Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 680

"I also know the transactions between the Roland family and the Morgan family over the years. Thank you for your help." Locke arched his hand.

To expand the commercial tentacles of the Morgan family on the east coast, Locke just mentioned it casually at the beginning. Unexpectedly, Bili and Xiaxi are really doing more and more in this regard. The transaction share generated by the two places every year is even about ten primary energy quintessence.

This figure is a commercial interest that will make the strong at any level jealous.

"We should thank you. This is a win-win cooperation, and our Roland family has benefited a lot from it." Ellen smiled and said that this woman has city government and strength. As the eldest sister, she is actually the actual controller of the Roland family.

It\'s not Alan\'s modesty, but their Roland family really need to rely on the combination of interests with the Morgan family. The trading share of ten primary energy quintessence every year is also about five primary energy quintessence.

The five first-class energy essence can ensure the consumption and use of at least two first-class Magicians for a year. Why don\'t the Roland family pay attention to it.

They are not Locke who has a big family, a great cause and a profound heritage. These three women alone support a noble family and have endured more hardships and hardships than Locke imagined.

Magicians are also a money consuming profession. In order to have the possibility to continue to improve in the future, cultivation materials are essential for them.

At the delicious reception, after chatting after dinner, Alan asked Locke why he came to the east coast.

"I\'m really here to travel." Locke smiled bitterly. The three western islands and the east coast are indeed difficult to tolerate, which has radiated to all aspects of bilateral relations.

With her suspicious face, Alan suddenly remembered an unlikely possibility, covered her mouth and shouted, "what level are you now?!"

No wonder the three sisters of Elaine haven\'t seen the real strength of Locke and Ashar until now. It\'s not that they are too weak, but that Locke and Ashar are too evil.

On the realm of strength, Locke and assar can be the top of the second-class strong at present. They can completely suppress the fluctuation of breath and energy in their bodies without revealing the slightest.

Unless they are at the same level, few people can see their true details below level 2.

"Knight who was promoted by luck a few years ago." Locke grinned.

His answer made Elaine Mei\'s eyes turn and almost fainted.

When Ellie over there heard this, she jumped up with a sudden surprise and shouted "what?!"

Ivy looked at Locke admiringly with her eyes full of small stars.

"If you encounter anything that can\'t be solved in the future, come to me. Brother covers you, ha ha!" The different performances of the three women made Locke laugh.

Because there was no special purpose, just travel, and there was plenty of time, Locke and Ashar lived in the Roland family of Kieran castle for the time being.

Traveling is not killing, but experiencing life is one of them.

Locke goes to the tavern and the gate notice office in Kieran city every day. Sometimes he pretends to be an ordinary adventurer and takes some low-level tasks. People can\'t see the details of the goods. He is a second-class strong man.

The situation of Ashar and Locke is similar. The east coast has many precious magic resources that are not produced in the three western islands. The magic research direction of different magic organizations is also very different from that of the holy tower of the three western islands. These days, Ashar has occupied the laboratory of the three Ellen sisters almost all day and instigated her strange experimental research.

The different styles of Locke and Ashar made the three sisters of the Roland family feel confused. After observing them for a period of time, they let them toss about casually.

Roland family is the largest family in Kieran castle. It has a good position in the whole Manhattan kingdom. In its own territory, Alan is still confident to make full host friendship for Locke.

And after a period of time together, the three sisters of Alan were surprised to find that Locke\'s sister, who doesn\'t like to talk and laugh, is also a noble second-class strong man. They just don\'t know which department of elemental master or caster of other professions.

In terms of the depth of concealment and the thickness of the inside information, assar is much more than Locke.

During his stay in Kieran castle, don\'t think Locke was doing nothing every day. On the way out to perform tasks with ordinary adventurers, influenced by the prosperous environment of magic civilization on the east coast, Locke also spontaneously explored a set of ability to fight spirit and magic.

After being promoted to the first level, Locke has a good level of spiritual power. According to reason, he can also use some low-level magic. This situation is more obvious after being promoted to the second level.

Now Locke, relying on his strong mental power level, can summon and use magic below the intermediate level, and he can also use advanced magic, but he doesn\'t understand the principle of magic circuit and never accumulates magic. Locke can only use advanced apprentice level magic in theory. In fact, his level is only above the fireball skill of intermediate apprentices.

In Kieran City, Locke has always played the role of an intermediate swordsman, which is conducive to his integration into the circle of knights and magicians in Kieran city.

The Roland family, in the courtyard.

The blue spear is pointed, and two different elements, one ice and one fire, are surging in it. The fire system is the fireball used by Locke to mobilize his spiritual power, and the ice system is the low-level spell of his magic weapon.

It\'s a little loud at the tip of the gun. In terms of energy, it already has an attack strength comparable to level 1.

"I didn\'t expect you, a knight, to be able to master the means of exploding the elements of ice and fire." I don\'t know when, Alan went to Locke and said. "I remember you are still a knight with wind attribute."

"It\'s just that diligence can make up for weakness. It\'s not difficult to practice this thing more." Locke shrugged, not proud at all.

Indeed, if it is only comparable to the first level of energy, this move can be called chicken ribs.

It\'s not as good as the damage caused by Locke\'s fighting wind blade.

But this kind of practice can effectively let Locke master how to balance the energy limit, improve Locke\'s efficiency in the use of energy in his body, let every point in his body fight and reduce waste as much as possible.

It is said that level 3 heavenly knights are the realm that can be reached by all knights who explore the origin of their own strength.

Locke is still confused about the source of strength. The third layer of the fierce wind fighting spirit is promoted to the storm knight, taking the path of lethality in the wind fighting spirit. In the introduction to the realm, it is also mentioned that it is a kind of storm source force.

Invincible, swift and violent, is the power of the storm.

Locke didn\'t even touch the shadow of the power of the storm. He didn\'t have much concept of the original power. Now he intuitively concluded that if he wanted to improve his strength again, he might have to start from other aspects.

Not necessarily, the higher the realm, the stronger the strength. As second-class creatures, we still have strong or weak.

If Locke can increase his efficiency in using energy through constant practice, he can be invincible in terms of endurance in the process of battle.

Dispel the power of ice and fire at the tip of the gun, which can dispel the elements so freely. I\'m afraid the strength of the knight of Locke is not so simple, which makes Alan who sees this scene don\'t know how to feel.

The three sisters of the Roland family have been called geniuses since childhood. After the family sent them to meimeili cabin for further study, they gained a good reputation in meimeili cabin, but in contrast, they are nothing geniuses in front of Locke.

"Is there anything for me?" Locke saw that Alan wanted to stop talking for a long time.

"That... That... I want to ask you a favor." Ellen said yes for a long time, which was not in line with her character.

"Come on, I\'ll help if you can help me, but you also need to know that my identity is a knight of the three western islands. I\'m not easy to intervene in some sensitive events." Locke said bluntly.

At the port of molington, Locke was reminded once by the branch head of the magician guild that if he made any inappropriate actions against the hostile background of the three western islands and the east coast, he would be severely criticized by the east coast forces.

His martial uncle Jose has a big background, but no matter how powerful Jose is, he can\'t come to the east coast. Since the day he traveled, Locke knew that he could only rely on himself in the next 20 years.

"I don\'t need you to do it. I just need you to come forward and frighten us. There are always some clowns in meimeili\'s cabin to trouble us." At this point, there was a gnashing of teeth on Alan\'s face.

"Isn\'t Meili\'s cabin the power of your three sisters? How can people over there come to trouble you?" Locke said strangely.

"It\'s because we are in the same power that we have so many troubles. I knew that our three sisters went to the shadow tower to practice." Said Alan with a sigh.

Among the three constituent forces of the magician guild, the most high-profile is the death knell mark organization, followed by meimeili cabin, and the shadow tower has always played the role of invisible man.

Pressing his curiosity, Locke followed Alan to the main meeting room of the Roland family.

In addition to Ellie, there is a middle-aged man with an obscene appearance.

The middle-aged man has been saying something to Ellie, but Ellie has been putting on a indifferent face, which is quite interesting.

"Alan, you\'re here. Where\'s Ivy\'s sister? Why didn\'t I see her?" When the middle-aged man saw Alan coming, his eyes lit up and came forward with a smile. But this guy\'s eyes kept glancing at Alan\'s chest, as if he could see something through Alan\'s magic robe.

With a slight frown, Alan still endured the bad feeling in her heart and said to the man, "Ivy\'s sister has gone to deal with the cole family and is not in the house for the time being."

Ivy is now the head of the Roland family, which is a reasonable explanation, but the middle-aged man didn\'t like to appear on his face and shouted, "Lord Melissa asked me to come to your Roland family to discuss things. Ivy can\'t do without her sister."

The middle-aged man wanted to continue shouting, but Locke\'s cold hum interrupted the middle-aged man\'s next words.

A drop of cold sweat appeared on the forehead of a middle-aged man.