Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 679

I thought it was an alchemy prop for taking a floating ship. Unexpectedly, modsa led them directly to the backyard of the magician guild.

"Portal?" Locke was a little surprised.

Spend 100 advanced energy spars to send them directly to the city of Crimea.

Locke thought he was killed by modza, but if he passed through the transmission array directly, he felt that he would not lose at all

"The magic power of the east coast is indeed ahead of our three western islands." Ashar\'s voice appeared in the spiritual transmission.

The layman watches the excitement while the expert watches the doorway.

Locke hasn\'t used the portal several times, so he thinks it\'s very new.

But assar is different. As a second-class dark element teacher, she can even understand 70% of the magic runes on the portal in front of her.

"Is it a loss for us to count the 100 advanced energy spars?" Locke was still thinking about his energy crystal.

With a glance at Locke, Ashar said, "magic transmission is not a high-end rare thing. The three western islands have not been promoted because appropriate materials have not been found in the stability structure of the inscriptions of the magic array, which limits the wide use of transmission technology."

"It seems that this problem has been solved long ago on the east coast. Is it ectopic alchemy material or new magical synthetic material?" Asal touched her snow-white chin and began to think silently.

Next to Locke, when he heard the voice of spiritual power, assar said several professional magic words. He only felt dizzy. He still knew some low-level alchemy, but Locke was blind when it came to advanced alchemy such as portal technology.

After all, Locke is only a knight, not a professional magician.

"It\'s true that the magic technology of the east coast is ahead of us, but their Knight power is far behind us." Locke said in the voice of spiritual power.

During his years on the east coast, he heard of level 4 and level 5 magicians here, but never heard of the existence of powerful knights. The only one who can get involved with knights is a magic swordsman profession. It is said that he takes the path of both magic and fighting spirit.

"Hum, it\'s not that their knights are weak, but that they despise knights at all." Ashar sneered.

"Look, the more we go deep into the wizard continent, the more you will find that the status of knights is actually very low in our world. This inequality is most obvious in the main continent where the magic civilization has developed to the extreme." Ashar said.

Locke\'s expression was a little unnatural.

Ashar has never been out of the three western islands, but reading ten thousand books is also equivalent to traveling ten thousand miles to control the situation of the whole wizard world. Ashar is much better than Locke, a semi illiterate.

Assar\'s words Locke did not doubt. He just felt a little uncomfortable. He had heard some such rumors before.

However, Locke does not need to report too many negative emotions to the main mainland. No matter how the casters despise knights, as long as they are powerful Knights promoted to level 1 or above, they must maintain the minimum respect.

Moreover, there is no doubt that Knights occupy more than one level of life in the wizard world. In the wizard world, the vast number of knights above one level of light screen is enough for knights to have a certain voice.

In the Belem Empire, the prestige of knights reached the peak. It is the place where all knights on the standard believe. It is said that the purest knights can be found only in the Belem empire.

Through the portal, Locke and Ashar arrived in the city of Crimea in less than an hour.

Crimea city is the surrounding business center. No matter ordinary people or spell casters, they can often see a clear-cut coexistence system here. In terms of prosperity, it is not much worse than Princeton as an imperial capital.

When he came to this place again, Locke felt a little sigh and couldn\'t help taking Ashar to the familiar shop.

"Old Cole! Out to do business!" Locke strode into the store door and said in the same tone as before.

The store is still the original store, and the furnishings are not much different from the original, but the owner here has changed.

"Are you a friend of Grandpa Cole?" A man wrapped in a black bandage with only dark yellow eyes came up and asked.

There was some speculation in his heart, but Locke couldn\'t help saying, "it\'s half a friend, old Cole. What about others?"

In front of him, he only had the strength of an intermediate magic apprentice. He couldn\'t see the depth of Locke and Ashar, so he carefully said, "Grandpa Cole, he died seven years ago. Before leaving, I\'ll take care of this shop."

At the smell, Locke sighed.

Old Cole didn\'t have the strength above level 1. He could last until seven years ago. I\'m afraid he borrowed some alchemy props. Another familiar person died. Locke couldn\'t tell what he felt in his heart.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, Locke gave birth to a sense of strangeness.

The sale of this store is mainly dead props, which is a distinctive feature of their industry as the death knell mark.

There are two corpse puppets standing at the door, but it\'s not the \'Lily\' Locke knew at the beginning

Compared with the life of his master, old Cole died, and most of his corpse went with him.

Well, old Cole didn\'t go alone.

Since he is a descendant of an acquaintance, it is not easy for Locke to leave the store empty handed. He sold several useless gadgets, all of which were harvested in the digital plane.

Several quasi stage biological crystal nuclei were pulled out by Locke, and there were obvious ectopic surface energy fluctuations on them. The man wrapped in a black bandage was more restrained.

No matter how stupid, he also saw that Locke and Ashar have more than one level of strength.

The most circulating currency on the east coast is the gold cable of Sony kingdom. The prosperous commercial system on the east coast leads to the gold cable still circulating in some countries close to the hinterland of the mainland.

Locke plans to travel in the main mainland for a period of time, not without the currency here. The heart cores of several quasi level digital beasts have brought Locke nearly 60000 gold coins in return, and almost ate all the existing gold coins in old Cole\'s shop.

In the man\'s respectful eyes, Locke and Ashar drifted away.

Kieran castle in the southeast of Crimea city. This place name is what Locke asked Bili to go to. In Kieran castle, the leading big family belongs to Roland family.

The Roland family, which has the title of marquis, has great prestige in the western part of the whole Manhattan kingdom.

Under the Roland family, there are many small and medium-sized families and more down-to-earth families in Kieran castle.

Locke didn\'t forget that in this magical place on the east coast, you can buy titles with gold coins. When he came to the east coast with Christine and Raffi, he also spent money to get a noble identity.

At the beginning, the identity of nobility was no longer needed. Walking in Kieran castle, it was very different from the cultural atmosphere of the three western islands, which made Locke quite fresh.

Adventurers walking with swords can often be seen on the street, and magicians wearing magic robes and holding magic wands sometimes appear, forming a beautiful scenery especially on the east coast.

The rules of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace not only exist in the three western islands, but also in the holy tower and the knight\'s palace in other parts of the wizard world, as well as various magic organizations. Creatures above level 1 are strictly prohibited from shooting among ordinary people at will.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Locke and Ashar both restrained their breath and dressed up as ordinary people.

At the end of the central street of Kieran castle, a luxury residence appears here. In terms of luxury and delicacy, this residence is no worse than the palace of the kingdom of faustan. It is worthy of being a place of commercial prosperity.

There are four knights guarding the gate outside the mansion who show their strength as middle-level attendants. It seems that the mansion has a lot of power.

In the sound transmission of spiritual power, he has sent a message to the owner of the residence. Originally, he was curious about the strength of the three of them. Now he feels that the three strong men whose strength is shown as official magicians are coming here. Locke is relieved.

"Alan, Ellie, ivy, long time no see." Dressed as an ordinary adventurer, carrying a blue long gun and lifting his hood, Locke greeted the three women with a smile.

"Locke?! why are you here on the east coast?" Alan, the leader, was surprised.

"Brother Locke!" That\'s Ivy.

As for Ellie, who is the most powerful and impatient of the three women, she has been staring at Ashar in black next to Locke.

Ashar\'s obscure breath and deep element fluctuation make Ellie stand up all over with sweat and hair, and she has the illusion of facing natural enemies.

"I\'ll visit the east coast for a while and introduce you to a friend. This is my... Um... Sister. Her name is Ashar." Locke laughed.

Hearing Locke call himself sister, Ashar\'s body was shocked. It was the first time Ashar heard this strange name from Locke.

The name is just a code name. Ashar didn\'t think too much. Like a wood, she didn\'t come forward to say hello to the three sisters, which is always in line with her style.

In fact, Locke originally wanted to call Ashar \'sister-in-law\', which is Locke\'s title as Kayla\'s husband, but he wanted to know whether this would be beaten, so Locke quickly changed it to sister.

In the Roland family, Locke and Ashar were warmly received by the three sisters of Elaine.

Through talking and chatting, Locke knew that the three women were promoted to the first level 12 years ago, and gradually mastered the power of the family in the next few years.

"Now ivy is the head of the Roland family?" Locke was surprised to find the new world, turned his head and smiled at Ivy and said, "Ivy\'s sister has become a marquis now? Congratulations, Congratulations!"

Ivy blushed. Her position as a marquess was driven up by her two sisters. In fact, the girl didn\'t want to be a marquis and patriarch at all.