Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 682

"Summoner competition? Jekolo United Kingdom?" Locke was stunned.

Among the caster occupations, there are elemental master, summoner, astrologer, wizard, blood warlock and other occupations, as well as arcane master occupations that do not look at the level of life and the use of power, but only look at the level of knowledge.

In these classes, the summoner also occupies a good position among the casters in the wizard world.

The name of jekolo United Kingdom, which Locke happened to have heard, is a rift zone located in the east of the kingdom of Denis and between the Gamal mountains.

There are abundant underground rivers and underground Warcraft resources. Because of its special landform and overall shape, it is called Hexi corridor.

Through this title, it can also be seen that the United Kingdom of jekolo is the main connecting road between the east coast and the inland of the wizard continent.

Locke knew this kingdom because he needed to pass through it when he planned his experience in the main continent.

The United Kingdom of jekolo is not a country, or is it a combination of more than a dozen small countries. Some of them may have only tens of thousands of people, while others have hundreds or tens of millions of people.

However, no matter how large their country\'s population is, outsiders cannot despise every small country that makes up the United Kingdom of jekolo.

Because in this Hexi Corridor, the most abundant is the summoner.

It is said that there are two level-4 summoners in the United Kingdom of jekolo. Under their great prestige and supreme strength, the summoning holy tower in the United Kingdom of jekolo has successively gained many micro positions in the past century.

The summoner competition is also one of the characteristics of jekolo United Kingdom.

Locke could not imagine that the United Kingdom, represented by the country, handed out olive branches to all summoners in the territory. You know, within the three western islands, Locke has never heard of any kingdom or empire that will hold any competition.

Sure enough, different regions have nurtured different customs and characteristics. The United Kingdom of jekolo belongs to half on the east coast and half in the central and western regions of the main continent. The United Kingdom of jekolo, which is connected with the inland, also has a grand gathering of practitioners from many inland countries.

Locke is curious about whether any country will hold a competition suitable for knights. Locke has never heard of or experienced this new thing before.

This year\'s call competition is jointly organized by the United Kingdom of jekolo and their neighboring east coast countries.

There are many summoners in Manhattan Kingdom, but there are few summoners above level 1. None of the three organizations of the magician guild is good at training summoners.

So Manhattan Kingdom discussed with several other kingdoms and finally came to the conclusion that as long as the participating Warcraft was provided.

Anyway, the summoners in jekolo United Kingdom also use summoners to fight, and few summoners appear to fight hand to hand.

The trouble of the Roland family this time is here. They are opposed by the people in meimeili\'s cabin, forcing them to hand over a qualified Warcraft.

"Join Warcraft? Do you have any requirements?" Locke said curiously.

Ivy is not in the house now. From their previous conversation, Locke also concluded that Ivy mostly went to the cole family for help.

"At least have the strength of quasi level Warcraft. The contestants are all first-class summoners from various countries." Alan said with an ugly face.

If the ordinary quasi level Warcraft is OK, the Roland family has a big business. They have made a lot of money with the Morgan family in the three western islands these years. It\'s no problem to buy a quasi level slave creature with an ordinary appearance.

But this comes from the pressure inside meimeili\'s cabin. If they choose one at random and throw it to shame, I\'m afraid they will be criticized by people with intentions in the Organization later.

The three sisters of the Roland family, who have just been promoted to the first level, do not rely on their contacts in meimeili\'s cabin.

The kodo giant lizard of the cole family is the best of the quasi level Warcraft. It is said that it is about to break through the strength of the level Warcraft. If it can be bought or borrowed, it can definitely help the Roland family through the difficulties in front of it.

But I\'m afraid it won\'t be so easy to borrow.

The cole family is just a small family with only two first-class strong people. The kodo giant lizard is also one of the details of their family. How can it be easily exposed to the outside world.

There is no point in the competition of strong players above level 1. If there is a mistake, the cole family will cry to death.

Locke is still very interested in the new thing of competition. Seeing that Alan looks sad, Locke opens his mouth and says, "why don\'t I help you find a Warcraft?"

"Do you have?" Alan was stunned at first, then thought of something and said, "is it your scorpion dragon? It seems to have quasi rank strength. If so, it would be great!"

Alan said excitedly that when Locke first met the three sisters of the Roland family, he was in the secret realm. At that time, Locke killed the four sides on the scorpion dragon Fermo. Alan was also deeply impressed by Locke\'s mount.

"That\'s it. This guy has been lazy for too long. We should let him move his muscles and bones." Locke laughed.

"But I want to remind you first that the competitors are strong people above level 1. Your scorpion dragon is likely to be injured, or even..." Alan didn\'t go on, but the meaning of the words was obvious.

"It doesn\'t matter. This guy can grow only through the tempering of blood and fire. I don\'t raise waste." Locke bared his mouth, showing his white teeth.

The scorpion dragon sleeping in Locke\'s dimensional bag shivered as if something bad was going to happen.

Locke did not explain to Alan that the scorpion dragon had been promoted to the first level. Before leaving the three western islands, Fermo and Anji, the scorpion dragon fed by Locke with massive resources, were both promoted to the second level of Warcraft, and their father Adam LISS was also promoted to the second level of super Warcraft.

Locke also has a neck scale of Adams in his hand. If there are special circumstances, he can crush the scale and summon Adams to come out through the portal. This is Jos, a semi God strong man, who gave Locke a card before he left.

The strength of Jos is more and more elusive now. I don\'t know when this martial uncle will break through and be promoted to level 4.

"Summoner contest?" In the lab, Ashar was stunned. She was also interested in the game Locke said.

Touching the snow-white chin, Ashar thought for a while and said, "I\'ll take part in the summoner competition."

"Will you join?" Locke was surprised. "Did you compete in Warcraft?"

Glancing at Locke, assar took out his magic wand and moved to the side. The tide of dark elements gathered. Finally, a dark human shadow with a body size of two meters appeared beside assar.

"Is that ok?" Locke was stunned.