Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 686

When Locke glared, the scorpion dragon sobbed. It was frightened.

Locke is really good to his pets, but he never gets used to them. The contracts signed by Fermo and AI with Locke are the most demanding master-servant contracts. Locke can make their lives worse than death if he thinks about it.

Facing the majesty of his master, Fermo finally decided to show his true ability.

"Roar!" After a roar, his wings vibrated, and Fermo suddenly stepped on the floor and flew into the air.

The energy of dark elements on the body surface surges, and with the dual impact of physics and elements, the scorpion dragon flies towards the position of the snow frost bear.

As a first-class Warcraft, snow frost bear also has the ability to fly at low altitude, but its speed is obviously no faster than the scorpion dragon with two wings on its back.

Although there are many magic aura blessings, the speed is still one notch lower than that of Fermo, who explodes all his power.

There was a flash of lightning and stone fire, and a black corrosion wound appeared on the right shoulder of the snow field frost bear.

It\'s the deadly poison on Fermo\'s scorpion tail hook.

Scorpion poison spreads rapidly. In the blink of an eye, most of the shoulders of the snow frost bear have changed color.

Temlin\'s surprise flashed across his face, and the successive release of multiple treatments and dispels did not have much effect.

Scorpion dragon\'s poison is not element poison, but biological poison. Temlin takes it for granted that he wants to dispel scorpion poison only by element power, but his remedial measures are not useless. At present, the toxin of snow frost bear is temporarily stabilized in the shoulder position and does not spread to the heart.

Another singing sound sounded, and a group of small insects with white transparent wings appeared in the summoning array.

"Go!" Temlin issued instructions with spiritual commands.

"Delaney light cicada?!" Locke exclaimed.

Delaney light cicada, also known as the "worm of light", is an extremely rare light Warcraft. Fighting is not their strength. Their job is to restore and assist.

Locke once saw a batch of Delaney light cicadas she raised in Santa Clara\'s laboratory. They are usually kept by Kayla like a baby to keep Locke from moving. Those Delaney light cicadas support the refining of many light recovery potions for Kayla.

The appearance of Delaney light cicada also represents that Fermo\'s toxin is mostly useless today.

Sure enough, the group of insects with white transparent wings rushed at the snow field frost bear with lightning speed. To be exact, it was the right shoulder of the snow field frost bear.

The heavy white insect corpse fell to the ground, but the injury of the snow frost bear was alleviated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a group of Delaney light cicadas were summoned there, temlin\'s face was obviously a little vain. He mobilized his mental power too frequently.

Among the summoners, temlin is just an ordinary first-class strong man who does nothing. It seems that his Summoner is only this snow frost bear. With a large number of auxiliary elements aura, he can improve the strength of snow frost bear to the top of the first-class.

I don\'t know what tmlin said before. What are his cards.

"What are you doing? Don\'t do it quickly! If you can\'t make it, I\'ll let AI come out to replace you!" Locke said to the scorpion dragon in the sky.

Taking advantage of your illness and killing you has always been Locke\'s purpose against the enemy.

Now temlin is in a period of mental weakness, and the toxin of the snow frost bear is still being removed. It is the best time for the scorpion dragon to start. The scorpion dragon swoops down.

There is also an invisible competitive relationship between Locke\'s two pets.

Fermo was an old man who worked hard with Locke from the stage of Knight servant. Later, he followed Locke\'s Hellfire giant AI, which gave Fermo a sense of urgency to be overtaken.

In particular, Abby Fermo was the first to be promoted to the first level, and from the current strength, the Hellfire giant AI with bronze blood is no worse than the scorpion dragon with dragon blood.

Fermo always wanted to show himself in front of his master. This time, how could he be robbed of its limelight by Hellfire giant AI? The scorpion dragon with open teeth and claws jumped on it and tore the ice crystal fur that the snow frost bear relied on to defend with its sharp claws.

The snow field frost bear\'s blow also led Fei Mo\'s body. I\'m afraid there must be two tons of weight-bearing fist to hit Fei Mo\'s black scale. The scale burst and blood flowed.

By this time, both sides had a real fire, and Fermo, the scorpion dragon, was finally seriously injured.

Seeing that Fermo\'s scuffle with the snow frost bear became more and more intense, Locke nodded with satisfaction.

Winning is not his original intention. If Fermo, the scorpion dragon, can grow a lot in this battle, it will be a worthwhile trip.

When it comes to the private competition between the two pets, Locke is happy to see this situation. There is pressure only when there is competition. Locke doesn\'t worry about AI, but he is a little anxious about Fermo\'s growth.

This scorpion dragon may have been raised by the Bili family for several years and has a bad habit of being lazy. If Locke doesn\'t practice this guy well, he can\'t tell when he will be dumped somewhere. He doesn\'t even have the qualification to be a mount.

Half an hour later, the battle finally came to an end.

Locke finally knew what tmlin\'s cards were.

"Blood burst!" A dark red magic halo poured into the body of the snow field frost bear. The body surface changed from blue to blood red, and the body size soared from six meters to eight meters. The appearance of the snow field frost bear at this time was very different from that before.

This is the life potential stimulated by sacrificing the life span and cell vitality of the snow field frost bear. At this time, the snow field frost bear already has the energy level of a class I peak creature.

Temlin\'s eyes are looking at Locke. His intention is obviously to force Locke to take action.

If Locke shot as a second-class knight, even if he won the game, temlin was proud because he proved himself in the battle with a second-class strong man.

Unfortunately, Locke has been watching the two Warcraft on the field coldly.

Two thirds of the scales on the body surface turned up, revealing the bloody muscle tissue inside. The scorpion tail showed unnatural distortion, which was smashed by the great power of the snow field frost bear.

The wings also hung on the ground and seemed to have suffered heavy damage.

Although the scorpion dragon Fermo is at the top level in the first level Warcraft, he still has some power in front of the snow frost bear who has temporarily reached the first level peak after using the blood burst technique.

If there is no other way, the scorpion dragon can\'t beat the crazy snow frost bear from the front.

"This battle belongs only to you. I won\'t intervene. If you can\'t even solve this little trouble, there\'s no need to follow me." Standing more than 20 meters behind Fermo, Locke said indifferently.

It seems that the life and death of the scorpion dragon at this time has nothing to do with him. Only Locke\'s right hand slightly clenches his fist, which shows that Locke will not really stand idly by.

If the scorpion dragon is really killed by the snow frost bear, he will do it, but Locke hopes that this opportunity will not come.

Everything needs Fermo to fight by himself.

"Roar! Roar!!" The determined dragon roar resounded through the jasmine shield again, and the scorpion dragon rushed up again towards the crazy snow field frost bear in front of him.


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