Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 683

ASAR\'s participation in the call contest of Shiraz can be said to be due to his interest like Locke, or he has his own purpose.

Because of the existence of the holy tower rule, the strong at or above the standard level rarely fight each other. Only the extremely special hostile relationship between the three western islands and the east coast can lead to war.

During her more than 200 years in the holy tower, Ashar killed countless ectopic creatures, but few were strong in the standard of magicians, especially after she was promoted to level 2.

Magicians don\'t need to fight and kill like knights. Many magicians tend to sit down and have an academic exchange.

This kind of exchange at the knowledge level is beyond the understanding of knights, and it is also the most beneficial exchange activity for magicians.

But Ashar is not good at communicating with others. She is used to being alone. She always does research on her own and disdains to share research results with others. A large part of the reason for this Summoner competition is that Ashar wants to see the ability of element users on the east coast.

Experience. It\'s not going out to experience to shut yourself up in the laboratory all day.

Ashar summoned this dark shadow, which was barely a kind of summoning creature, but Locke felt that this\' thing \'had no intelligence, and I didn\'t know whether it would go through the trial.

In the evening, when Ivy failed from the cole family, but heard that Locke was going to compete instead of their family, the three sisters of the Roland family held a grand thank-you banquet for Locke and Ashar.

Yanyanbei, which increases the resistance of some fire attributes, is a rare treasure for Knight attendants and even some first-class knights, but it was made into a delicious dish by Alan and sent to Locke and Ashar.

"In fact, you don\'t need to be so polite. Helping you is also the process of our experience." Locke was not very interesting because of the enthusiasm of the three sisters.

Those magic food materials have no effect on his knight like him, but can be greedy for words, but it is a big burden for the Roland family.

"No, that\'s what we have to do." Alan straightened his neck and offered Locke a glass of wine.

Wine is a specialty of the east coast rum, which is not high in degree and is better than mellow for a long time.

"Brother Locke, I respect you too." Ivy, who is not young next year, always looks like a little girl, which is very similar to Christine. She is a person who will never grow up.

Even Ellie, who has always had a general attitude towards Locke, came up to offer Locke a glass of wine at the request of her eldest sister.

Everyone gets drunk when he is not drunk. He is surrounded by several beautiful women like flowers. Locke can\'t find the north.

Fortunately, beside him, assar, who has been sitting with a deep momentum, has been calming Locke\'s mind like solid ice, and did not let Locke\'s heart completely indulge.

Ignoring the wine and preparation of the three sisters of Locke and Roland\'s family, Ashar took out a magic book from the space ring and looked like no one else.

Locke has always been unsociable, but when it comes to Ashar, that is, this woman can\'t communicate at all, or disdains to communicate.

After bothering the Roland family for so long, Ashar\'s words with outsiders add up to no more than five sentences. Such a maverick character is also rare among magicians, so that Ailan has been uncertain about the temper of the second-class magician.

Leaving aside Locke\'s kindness to their family, assar, a secondary element master, has helped the Roland family more in terms of value alone.

When she grows up, she has to bear the burden of the whole family. Sometimes Alan has to think a lot.

"Will the master also participate in the competition?" Alan whispered to Locke.

"Yes, can\'t you?" Locke said strangely.

"Yes, yes, but in this case, our family will occupy a lot of your light." Alan said with a smile that if two second-class strong players can be provided as contestants, the Roland family will be famous in meimeili hut, and the kingdom of Manhattan will give some rewards to their family.

The only thing to worry about is the exposure of the identity of Locke and assar on the three western islands.

"It doesn\'t matter. The venue is Sony Kingdom, which is the famous capital of freedom on the east coast." When Locke said his worry, Alan covered his mouth and smiled.

Not all forces on the east coast are enemies of the three western islands. In this region where magic civilization is extremely prosperous, there are many factions. There are many forces of large, medium and small organizations. Some oppose the three western islands, while others have privately reached good cooperative relations with the three western islands.

Take Locke and Ashar\'s current stay in the Manhattan kingdom as an example. Several small organizations have trade relations with the Santa towers on the three western islands, so Locke chose the port of entry of the Manhattan Kingdom twice.

Sony Kingdom, as the political, economic and cultural center of the east coast, is also a country with the ultimate development of magic power. Sony Kingdom, which has a lot of connections with the inland of the wizard mainland, boasts the principles of freedom, neutrality and peace.

Over the years, the countries on the east coast have also had constant friction. Only Sony Kingdom and its surrounding countries have never heard of any gap.

The identity of Locke and assar with the background of the three western islands will not have any problem in Sony kingdom. Moreover, they travel on the standard plane as secondary creatures and are protected by the plane will and guardian rules. Naturally, they don\'t have to worry too much.

Two days later, Locke, Ashar and the Roland sisters went to Sony kingdom.

In order to be in a hurry, several people arrived all the way through the portal, first from the Crimea city to the twilight city with the title of "land of chaos", and finally from the twilight city by the portal to the national capital of Sony kingdom.

In twilight City, Locke also came here and got a silver wolf heart that was very helpful for promotion. When Locke came here again, Locke didn\'t show off and be presumptuous.

The title of the land of chaos is not for nothing. There are many cattle, ghosts and snakes in this place, and there are many top outlaws. Locke doesn\'t want to create complications. It is said that the city master of Twilight city also has semi divine strength. It\'s better to converge in other people\'s territory.

Locke is not arrogant. He thinks his current strength can run amok.

Supply in twilight city. There are many strange and urgent supplies in this chaotic place. Locke also noticed that Ashar bought a lot of things when he passed an alchemy store on his way.

Locke doesn\'t worry that some of them are "stolen goods". Since Twilight dares to sell them, he dares to buy them.

Here, he bought an alchemy pearl of the secondary water system, which can summon a water waterfall shield. If he meets an opponent who can\'t be defeated in the summoner competition, he can also take action in time to protect the scorpion dragon Fermo.

After entering the city gate full of magic inscriptions, Locke led several women to auction the crown beads here.

Crown pearl is not only an auction house, but also provides the most top accommodation. Even the welcoming girls are beautiful female creatures. Locke once came with Raffi and Christine, so he is still impressed after so many years.

Looking around at the rows of rabbit girls and cat eared niangs bowing to themselves and others, Ellie said mockingly, "hum, you\'re not an honest guy."

"Cough." Locke coughed awkwardly.

Among the three sisters of the Roland family, only this Ellie is not too cold about Locke\'s status as a second-class strong man, and Locke can\'t bear to speak with a straight and fierce style.

"The owner of the crown pearl is master al Weihao. It is said that this master has the strength of level 3 Summoner and is also one of the judges representing Sony kingdom in this competition." Alan stood up at the right time to solve Locke\'s embarrassment.

When he came to the crown pearl, Locke did not intend to participate in the auction and buy anything. After booking five superior rooms, Locke only waited for the beginning of the summoner competition.

At night, Alan came to Locke\'s room.

"It seems that you have had a good time these years." Alan chuckled that the transmission costs from Crimea to westo were paid by Locke, which was not a small expense for the magician, but Locke took out very refreshing.

"All right." Locke didn\'t quite understand why Alan came to him so late.

All his money was given by three old alchemists in the holy tower of the three western islands. With Jos\'s help, Locke doesn\'t need to worry about cultivation resources for at least ten years.

"Anyway, thank you this time." He bowed his head and left a word that confused Locke. Alan left in a flutter.

He fell into bed and pulled out the magic image of his daughter Bev from the Knight Medal. Locke looked at the lovely people above. He didn\'t know how they were doing on the three western islands.

Locke\'s second-class Knight Medal has many functions. It is also a good alchemy prop. It can be used for long-distance communication, storage, solidification of magic images and so on.

In addition to the magical image of Locke\'s daughter Bev, there are also "family photos" of all Locke\'s women, which were taken in Princeton.

After looking at the "family photo", there was Ashar, a woman standing in the corner. Locke scratched his head. I don\'t know what the situation would be for them to participate in the call normal university competition after a period of time.

The call contest is scheduled to be held in September this year. It is still one and a half months from the beginning. It was once a five-year event in the United Kingdom of jekolo. Now it is jointly organized by Sony Kingdom, Denis Kingdom and Manhattan kingdom.

The game hasn\'t come yet, but westo, the capital of Sony Kingdom, has ushered in a crazy influx of spell casters.