Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 684

A long line appeared at the corner of the catcher in the northeast city of Weston.

These are the spellcasters and knights who came to the competition. Such a number of element users gathered together. Locke, who has been fighting on the three western islands for decades, can\'t imagine this before.

However, the level of these magicians and knights is generally not high, and they have only high-level and quasi level strength. However, looking at this number alone, Locke has to admit that the east coast is much stronger than the three western islands in terms of overall strength.

Locke, such a strong person above level 1, naturally does not need to queue up. The number of contestants at their level is relatively small. The whole Weston is just a thousand people, less than one tenth of those below level 1.

"These little guys won\'t compete with us, will they?" Looking at the long queues outside, Locke was a little worried about whether Fermo would blow out the little guys below the first level.

"Of course not. You only participate in the competition of the strong above level 1; the little guys below level 1 have opened up another field and let them do it." Alan introduced.

"This is to train them?" Locke narrowed his eyes and said that through this simple game, he seemed to see the good intentions of the group of level 3 and level 4 strong people standing behind, which was to cultivate more level 1 and above creatures for the wizard world!

Perhaps this way of competition will be more effective in improving people\'s potential than trial tasks? The holy tower and knight hall on the three western islands also recruit people below level 1. There are also a considerable number of tasks for them to choose in the task hall every quarter.

This is also to cultivate more first-class creatures for the three western islands, but from the different practices of the two forces, it seems that the east coast is in front of the three western islands.

Locke had no such experience when he was a high-level attendant and a quasi high-level attendant. If he remembered correctly, he was either crazy in the knight palace or fighting in the activated goblin world.

This kind of training seems to be more effective than the way of competition, but in fact, we need to take into account the possible danger of falling body and mission failure, that is, the end of body death.

If the three western islands train elite soldiers through life and death trial training tasks, the competition activities on the east coast are broadcasting high-quality seeds. I hope these little guys will sprout and grow up one day.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about these far-reaching things. At present, it\'s Locke\'s turn. He needs to show his calling beast.

"Knight?" The staff asked in surprise.

"Why, can\'t you? I\'ll let my mount compete!" Locke stared, and the momentum of the second-class Knight pressed forward, turning the first-class element division, who was obviously biased against the knight, white.

The light blue magic light shield appeared in front of the staff member, blocking all the pressure of Locke. An old man with white beard appeared in front of Locke and others.

"Of course, we, the summoners of the United Kingdom of jekolo, welcome any strong man on the east coast to compete with us." Said the old man with white beard. I really don\'t see that the old man is from jekolo United Kingdom.

Just don\'t know, this old man is the magician of which of the two summoning holy towers in jekolo United Kingdom.

The blue magic light shield was not released by the old man with white beard, but by a small light blue toad squatting on his shoulder.

The little toad has an obvious secondary biological smell, which makes Locke put away his momentum. He has seen several low-level summoners, such as the old man with white beard, for the first time.

"Hello, master. My name is Locke. I\'m a knight." Locke reached out and introduced himself.

Such an abrupt approach makes people around, including the old man with white beard, stunned. In the world of strong people above level 1, there are few people who greet and recognize friends like this.

"Hehe, Hello, my name is madas, from Yunluo summoning the holy tower." The old man with white beard came back and smiled and held out his hand to shake with Locke.

Shaking hands is neither the exclusive etiquette of knights nor the communication etiquette of magicians, but the general etiquette spread among many creatures in the wizard world. Old man madas with white beard may not have shaken hands with others for decades. Today\'s experience makes him remember Locke.

Yunluo summons the tower? Locke whispered twice. His impression of the holy tower only stayed in its name. Locke knew that another calling holy tower in the United Kingdom of jekolo was called purple calling holy tower. The names of the two holy towers were very strange, which should be related to some abilities of their Santa tower owners.

Just like the holy tower on the three western islands, it also has a famous name in the wizard world. The silent holy tower is the famous stunt of the Panamanian master, the owner of the holy tower, the light of silence.

"Master madas, are you also a contestant?" Locke said curiously.

Madas shook his head and said, "I\'m the arbitration Summoner sent here by the United Kingdom of jekolo. The summoning competition is mainly aimed at the first-class summoner. I\'ve participated in several sessions as a second-class summoner, and I should give the opportunity to young people."

Then he looked at Locke and Ashar behind him and seemed to find that they were unusual. Madas smiled and said, "but if there are many strong players like you two, this call competition should be a lot lively. It\'s not certain that I will play at that time."

Then he touched his white beard. It seemed that he was very confident in his strength.

Locke looked thoughtfully at the pale blue toad squatting on madas\'s shoulder. The exuberant life energy on it showed that the secondary creature was not as harmless as it appeared.

Just from the biological level, Fermo must not be his opponent. If you want to fight against Warcraft at this level, either Locke will play hand-to-hand, or you have to summon Fermo\'s Lao Tzu, scorpion Dragon Lord Adams.

After being promoted to level 2 super level Warcraft, Adams is more powerful than before. Warcraft has always been stronger than humans. Locke once fought with ADAMS. In a short time of confrontation, Locke is difficult to get anything cheap in the face of the scorpion Dragon Lord\'s terrorist defense.

Only after the blood changes and enters into a bitter struggle with Adams will Locke win.

In front of madas and the staff who was taught by Locke, Locke released the scorpion dragon Fermo. This guy may still sleep in the space flute for one second. After being summoned by Locke the next second, he still lay on the ground motionless. Only the loud nose shows that this guy is still alive.

"Ho! The Dragon lineage is very strong. It\'s a good mount." Madas glanced at the scorpion dragon and roughly got the basic information of Fermo.

After Fermo was promoted to the first level, his body size soared to ten meters, and a pair of painted black meat wings were born behind him. The tail hook also changed from dark green to dark. There was a layer of grease gel on it, which was the most deadly scorpion poison of scorpion dragon.

As long as you are stung, even the first-class peak creatures have to peel off their skin.

Madas was shocked when she arrived at the three sisters of the Roland family. The scorpion dragon was more powerful than the one she had given them before.

"What else? You know, our Summoner rarely has only one summoning beast. If you only take out this mount, you will suffer a lot." Madas seems to be considering Locke\'s interests.

Glancing at the old man and meditating for two seconds, Locke patted the dimensional bag around his waist and released Hellfire giant AI.

Impressively, a huge giant appeared, with a faint red flame. AI, who is one head taller than scorpion dragon, has reached the ceiling of this registration point.

It seems that the summoner competition is very experienced. Even the registration examination office, a small place, has done so much preparatory work, with an extremely broad area and space.

Another first-class creature! In this hall, many contestants have looked at Locke.

"Is this Hellfire, and it has been experimentally transformed?" Madas is worthy of being mature and knowledgeable. He saw most of AI\'s details as soon as he came up, "but... It seems that there is another higher blood in his body. Is it derived from hybridization?" Madas looked at Locke.

Shrugging his shoulders, Locke squeezed a smiling face at madas. "No comment."

This question has involved the secret of a second-class strong man. Locke refused to answer, which is normal, and did not cause madas\'s displeasure.

After Locke, Ashar.

Mobilize the magic, wave the magic wand forward, and a dark human shadow with a height of two meters appears.

"Elemental biology?" Madas made two circles around the shadow "composed of dark elements. It seems that some witchcraft principles have been applied?"

Madas sighed, "not many people use witchcraft on the east coast. I haven\'t seen secondary witches like you for many years. Are you interested in discussing academic research in private?"

Madas looked at Ashar in a black robe. He was waiting for Ashar\'s reply.

"Old man, you talk too much." Ashar\'s impolite words made madas choke and his old face turned red.

Locke, who saw the scene nearby, held back a smile.

But when did Ashar get promoted to level 2? Was he promoted successfully in the three western islands, or was he promoted only when he came to the east coast? Or when she was in the digital world, she was already a second-class wizard.

Not to mention the performance of several second-class strong men, the three sisters of the Roland family who followed were completely stunned.

They were shocked when Locke took out another first-class Hellfire giant, and they were even more surprised by the identity of assar\'s second-class wizard.

As a caster of the wizard world, the three sisters of the Roland family know very well what a second-class wizard represents. Assar can be a master only from the knowledge level.