Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 678

"Dad, when will you be back?" Little Bev, who is carved in powder and jade, is eight years old this year. The little guy inherited her mother\'s snow-white skin and is now a little beauty.

"Dad went out for a while and came back soon." He came forward and picked up his daughter. Locke kissed little Bev\'s face several times. Locke was reluctant to give up his daughter.

Little Bev giggled with itchy beard. She was still young and had not learned from her mother that Locke would go for more than ten years.

Next to Locke is Ashar in black. The female magician\'s dress today is quite refreshing. She not only shows her beautiful face, but also wears very sexy clothes.

Locke feels more like traveling than experiencing.

Stepping on a pair of dark red crystal boots, Ashar grabbed little Bev from Locke. Her red lips were printed on little Bev\'s face. She held little Bev like a doll and refused to let go.

Ashar should be the closest person to little Bev among all people, second only to Locke and Keira.

Sometimes Ashar\'s doting on little Bev is deeper than Locke and Keira, two parents.

Having to separate from his relatives is not what Locke likes. When he makes a decision, he will break. Locke doesn\'t want to become hesitant.

"As short as ten years, as long as twenty years, I will come back." Locke kissed his women goodbye.

"You are a restless life." Angelina angrily tied Locke\'s bow tie. Finally, she stood on tiptoe and kissed Locke gently.

It seems that this is true. Although Locke has repeatedly desired a peaceful life, a series of events such as ectopic garrison missions and plane wars have followed, making Locke\'s life difficult to calm down.

This time, I\'m visiting the main continent again. I don\'t know when Locke can really stop his steps and have a good rest for a period of time.

The past eight years of plain life are still too short. If possible, Locke hopes he can spend 80, 800, or even 8000 years with his family.

Just for this dream, Locke needs to continue to work hard for their better tomorrow.

The ship was sailing on the blue sea. It was a merchant ship, and it was Locke\'s industry.

The commodities and goods transported inside this giant ship are all the transactions between the Morgan family and the east coast. With the support of Locke, the Morgan family\'s business chain has expanded in the three western islands over the years, and now it has tentacles to touch the boundary of the east coast.

Locke still recognizes the abilities of Bili and Xiaxi. In order to facilitate their business to the west coast in the future, Locke also gave Bili a copy of the contact information with dadani, a family of nidro dragon lizards.

Just some business transactions suitable for ordinary people. I believe dadani will take the initiative to accept the olive branch extended by Locke, a secondary strong man.

"Which kingdom shall we go to first?" Ashar asked on the ship.

There are many magic organizations on the east coast, accompanied by many countries. Behind almost every country, there is the shadow of the caster, which is significantly different from the current situation of the unification of the three island knight palace and the holy tower in the West.

"First go to Manhattan Kingdom and visit some of my old friends." Locke replied.

Ashar doesn\'t speak. She is more withdrawn. She doesn\'t like to make decisions. Anyway, she has been following Locke, and she doesn\'t need to worry about losing.

Manhattan Kingdom, morrington port, after 30 years, Locke came to this place again.

When he came here last time, he was still a knight attendant. This time, he changed and became a second-class knight with noble status.

The voyage was very quiet. There were two second-class strong men sitting in the town. The sea people in the nearby sea did not dare to invade. After arriving at the east coast, Locke was not blamed by the east coast forces as expected.

As soon as he got off the ship, Locke was invited by the morrington port magician guild.

"The biggest force in Manhattan is the magician guild. The magician guild is composed of three forces: the mark of the death knell, meimeili hut and shadow tower. In addition, there are some small forces here." Following behind the first-class magician in front, Locke slowly explained to Ashar nearby.

At least Locke came to the east coast once and knew something about the east coast. Ashar didn\'t study the magician forces on the east coast.

It is a good habit for every magician to study with an open mind. Ashar listens very carefully and asks some common sense questions from time to time, which makes Locke, who has always been low on Ashar, feel proud.

When he came to the magician guild, the president of the magician branch in molington port, a water attribute secondary element master, personally met Locke and Ashar at the door.

"Are you two knights and magicians coming to visit? Welcome, welcome!" The secondary element master smiled kindly on the surface.

No matter how bad the relationship between the three western islands and the east coast is, no matter how fierce the first-class kids at the bottom fight, as long as they are promoted to the second level, these grievances must be put down for the time being. This is the decision of the will of the plane and the majesty of the guardian.

Of course, Locke could see that there was no sincerity in the smile of the second-class element master. I\'m not sure that the east coast strongmen he slaughtered when he was at the first level were his nephews.

But at least Locke knew that he didn\'t hit the smiling face, and they were in someone else\'s territory now. It was always okay to keep a low profile, so he made a false relationship with the magician.

In fact, the second level elemental master prefers to talk to Ashar. On the premise that they are both spell casters, they must have more common language.

Unfortunately, the sub president of the magician guild did not know assar\'s character. When he smiled and held out his hand to assar and introduced himself, "my name is modsa, a secondary water system element master."

His answer was that Ashar looked away with a cold face. Don\'t mention how embarrassing the scene was.

"Cough, President modza, we want to visit some friends in Crimea city. I wonder if your magician guild can provide convenience in transportation." Locke took over and helped modessa ease his embarrassment.

"Crimea city? Of course. As long as you can pay a certain reward, our magician guild is willing to help you." Murdesa narrowed his eyes and smiled, adding a syllable to the word "reward".

From modissa\'s expression, Locke saw that the two of them might have to be killed by this man.

Forget it, spend money to avoid disaster. Locke reluctantly looked at Ashar. The woman didn\'t realize that it was her rudeness that would make Locke bleed once.


Please don\'t break the free recommendation tickets. Now there are nearly 9800 total recommendation tickets. Xiaodou hopes to break 10000 by the end of this year, please ~ please~

I also thank the readers of "jiangboaa129" for their appreciation. Finally, there is a \'master\'. I\'m so excited! The shift will start on the 4th of next month, that is, new year\'s Eve. It should be added for a week. It depends on the situation at that time.

Thank you for your support!