instructed me to collect enough summoning apprentices to supplement Yunluo holy tower. In this Summoner competition, our focus should be on the potential identification of children below level 1."

Hearing what this person said, it also involved the yunluota master with noble status and superior strength. Everyone else present looked pale.

"Let\'s go and have a look outside." The level-3 Summoner took the lead in walking to the low-level area outside. There are more than 20 energy shields for the strong above level-1, and nearly 100 energy shields for the contestants below level-1.

The summoner competition, as the level 3 Summoner said, mainly focuses on the little guys below level 1.

Along with the third level summoner, there is the friend Locke knows, the second level Summoner madas.

Madas took a look at the field behind them. It is true that most of the energy shields are dominated by the summoners of jekolo United Kingdom, but a small number are not, including Locke\'s battlefield and Ashar\'s battlefield.

"Interestingly, the dark element organism also contains a magical system with strange ability. It\'s no wonder that it can achieve such results." Madas murmured that his previous main attention was actually on assar\'s field.

"As for the Locke Knight..." Madas smiled. "Oh, such a style really belongs to the fighting style of knights."

Within the energy shield where Locke is located, the once clean and tidy playing field has become a mess. There are overturned soil and stones everywhere, and many biological scales and fragments are scattered everywhere.

The soil on the ground has been soaked into red, half of which is blue blood with cold and half of which is dark red blood with corrosive smell.

This was contributed by two parties, the snow frost bear and the scorpion dragon.

Locke\'s opponent temlin opened his mouth. He had only seen the battle scene in front of him in one place, plane war. This bloody struggle will only occur when the race of the plane war survives on a large-scale battlefield in danger.

Temlin always felt that he could survive the two horizontal wars not by his strength, but by his luck.

He did not expect that one day he would experience this scene again within the standard.

As for Fermo\'s battle with the snow frost bear, Locke did not intervene after all. In the face of the last crazy posture of the snow frost bear, Fermo the scorpion dragon is using his own vitality to consume the crazy time of the snow frost bear.

The method of exchanging injury for injury made Fermo\'s scales almost broken at this time, and one eye bead was red and swollen, but it was almost not burst out. Even the hardest scorpion tail on his body was interrupted by life. I don\'t know when to reply again in the future.

Fermo has been with Locke for so long, but he is still a bit of a brain. It is not all the straightforward recklessness of Warcraft. Although he is exchanging injury for injury, scorpion dragon consciously avoided the fatal injury that the snow frost bear greeted him.

The crazy snow field frost bear has obviously reduced its intelligence by several grades. Even under the command of its owner temlin, it is still like a drunkard and loses some rules and skills in battle.

After using the blood burst technique, the combat power of the snow frost bear has reached the first-class peak. In the face of this opponent, Fermo, who has been promoted to the level of Warcraft for less than five years, can achieve this kind of combat result. Even if he is defeated, Locke will forgive him.

Don\'t look at what Locke said to Fermo before the battle. In fact, Locke still cares about his pet. If Fermo really has three long and two short comings, Locke is estimated to be distressed to death.

But there must be some strictness. Locke\'s strict requirements for Fermo finally seemed to have achieved good results.

In the game of exchanging injury for injury, the first one who couldn\'t hold up was the snow field frost bear who used the blood burst technique. After the time passed, the sequelae of the frenzy and the fatal injury that Fermo entertained him made the snow field frost bear, a blood bear, fall down completely after a whimper.

The blood is dripping. If we don\'t rescue it immediately, the snow frost bear may be cold.

Fortunately, summoners, the most important thing is the healing magic for their summoning partners.

Another group of Delaney light cicadas were summoned from the Dharma array by temlin and flew to the skin of the snow frost bear. On the bloody bear skin, a burst of fluorescence and pure light magic were repairing the wounds on the body of the snow frost bear.

However, the repair process is very slow. At the current recovery speed, it is difficult for the snow field frost bear to wake up.

His face was a little pale. He was not only surprised by the fierce battle between the two Warcraft, but also caused by the excessive loss of mental power and magic. Temlin looked up and drank a mental power recovery potion and began to sing a spell to return the snow frost bear to his summoning space.

Fighting and this, temlin has lost the capital to continue fighting. Summoners take summoning animals as their main combat power. Now he is seriously injured and unconscious even summoning animals. How can he compete.

"Your mount is very strong and smart." Temlin said to Locke standing 100 meters away.

In the face of temlin\'s compliment, Locke didn\'t care too much. At this time, his attention was mostly focused on Fermo, who was also dying.

It\'s better than the snow frost bear. Fermo still has at least one red and swollen eye. He still has a little consciousness.

One of the two hind limbs was broken by the snow frost bear and is shaking now. There is a distinctive tear bite mark on the other, and there are many white bone fragments in the bite mark.

This also made Fermo want to stand up again for a long time, but he couldn\'t stand.

The corrosive dragon system blew to the ground, and the emerald green grass was stained with a layer of ash and gradually withered. The panting Fermo wanted to go up at this time and blame the culprit for the crime that caused it such a heavy blow with a fatal blow.

The right claw stretched forward. Fermo, who tried to get up, softened his body and fell down again, which made Locke, who wanted to persuade Fermo a few words, swallow his words.

Locke is very satisfied with the results of this battle. Fermo, the scorpion dragon, has grown a lot in this battle, which is not only its fighting instinct, but also reflected in its fighting wisdom.

In the face of the snow frost bear who has reached the first-class peak after crazy, it is very good that Fermo can do this.

A figure appears in the sky. This is one of the four arbitrators around Locke and tmlin, with the energy level of secondary creatures.

"This battle was won by the knight Locke, who represented Mei Mei Li\'s cabin."

As soon as the voice fell, a magic barrier extended from the surrounding energy shield to cover both sides of the contestants.

Silently install the scorpion dragon back into the space flute. After this time, Fermo needs a long rest.

"My Delaney light cicada has consumed a lot and can\'t help you, but you can find other summoners and ask them to treat your mount after spending some money." Over the magic barrier, temlin\'s voice came. This guy was still warm-hearted.

"I see." Locke waved his hand behind his back. When he came to the edge of the competition field, he gave his body a meal. Finally, he shouted to temlin, who also didn\'t go out of the competition field, "your strength is good. At least among the first-class strong, you can get my recognition."

Temlin\'s qualification is mediocre. If he is Locke\'s first level, with the mobility of the wind system, he can definitely put his cards in the wild snow field. The frost bear is cruel and wants to die.

But his words are sincere. Temlin\'s strength is mediocre, but he also has a strong heart of never giving up in the face of battle. One or two can be seen from temlin\'s serious attitude towards battle.

No wonder this man survived two horizontal wars, but there were some surprises.

With Locke\'s approval, temlin also got out of the pain of losing the game and calling his partners seriously. Locke\'s repressed and powerful land Knight strength can not be fake. If he can get the recognition of such a strong man, temlin felt that it was a worthwhile trip to the east coast this year.

After walking out of the competition field, Locke looked around and found that most of the fighting of the first round contestants had ended, and many second round contestants had entered the battle field.

No matter how damaged the battle field was the moment before, it will recover under the magical effect of magic power, in order to ensure the fairness of the game.

She also wanted to see Ashar\'s game. Unexpectedly, Ashar had already ended her battle and waited for herself outside the field with the three sisters of the Roland family.

When Locke came back from victory, Ashar didn\'t say anything as usual, but the three sisters of the Roland family were concerned and looked at Locke.

"Go and show Fermo. I think he\'s seriously injured." Ellen, the elder sister of the Roland family, said that they are the people who pay attention to Locke\'s competition all the time.

"Good." Locke said.