Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 685

Two days later, Locke\'s first duel took place in the corner of the catcher in the northeast city of Weston.

In the giant energy shield, there is enough space for the two contestants to fight as much as they can.

Locke\'s opponent was a middle-aged Summoner with a gray hood and a moustache at the corner of his mouth.

Considering that the two mounts under Locke have only level-1 strength, the above only assigned him a level-1 summoner, which makes Locke cry and laugh.

A powerful knight who is invincible among the second-class strong men. His opponent has only the first-class strength. Locke regrets participating in the summoner competition.

However, at the beginning of Locke\'s competition, he didn\'t expect to get anything. He was mainly interested in it, and he honed Fermo\'s strength.

Blowing the emerald green dragon flute hanging around the neck, the body size soared to 10 meters, and the scorpion dragon with black wings appeared from it.

This powerful dark and Asian Dragon level Warcraft put a lot of pressure on the little guy in front of him.

It\'s a little guy. In fact, this first-class Summoner has a life span of more than 200 years. He just has a lower level of life than Locke, but his experience is not small. He has seen part of the details of scorpion dragon.

In the incantation, a gray hairy bear was summoned by the summoner through the element method array. According to its energy level, it has barely reached the level of first-class Warcraft.

"Roar!" The moment the frost bear appeared in the gray snow field, he roared up to the sky, as if he was strengthening his power for his appearance.

After that, Fermo, the scorpion dragon, roared, "roar! Roar!" The Dragon roar with some Longwei makes the snow field frost bear look like eggplant beaten by frost, and some are depressed.

Dragon Warcraft has always been a biological family standing at the top of the food chain. After Fermo was promoted to Warcraft, the dragon blood in his body has been purified again. At present, it has been regarded as a sub dragon Warcraft.

Its mastery of some dragon power is a clear proof of Yalong Warcraft.

During the casting process of this first-class summoner, Locke has been watching coldly. He has been in contact with the fighting methods of elemental division and blood Warlock. This is the first time he has seen the fighting of summoners above level 1.

It may be from the perspective of a knight. Locke thinks that the chanting link of the summoner is too redundant. Although the first-class creature snow frost bear is summoned, such a long casting process is enough for a strong man of the same level to kill it.

"Longer spell casting than the elementalist? In return, there is a creature of the same level as a partner." Locke thought.

If it\'s called before the battle, it\'s OK. If it\'s called during the battle, the disadvantages of the summoner are too obvious.

Moreover, the snow field frost bear is obviously a temporary summoner. It is obviously not at the same level as the second-class Summoner of madas he knew a few days ago. The blue electric light clam should be a permanent Summoner who signed a contract with madas, and has second-class strength, which is several levels higher than the snow field frost bear.

"Jekolo, United Kingdom, HOSI Pradesh, first level summoner, temlin." Taking off his hood, the summoner politely introduced himself before the war.

"Knight of the earth, Locke." Locke introduced himself succinctly.

Seeing that the first-class Summoner planned to start a war, Locke suddenly interrupted, "tmlin summoner, have you ever had the experience of plane war?"

Temlin was stunned. Then he bowed his head and thought for a while before saying, "I have participated in two plane wars, one is the dark goblin on the moon shadow plane, and the other is the flame devourer on the melting nest plane."

"Are they all micro planes?" Asked Locke.

Temlin looked unhappy and said, "although they are all micro planes, I believe my summoning beast strength will not make your mount much worse."

After that, temlin stopped talking and attacked first. A green halo fell from the sky and was scattered on the body of the snow frost bear. The momentum suppressed by fermolongwei was weakened for a few minutes the previous second, and the snow frost bear\'s eyes were red and its violent breath was self-evident.

"Go and play with it. Just hurt it badly. Don\'t kill it." Locke commanded Fermo.

Fermo, the scorpion dragon, is obviously stronger than the snow frost bear. He has great confidence in his pet.

Although the snow frost bear is temlin\'s temporary summoner, it has signed a contract with temlin before it can be summoned by him to help. If the snow frost bear dies, temlin will have to peel off his skin. The mental damage is still a small thing. If there is any problem with his soul, it will affect his future promotion path.

He looked up and looked around the magic shield. Outside the battle between them, there were four arbitrators watching here. Three were level 1 and one was level 2.

The four arbitrators are not only to prevent cheating, but also to save the contestants in case of danger.

After all, this is a competition, not a life and death struggle. Any death or injury will disgrace the organizers.

This Summoner competition is not so much a competition between all summoners on the east coast as a game between the forces on the east coast and the two summoning holy towers of the United Kingdom of jekolo.

The east coast force organization is too complex. There are no lack of level 4 and level 5 strongmen here, but there has never been a holy tower. On the contrary, the weaker United Kingdom of jekolo has two holy towers because of its unity.

Locke represents the meimeili cabin on the east coast. He mainly faces the summoners of jekolo United Kingdom, not the contestants on the east coast.

According to the number of contestants, each person needs to fight an average of 20 games. If he continues to win and the total points rank first, he may be met by several level 4 top players and instructed by them.

Locke, who was still thinking about other things in his heart, didn\'t notice that Fermo, the scorpion dragon, whom he identified as a sure winner, was choked by the Summoner\'s summoner.

Snow frost bear is really not Fermo\'s opponent, but with an element aura and a lot of resistance temporarily improved by temlin, the strength of this snow frost bear is close to the top of the first level.

"It seems that people who have participated in two plane wars are not kneading roles." Locke sighed.

Although there is no strict requirement that Locke can\'t do it, at least he is also a land knight. For creatures with level 2, Locke can\'t face to fight in person.

"I don\'t mind if you do it yourself, powerful land knight, and I have a card." There, temlin seemed to find Locke\'s idea and said aloud.

Well, I was underestimated by this little guy.

Locke stared at Fermo, the scorpion dragon. "Hurry to solve the snow frost bear for me, or you will have good fruit to eat!"